1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >quicklook_免費下載:QuickLook在Windows上即時預覽檔案




On a Mac you can press space to preview any file. QuickLook is an open source Windows program that does the same thing.

在Mac上,您可以按空格鍵預覽任何檔案。 QuickLook是執行相同操作的開源Windows程式。

The app, available in the Microsoft Store or on GitHub, supports images, PDFs, and Office documents. It also supports any media file you can think of.

該應用程式可在Microsoft StoreGitHub上獲得,支援影象,PDF和Office文件。 它還支援您能想到的任何媒體檔案。

Just browse your files in Windows Explorer, as usual, then press Space to preview something. Quick Look will open quickly, showing you either the file or information about it.

像往常一樣,只需在Windows資源管理器中瀏覽檔案,然後按Space預覽即可。 快速查詢將快速開啟,向您顯示檔案或有關該檔案的資訊。

Windows Explorer is still the active window, meaning you can use the arrow keys to continue browsing files—QuickLook will keep up, showing you previews for whatever file is currently selected, which is great when you need to find a particular file.There’s also a quick button for opening a given file in the default program, once you’ve found it.

Windows資源管理器仍然是活動視窗,這意味著您可以使用箭頭鍵繼續瀏覽檔案-QuickLook會跟上,顯示當前所選檔案的預覽,這在需要查詢特定檔案時非常有用。 找到檔案後,還有一個快速按鈕可用於在預設程式中開啟給定檔案。

You’ll wonder how you lived without this feature—at least, that’s how it is for me on macOS. Enjoy!

您會想知道沒有此功能的情況如何,至少在macOS上是如此。 請享用!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/free-download-quicklook-instantly-previews-files-on-windows/
