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plex 亂碼_Plex Media Center現在支援播客

plex 亂碼

plex 亂碼

Plex is adding beta support for podcasts to iOS, Android, Roku, and Plex Web today, alongside a custom home screen for mobile users.

Plex現在為iOS,Android,Roku和Plex Web的播客添加了beta支援,同時為移動使用者提供了自定義主螢幕。

The update means Plex, which lets you watch your movie and TV collection from anywhere, now also gives you access to your podcasts.The Plex team announced the new feature

in a blog post this morning. Apparently, support for importing an OPML file is coming soon, as is variable speed playback and offline support on mobile.

此更新意味著Plex,可讓您從任何地方觀看電影和電視劇集,現在還可以訪問播客。 Plex團隊今天早上在部落格中宣佈了新功能。 顯然,即將匯入對OPML檔案的支援,以及移動裝置上的變速播放和離線支援。

Mobile users will also be able to add and remove items from Plex’s home screen, meaning you won’t have to scroll past features you don’t use to get to the ones you do. You could, for example, show only your music and podcasts, or you could remove the music feature from the homescreen entirely and focus on TV shows from various servers.

移動使用者還可以在Plex的主螢幕上新增和刪除專案,這意味著您不必滾動瀏覽那些不用的功能就可以使用這些功能。 例如,您可以只顯示音樂和播客,也可以從主螢幕上完全刪除音樂功能,然後專注於各種伺服器上的電視節目。

Go ahead and update Plex on your Android and iPhone or iPad today to get access to podcasts and the custom interface.


Plex Web users will find the Podcast feature in the servers drop-down list at top-left.Podcasts are not downloaded to Plex Servers—in fact, users don’t even need a Plex server to use the feature. This might be disappointing if you were hoping to archive the entirety of your favorite shows to your server, but maybe that will come later?

Plex Web使用者將在左上角的伺服器下拉列表中找到Podcast功能。 播客未下載到Plex伺服器-實際上,使用者甚至不需要Plex伺服器即可使用該功能。 如果您希望將自己喜歡的節目的全部存檔到伺服器,這可能會令人失望,但是也許以後會出現嗎?

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/plex-media-center-now-supports-podcasts/

plex 亂碼