1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >windows索引_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:入侵Windows體驗索引




If you’ve ever checked your Windows Experience Index, you might wonder whether you can increase these numbers without buying a new PC. Today we’re going to show you how to hack the WEI to show whatever numbers you want.

如果您曾經檢查過Windows體驗索引,您可能會想知道是否可以在不購買新PC的情況下增加這些數字。 今天,我們將向您展示如何破解WEI,以顯示所需的任何數字。

為什麼您可能要這樣做 (Why You Might Want To Do This)

So you might be wondering why in the world would you want to do this, firstly the Windows Experience Index has an API that programs can use to enable functionality. This means that if your score is too low, some parts of a program may have dumbed down functionality or even be completely disabled. You could use this hack to trick your system into allowing you to use features. Additionally if you are really geeky, like we are, you can use it to cheat in a benchmark test against your friends.

因此,您可能想知道為什麼要在世界上這樣做,首先,Windows Experience Index具有一個API,程式可以使用該API來啟用功能。 這意味著,如果您的分數太低,則該程式的某些部分可能已無法使用,甚至被完全禁用。 您可以使用此技巧來欺騙您的系統,使其允許您使用功能。 另外,如果您像我們一樣真的很討厭,可以使用它在針對您的朋友的基準測試中作弊。

入侵XML檔案 (Hacking The XML File)

The first method, and the most fun, requires some knowledge of XML files, however if you follow this tutorial you will be fine. So lets get started.

第一種方法也是最有趣的方法,它需要一些XML檔案的知識,但是,如果您按照本教程操作,將會很好。 因此,讓我們開始吧。

You are going to have to navigate to C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore

您將必須導航到C:\ Windows \ Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore

Now you are going to need to open a file that ends with Formal.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT) if there is more than one file that ends with that name look at the date and the begining of the file and choose the most current one. Right click on the file and select edit, this will open it in notepad.

現在,如果有多個以該名稱結尾的檔案,則需要開啟一個以Formal.Assessment(Initial).WinSAT結尾的檔案,然後檢視檔案的日期和開頭,然後選擇最新的。 右鍵單擊該檔案,然後選擇“編輯”,這將在記事本中將其開啟。

Click on the edit menu and then select find. When the find dialog box opens type <WinSPR>, and click find next.

單擊編輯選單,然後選擇查詢。 當“查詢”對話方塊開啟時,鍵入<WinSPR>,然後單擊“下一步”。

Notepad will then highlight where the code that we need to edit starts. You can edit any values of the WEI, to see what tags edit what values see the blockquote below the image. All the tags that you will be looking for follow the WinSPR tag.

然後,記事本將突出顯示我們需要編輯的程式碼的起始位置。 您可以編輯WEI的任何值,以檢視哪些標籤編輯了哪些值,請參見影象下方的塊引用。 您要查詢的所有標籤都遵循WinSPR標籤。

To Change One Of The Values Look For The Following:


<SystemScore> tags change the overall rating<MemoryScore> tags change the Memory (RAM) rating<CpuScore> tags chang the Processor rating <GraphicsScore> tags change the Graphics rating<GamingScore> tags change the Gaming Graphics rating<DiskScore> tags change the Primary Hard Disk rating

<SystemScore>標籤更改總體評分<MemoryScore>標籤更改記憶體(RAM)評分<CpuScore >標籤更改處理器評分<GraphicsScore>標籤更改圖形評分<GamingScore>標籤更改遊戲圖形評分<DiskScore>標籤更改主硬碟等級

For example if i wanted to change the value of my system score to 7.9 i would change the value between <ystemScore> and </SystemScore> to 7.9 as seen below.

例如,如果我想將系統得分的值更改為7.9,則可以將<ystemScore>和</ SystemScore>之間的值更改為7.9,如下所示。

Save the file on your desktop and dont rename it. Now cut the file from your desktop and paste it in C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore. You will be asked to provide Administrative credentials if you are not a Local Administrator, if you are then you will just need to click continue to provide access.

將檔案儲存在桌面上,不要重新命名。 現在,從桌面上剪下檔案,並將其貼上到C:\ Windows \ Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore中。 如果您不是本地管理員,系統將要求您提供管理憑據,如果您是本地管理員,則只需單擊繼續以提供訪問許可權。

After you have pasted the file in the DataSore folder, go the the Windows Experience Index to see the changes.


替代方法 (The Alternative Method)

The first method was a little advanced and required a little knowledge of XML, however if you are an ordinary end user there is still hope. As it would turn out, there is a small program that was designed to do all of this for you.

第一種方法有點高階,需要一點XML知識,但是,如果您是普通的終端使用者,仍然會有希望。 事實證明,有一個小程式旨在為您完成所有這些工作。

To use it you will have to download it (see the download link at the end of the article) and run the portable application, which will be called experience_index_editor.exe If you are making the download on a Windows 7 machine the download will be located in the Downloads folder.

要使用它,您將必須下載它(請參閱文章末尾的下載連結)並執行可移植應用程式,該應用程式將被稱為experience_index_editor.exe。如果要在Windows 7計算機上進行下載,則將找到該下載檔案在下載資料夾中。

You will need to either have Local Admin privileges or know the credentials of a Local Admin account to run the program.

您將需要具有Local Admin特權或知道Local Admin帳戶的憑據才能執行該程式。

Once the program has run, you will be presented with an easy to use interface, from here you can just change the values of your Windows Experience Index. Each text box changes a different score in the index. You can see what score it changes by looking at the field just before the text boxes. To change one of your scores just type a number between 1 and 7.9 in the box. You can change one or all of your index scores but remember that your overall system rating is taken from the lowest score.

程式執行後,將為您提供易於使用的介面,從這裡您可以更改Windows體驗索引的值。 每個文字框都會更改索引中的不同分數。 您可以通過檢視文字框前面的欄位來檢視分數的變化。 要更改您的得分之一,只需在框中輸入1到7.9之間的數字。 您可以更改一個或所有索引分數,但請記住,您的整體系統評分是從最低分數中得出的。

Once you have made your changes click the save button. Close the program and go to the Windows Experience Index to see your changes immediately.

進行更改後,單擊儲存按鈕。 關閉程式,然後轉到Windows Experience Index以立即檢視所做的更改。

將分數重置為真實值 (Reseting Your Score To True Values)

To reset your Windows Experience Index to the true values, all you have to do is re-run the assessment. To do this go to Computer and click System Properties in the toolbar.

要將Windows體驗索引重置為真實值,您要做的就是重新執行評估。 為此,請轉到“計算機”,然後在工具欄中單擊“系統屬性”。

When the System Properties open. Click on the Windows Experience Index link.

當系統屬性開啟時。 單擊Windows Experience Index連結。

The Windows Experience Index will now open, from here you can view your current WEI scores however from here you can also re-run the assessment by clicking on the link that says “Re-run the assessment”


You will need to either have Local Admin privileges or know the credentials of a Local Admin account to re-run the assessment.


結論 (Conclusion)

Whether you are are just doing this for fun, or to enable functionality that you previously did not have, please remember that this will not actually increase your systems performance.


Download the WEI Editor from here.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/71500/stupid-geek-tricks-hacking-the-windows-experience-index/
