1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >applecare多少錢?_否,AppleCare +無法覆蓋丟失或被盜的iPhone

applecare多少錢?_否,AppleCare +無法覆蓋丟失或被盜的iPhone



Losing your iPhone or getting it stolen is pretty common these days, but it’s important to know that while AppleCare+ covers accidental damage, it doesn’t cover a lost or stolen iPhone.

如今,丟失iPhone或使其被盜很普遍,但重要的是要知道,儘管AppleCare +可以保護意外損壞,但不能覆蓋丟失或被盜的iPhone。

什麼是AppleCare和AppleCare +? (
What Are AppleCare and AppleCare+?)

If you’re not quite sure what we’re talking about, AppleCare+ is Apple’s extended warranty service that you can purchase to augment its regular AppleCare warranty. Whether you know what it is or not, you’ve had AppleCare if you’ve ever bought a new Apple product. Whether it’s an iPhone, iPod, Mac, or iPad, AppleCare comes free with every Apple product purchase.

如果您不太清楚我們在說什麼,AppleCare +是Apple的擴充套件保修服務,您可以購買該服務來增加其常規AppleCare保修。 無論您是否知道它是什麼,如果您曾經購買過新的Apple產品,都可以使用AppleCare。 無論是iPhone,iPod,Mac還是iPad,每次購買Apple產品都免費提供AppleCare。

AppleCare provides with a one-yearlimited warranty against defects (like if the home button stopped working), as well as 90 days of complimentary phone support.


WithAppleCare+, you pay extra for more protection. The warranty coverage and supportis extended by an additional year, and AppleCare+ lowers the cost of repairing accidental damage—like if you were ever to drop your phone and crack the screen.

使用AppleCare + ,您需要支付額外的費用才能獲得更多保護。 保修範圍和支援會再延長一年,AppleCare +降低了修復意外損壞的成本,就像您曾經摔落手機並破裂螢幕一樣。

There are limitations, though. AppleCare+ only covers up to two incidents of accidental damage. And worse than that, it doesn’t cover theft or loss at all. If you lose your phone or get it stolen, you can’t go crying to Apple.

但是有侷限性。 AppleCare +最多隻能承保兩次意外損壞事件。 更糟糕的是,它根本無法涵蓋盜竊或損失。 如果您丟失了手機或被盜,您將無法向蘋果哭泣。

什麼服務涵蓋被盜或丟失? (What ServicesWill Cover Theft or Loss?)

If AppleCare+ doesn’t cover theft or loss, then what can you do if you want protection from these things? You’re not completely out of luck.

如果AppleCare +不能涵蓋盜竊或遺失,那麼如果想要保護免受這些傷害,該怎麼辦? 您並非完全不走運。

Your phone carrier probably offers its own insurance, which usually covers things that AppleCare+ doesn’t—like theft andloss. It also covers accidental damage, but as noted by our sister site ReviewGeek, the deductibles are usually higher than with AppleCare+.

您的電話運營商可能會提供自己的保險,其中通常涵蓋AppleCare +不提供的保險,例如盜竊和遺失。 它還涵蓋了意外損壞,但正如我們的姊妹網站ReviewGeek所指​​出的,自付額通常高於AppleCare +

However, that’s your best option if you want that kind of coverage. Some insurance policies can help with theft, as well (but not accidental loss). Your home owner’s or auto insurance policy should cover theft if your device is stolen from those locations. You can also get travel insurance that (among other things) covers you in the event of theft when you’re on a trip.

但是,如果您想要這種覆蓋,那是您最好的選擇。 一些保險單也可以幫助盜竊(但不能防止意外損失)。 如果您的裝置從這些地方被盜,則房主或汽車保險政策應涵蓋盜竊行為。 您還可以獲得旅行保險,除其他外,它會在您旅行時發生盜竊事件時為您提供保險。

There also are things you can do to at least prevent your phone getting stolen, like disguising it as a cheaper phone and making sure that you never leave it somewhere that could be an easy target for a thief.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/365044/no-applecare-doesnt-cover-a-lost-or-stolen-iphone/
