1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >windows10滑鼠指標_如何在Windows 10中更輕鬆地檢視滑鼠指標

windows10滑鼠指標_如何在Windows 10中更輕鬆地檢視滑鼠指標



Windows 10 offers a few ways to help you find your mouse pointer, which can be a problem on high-definition and laptop screens. Sometimes, just slowing down the speed it moves solves the problem, but you can also make it more visible and even have Windows locate it for you.

Windows 10提供了幾種方法來幫助您找到滑鼠指標,這在高清和膝上型電腦螢幕上可能是個問題。 有時,只要放慢其移動速度即可解決問題,但您也可以使其更明顯,甚至讓Windows為您定位。

如何更改指標的速度 (How to Change the Speed of Your Pointer)

One of the first things we’re going to change is the speed at which the pointer moves. Perhaps the only reason you’re unable to see it is that it’s darting across the screen too fast. Slowing it down will give you a chance to locate it before it ends up hiding at the very edge of your screen.

我們要更改的第一件事是指標移動的速度。 您可能看不到它的唯一原因可能是它在螢幕上飛得太快。 放慢它,可以讓您有機會找到它,直到它最終隱藏在螢幕的邊緣。

Open up Control panel, head to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Mouse, and click on the “Pointer Options” tab at the top of the window.


The Motion slider here dictates the speed at which your pointer will move. Sliding to the right to make it faster; slide to the left to slow it down. You’ll have to experiment to find the right setting for you. What you’re looking for is something fast enough that you can get across the full width of your display without too much hand movement, but not so fast that your pointer disappears on you.

此處的“運動”滑塊指示指標移動的速度。 向右滑動以使其更快; 向左滑動以減慢速度。 您將不得不嘗試找到適合您的設定。 您正在尋找的東西足夠快,可以在整個顯示屏上移動而不會過多地移動手,但是又不會太快以至於指標消失在您身上。

Also, depending on your mouse, Windows has an advanced precision feature you can enable by ticking the box underneath the slider marked “Enhance Pointer Precision.”


This feature accelerates the pointer by predicting the movements of a mouse or trackpad. Windows will monitor the speed you’re moving the mouse and adjusts your speed on the fly. The faster you move your mouse, the further the pointer goes, while the opposite is true if you move your mouse slower.

此功能通過預測滑鼠或觸控板的移動來加速指標。 Windows將監視您移動滑鼠的速度並即時調整速度。 滑鼠移動得越快,指標越遠,而滑鼠移動得越慢,則相反。

With this option disabled, your pointer movements are directly correlated to the distance you move your mouse and with it enabled, the pointer’s moves are based on what Windows thinks is best.


如何啟用指標路徑 (How to Enable Pointer Trails)

If you’re still having trouble finding your pointer, you can add a trail that follows it around—kind of like the tail of a comet.


Head back to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Mouse > Pointer Options. Under the Visibility section, tick the “Display Pointer Trails” checkbox and then click “Apply.”

返回“控制面板”>“硬體和聲音”>“滑鼠”>“指標選項”。 在“可見性”部分下,選中“顯示指標跟蹤”複選框,然後單擊“應用”。

Any time you move your mouse, the pointer will have a trail of other pointers following it around, helping you catch a glimpse of it as it soars across your desktop.


如何更改指標的顏色和大小 (How to Change the Color and Size of Your Pointer)

The next method you can use to increase the visibility of your pointer is to change the color and size. You can use the Windows standard white, change it to black, or even invert the color.

您可以用來增加指標可見性的下一種方法是更改​​顏色和大小。 您可以使用Windows標準白色,將其更改為黑色,甚至可以反轉顏色。

Open up the Control Panel and head on over to Control Panel > Ease of Access > Ease of Access Center > Make the mouse easier to use.


Under the Mouse Pointers heading, choose the color and size of the pointer you want to use. The default is “Regular White.” Select a Scheme and size, and then click “Apply” to try it out immediately. If you don’t like the way it looks, select a different scheme.

在“滑鼠指標”標題下,選擇要使用的指標的顏色和大小。 預設值為“常規白色”。 選擇一個方案和大小,然後單擊“應用”立即嘗試。 如果您不喜歡它的外觀,請選擇其他方案。

The inverted scheme is great for people who have a hard time seeing the default white. If you chose the inverting scheme, your pointer dynamically changes to the inverse color of whatever you’re hovering over.

倒置方案非常適合那些很難看到預設白色的人。 如果選擇反轉方案,則指標將動態更改為所懸停的任何物體的相反顏色。

如何顯示指標的位置 (How to Show the Location of Your Pointer)

Finally, if you’re still having troubles locating the pointer, then there is one last feature you can use to find it. This one acts as a sort of beacon for your pointer and sends a ripple towards it, showing you exactly where it is when you press the Ctrl key.

最後,如果仍然無法找到指標,則可以使用最後一個功能來找到它。 該指標充當指標的信標,並向其傳送漣漪圖,向您顯示按Ctrl鍵時的確切位置。

First, head back to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Mouse > Pointer Options.


At the bottom of the window, enable the “Show Location of Pointer When I Press the CTRL Key” checkbox and then click “Apply.”


Now any time you press the Ctrl key, Windows shows you the pointer’s location.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396305/how-to-make-your-mouse-pointer-easier-to-see-in-windows-10/
