1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >ubuntu應用程式在哪_如何在Ubuntu上同步並快速重新安裝應用程式





The first thing any Linux user does after installing Linux is installing their favorite packages. Ubuntu makes this easy by syncing your installed applications between computers. And terminal users can install their favorite packages with a single command.

任何Linux使用者在安裝Linux之後要做的第一件事就是安裝他們喜歡的軟體包。 Ubuntu通過在計算機之間同步已安裝的應用程式來簡化此過程。 終端使用者可以通過一個命令安裝自己喜歡的軟體包。

Whether you’re reinstalling Ubuntu from scratch, installing Ubuntu on a new computer, or performing a fresh installation of the latest version, these tricks can save you some time.


Ubuntu軟體中心同步 (Ubuntu Software Center Sync)

The Ubuntu Software Center has an application sync feature. To access it, click the File menu in the Ubuntu Software Center and select Sync Between Computers.

Ubuntu軟體中心具有應用程式同步功能。 要訪問它,請在Ubuntu軟體中心中單擊檔案選單,然後選擇計算機之間同步。


The registration window asks you to create an “Ubuntu Software Center account,” but this is misleading. The Ubuntu Software Center works with Ubuntu single sign-on accounts – if you already have an Ubuntu One or Launchpad account, you already have a single sign-on account.

註冊視窗要求您建立一個“ Ubuntu軟體中心帳戶”,但這具有誤導性。 Ubuntu軟體中心適用於Ubuntu單點登入帳戶-如果您已經有一個Ubuntu One或Launchpad帳戶,則您已經有一個單點登入帳戶。

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Once you’ve signed in, you can click over to the Installed tab and view the software you have installed on each of your connected computers. Select a computer and Ubuntu will compare its installed packages with the packages installed on your current system. This feature makes it easy to install packages after installing Ubuntu from scratch, even if you don’t remember the packages you had installed.

登入後,可以單擊“已安裝”選項卡,並檢視已在每臺連線的計算機上安裝的軟體。 選擇一臺計算機,Ubuntu將其安裝的軟體包與當前系統上安裝的軟體包進行比較。 即使您不記得已安裝的軟體包,使用此功能也可以輕鬆地從頭開始安裝Ubuntu之後安裝軟體包。


This feature is a bit limited at the moment – it only works with packages from Ubuntu’s default repositories, so packages from personal package archives (PPAs) or packages you’ve installed from outside a software repository won’t appear in the list. It also can’t automatically install applications on your other computer – you’ll have to open the list and install applications manually.

目前,此功能有所限制-僅適用於Ubuntu預設儲存庫中的軟體包,因此,來自個人軟體包檔案(PPA)的軟體包或您從軟體儲存庫外部安裝的軟體包將不會出現在列表中。 它還無法在其他計算機上自動安裝應用程式-您必須開啟列表並手動安裝應用程式。

終端命令 (Terminal Commands)

Another quick way to reinstall software is from the command line. In particular, the apt-get install command accepts an unlimited number of package names at once. Instead of hunting through the Ubuntu Software Center and installing them one by one, you can reinstall all your favorite packages with a single command.

重新安裝軟體的另一種快速方法是從命令列。 特別是, apt-get install命令一次接受無限數量的軟體包名稱。 您可以通過單個命令重新安裝所有喜歡的軟體包,而不必遍歷Ubuntu軟體中心並一步一步地安裝它們。

For example, let’s say you want to install the Chromium web browser, Pidgin IM client, and Adobe Flash plug-in. Just run the following command in a terminal:

例如,假設您要安裝Chromium Web瀏覽器,Pidgin IM客戶端和Adobe Flash外掛。 只需在終端中執行以下命令:

sudo apt-get install chromium-browser pidgin flashplugin-installer

sudo apt-get install Chrome瀏覽器pidgin flashplugin-installer

You can add an unlimited number of package names to this command, in any order – it doesn’t have to be alphabetical.


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You can also feed a list of package names to the sudo apt-get remove command to quickly remove some packages that come preinstalled.

您還可以將軟體包名稱列表提供給sudo apt-get remove命令,以快速刪除一些預裝的軟體包。

If you use packages from PPAs, run the appropriate sudo apt-add-repository commands for each PPA before the sudo apt-get install command. This gets all your favorite packages installed with just a few commands – if you want to automate it even further, create a shell script with these commands.

如果使用PPA中的軟體包,請在sudo apt-get install命令之前為每個PPA執行適當的sudo apt-add-repository命令。 這僅需幾個命令即可安裝所有您喜歡的軟體包–如果您想進一步自動化它,請使用這些命令建立一個shell指令碼

第三方指令碼 (Third-Party Scripts)

Some people have created their own shell scripts to automate the process of installing packages, adding PPAs, and removing packages after installing Ubuntu.


Silverwav’s Cleanstart is one such script. To use the script, you create a custom packages.list file containing a list of packages you want to install. This list can be categorized and have descriptions – the Cleanstart script filters out and ignores the descriptions. The cleanstart-packages.list.sh file is a shell script that installs the packages specified in the packages.list file. The real advantage here is you can have an organized packages.list file – with descriptions – that you can store your installed packages in. The actual script does little more than strip out the formatting and feed the list of packages to the apt-get install command, which you can do yourself.

Silverwav的Cleanstart就是這樣的指令碼之一。 要使用該指令碼,請建立一個自定義的packages.list檔案,其中包含要安裝的軟體包的列表。 此列表可以分類並具有描述-Cleanstart指令碼會過濾掉並忽略描述。 cleanstart-packages.list.sh檔案是一個shell指令碼,用於安裝packages.list檔案中指定的軟體包。 真正的好處是,您可以有一個有條理的packages.list檔案(帶有描述),可以將已安裝的軟體包儲存在其中。實際的指令碼只不過是去除格式並將軟體包列表提供給apt-get安裝命令,您可以自己做。

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If you’re looking for a script that does more, there’s also And Any Void’s installation script. It was inspired by Cleanstart and allows you to specify PPAs to add and packages to remove in its configuration file. The script does more than Cleanstart, but you can still do the same thing with a few commands of your own.

如果您正在尋找功能更多的指令碼,那麼還有And Any Void的安裝指令碼。 它受Cleanstart的啟發,允許您在其配置檔案中指定要新增的PPA和要刪除的軟體包。 該指令碼不僅可以執行Cleanstart,還可以使用自己的一些命令來執行相同的操作。

(And Any Void’s page is in French, but the scripts are in English. If you’re browsing with Chrome, Chrome will offer to translate the page for you.)


How do you install your favorite software after installing Ubuntu? Leave a command and let us know if you have any tricks to share.

安裝Ubuntu後如何安裝自己喜歡的軟體? 留下命令,讓我們知道您是否有任何技巧要分享。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/111989/how-to-sync-quickly-reinstall-applications-on-ubuntu/
