1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何使用郵箱清理清除Outlook資料夾的垃圾


Mailbox Cleanup in Outlook is a set of tools designed to get rid of rubbish from your mailbox. You can use it to review the size of your mailbox, clean out items automatically by size and date, and perform a few other functions. Lets go through them and take a look.

Outlook中的郵箱清理是一組旨在消除郵箱中垃圾的工具。 您可以使用它來檢視郵箱的大小,按大小和日期自動清除專案以及執行其他一些功能。 讓我們來看看它們。

First, you need to open the tool. Head to File > Tools and click Mailbox Cleanup.

首先,您需要開啟該工具。 轉到檔案>工具,然後單擊郵箱清理。

There are some tools available, and we’ll start by looking at the amount of data in your mailbox.


檢視郵箱的大小 (Review the Size of Your Mailbox)

Your Outlook mailbox is made up of folders—Inbox, Sent Items, Archive, and so on—and knowing the size of the folders helps you see where all your emails are. To find out, click “View Mailbox Size.”

您的Outlook郵箱由資料夾(收件箱,已傳送郵件,存檔等)組成,瞭解資料夾的大小有助於您檢視所有電子郵件的位置。 要找出答案,請單擊“檢視郵箱大小”。

This opens up the Folder Size window, which shows you the size of each folder. By default, it opens up in the Local Data tab. Local data is the data that is stored on your computer in your .pst and.ost files.

這將開啟“資料夾大小”視窗,其中顯示了每個資料夾的大小。 預設情況下,它在“本地資料”選項卡中開啟。 本地資料是儲存在計算機中的.pst和.ost檔案中的資料。

The columns show the folder’s name, size, and total size (which is the size including any sub-folders). The best part of this view is that it shows you folders you might not normally consider, like the calendar. If you’ve got several years of appointments and meetings requests, you could easily have a decent chunk of kilobytes in the calendar which you can clean up by deleting old events.

列顯示資料夾的名稱,大小和總大小(該大小包括所有子資料夾)。 該檢視的最好之處在於,它向您顯示了您通常不會考慮的資料夾,例如日曆。 如果您有數年的約會和會議請求,則日曆中很容易有千位元組的位元組,可以通過刪除舊事件進行清理。

If you want to see the size of the folders on the mail server, click the “Server Data” tab. The first time you open this tab, it might take a little while for the data to populate. This is because Outlook is contacting the Exchange server, asking for the data on your files (which iscalculated on the fly), and then downloading and displaying the results.

如果要檢視郵件伺服器上資料夾的大小,請單擊“伺服器資料”選項卡。 第一次開啟此選項卡時,可能需要一段時間才能填充資料。 這是因為Outlook正在與Exchange伺服器聯絡,要求在檔案上查詢資料(即時計算),然後下載並顯示結果。

Every subsequent time you open this tab, the data retrieval will be much quicker, since Exchange only has to perform a difference analysis and most folders don’t change size that much. Once the tab is loaded, you’ll see the folder sizes on the Exchange server. This might not be the same as the size in the Local Data tab because Outlook doesn’t necessarily download all messages to your computer.

以後每次開啟此選項卡時,資料檢索都將更快,因為Exchange只需執行差異分析,並且大多數資料夾的更改幅度不會太大。 載入標籤後,您將在Exchange伺服器上看到資料夾的大小。 這可能與“本地資料”選項卡中的大小不同,因為Outlook不一定會將所有郵件下載到您的計算機

For example, on my Local Data tab the Total Size of the Archive folder is 116805 kb, but on the Server Data tab, the Total Size is 363399 kb—a difference of 246594 kb (265 MB). That’s a lot of mail not visible in the local data. What’s going on?

例如,在我的本地資料選項卡上,存檔資料夾的總大小為116805 kb,但是在伺服器資料選項卡上,總大小為363399 kb,相差246594 kb(265 MB)。 在本地資料中看不到很多郵件。 這是怎麼回事?

By default, Outlook only keeps a certain amount of mail on your local client to make sure your email doesn’t take up too much space. On computers with a hard disk bigger than 64gb (which is most of them nowadays), Outlook will only keep emails from the last year on your computer. Older mails are kept on the email server, and you can access them. You can download the older mails, and change this default if you want to. Bear in mind that you can change the default so that it downloads less mail as well, so if you’re struggling for space, you might want to change the default from 1 year to 6 months (or less).

預設情況下,Outlook僅在本地客戶端上保留一定數量的郵件,以確保您的電子郵件不會佔用太多空間。 在硬碟容量大於64gb的計算機上(如今已是大多數),Outlook只會將去年的電子郵件保留在您的計算機上。 舊郵件儲存在電子郵件伺服器上,您可以訪問它們。 您可以下載較舊的郵件,並根據需要更改此預設設定。 請記住,您可以更改預設值,以便它也下載更少的郵件,因此,如果您在空間上掙扎,則可能需要將預設值從1年更改為6個月(或更短)。

(Note: This only affects accounts that use a Microsoft Exchange server, like Hotmail, live.com, O365, and some corporate accounts. If you’re using Outlook to download mail from other providers like Google or Yahoo this setting is ignored and all mail is downloaded.)

(注意:這隻會影響使用Microsoft Exchange伺服器的帳戶,例如Hotmail,live.com,O365和某些公司帳戶。如果您使用Outlook從其他提供商(例如Google或Yahoo)下載郵件,則此設定將被忽略,所有郵件已下載。)

Now that you know how much data your folders contain, you can prioritize which ones you clean up.


搜尋舊郵件或大郵件 (Searching for Old or Large Mail)

If you’ve got mail in lots of different folders, you can search across your whole mailbox for older or larger mails.


This is very useful if you want to find mails with large attachments that you can either delete, or move from Outlook to a hard drive or cloud service. As an example, if you want to find all mails over 5 MB, you could en change the “Find items larger than” field to 5000 kb and then click the “Find” button.

如果您要查詢帶有大型附件的郵件,可以刪除它們,或者將其從Outlook移至硬碟驅動器或雲服務,則此功能非常有用。 例如,如果要查詢所有5 MB以上的郵件,則可以將“查詢大於”的欄位更改為5000 kb,然後單擊“查詢”按鈕。

The standard Outlook search panel comes back with a list of mails that are at least 5 MB.

標準的Outlook搜尋面板會返回至少5 MB的郵件列表。

These results only return emails, but you can change the “Look” field to any specific type of file if you want to cast a wider net.


From the search results, you can open each of the emails and delete them or remove the attachments. Don’t forget to save the attachments before deleting or removing them if you need to save them.

從搜尋結果中,您可以開啟每個電子郵件,然後將其刪除或刪除附件。 如果需要儲存附件,請不要忘記在刪除或刪除附件之前先儲存它們。

啟動自動存檔 (Kicking off an AutoArchive)

You can set autoarchive parameters for every individual folder in Outlook, something we’ve covered before as part of a wider look at keeping Outlook running smoothly. If you’ve set up autoarchive rules, you can kick them off in the Mailbox Cleanup by clicking the “AutoArchive” button.

您可以為Outlook中的每個資料夾設定自動存檔引數,這是我們之前討論的內容,這是使Outlook平穩執行的更廣泛的一部分。 如果已設定自動存檔規則,則可以通過單擊“自動存檔”按鈕在“郵箱清除”中將其啟動。

This process swings through all of the folders in Outlook and applies any auto-archive rules you’ve set up. If you haven’t set any up then you might be worried about hitting this button by accident, but don’t worry—the default autoarchive rule is to do nothing.

此過程將遍歷Outlook中的所有資料夾並應用您設定的所有自動存檔規則。 如果您尚未進行任何設定,則可能會擔心無意中按下此按鈕,但不必擔心-預設的自動歸檔規則是不執行任何操作。

檢視並清空已刪除的專案 (View and Empty the Deleted Items)

If you like to “soft delete” your mail by moving them to the Deleted Items folder and you rarely empty it, this option is for you.


Note: Some people like to use their Deleted Items folder as a sort of archive, tossing things in there and never emptying the folder. This is not a good idea, because there are plenty of ways you can empty the Deleted Items folder too easily. Instead, if you need to keep a message, set up an archive!

注意:有些人喜歡將“已刪除郵件”資料夾用作一種存檔,將其中的內容扔掉,而從不清空該資料夾。 這不是一個好主意,因為您可以通過多種方法輕鬆地清空“已刪除郵件”資料夾。 相反,如果您需要保留一條訊息,請設定一個存檔!

Click “View Deleted Items Size” to see how much space your deleted items are taking up, then take a deep breath and click “Empty.”


This will delete all items from the Deleted Items folder. If that scares you then by all means take a moment to move any important mails into your Archive first, but you really should empty your deleted items regularly and not use it as an archive.

這將從“已刪除郵件”資料夾中刪除所有專案。 如果這使您感到恐懼,那麼一定要花一點時間先將所有重要的郵件移到“存檔”中,但是您確實應該定期清空已刪除的郵件,而不要將其用作存檔。

檢視和刪除衝突郵件 (View and Delete Conflict Mails)

The final option in Mailbox Cleanup is to delete conflict messages. These are emails that Outlook thinks conflict with an existing email because they have the same header information. Normally this is because of temporary syncing issues with the Exchange server, and you should be able to delete these emails without a problem. To see if you’ve got any emails in the Conflict folder, click the”View Conflicts Size” button to see a filtered version of the Folder Sizes window.

郵箱清除中的最後一個選項是刪除衝突訊息。 這些是Outlook認為與現有電子郵件衝突的電子郵件,因為它們具有相同的標題資訊。 通常,這是由於與Exchange伺服器的臨時同步問題,因此您應該能夠毫無問題地刪除這些電子郵件。 要檢視“衝突”資料夾中是否有電子郵件,請單擊“檢視衝突大小”按鈕以檢視“資料夾大小”視窗的過濾版本。

If there are any emails there, close the Folder Size window and then click the “Delete” button in the Mailbox Cleanup window.


That’s the Mailbox Cleanup tool. It’s not particularly flashy, but it’s effective and useful.

那是郵箱清理工具。 它不是特別浮華,但有效且有用。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/369740/how-to-use-mailbox-cleanup-to-purge-your-outlook-of-rubbish/