1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >微信小程式設定影象邊框_如何在Google文件中的影象周圍設定邊框




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Adding borders around your images is a good way to give them a little extra flair. Google Docs has a set of built-in features for adding borders and, while they’re not as sophisticated as the options offered in something like Office, they do the job.

在影象周圍新增邊框是使它們顯得有些多餘的好方法。 Google文件具有一組用於新增邊框的內建功能,儘管它們不如Office之類的選項所提供的功能複雜,但它們確實可以完成工作。

在Google文件中的影象周圍新增邊框 (Adding Borders Around Images in Google Docs)

To add a border around an image, go ahead and open the Google Doc that contains the image. If you haven’t inserted your image yet, head over to the “Insert” tab, select “Image,” then choose the respective option to locate your image.

要在影象周圍新增邊框,請繼續並開啟包含該影象的Google文件。 如果尚未插入影象,請轉到“插入”選項卡,選擇“影象”,然後選擇相應的選項來定點陣圖像。

Insert Image in Google Docs

After inserting the image, you might need to resize it. To do this, select the image and then grab the handle on any corner. Drag to resize.

插入影象後,您可能需要調整其大小。 為此,選擇影象,然後抓住任意角落的手柄。 拖動以調整大小。

On the toolbar, you’ll see three separate border tools. They are Border color (1), Border weight (2), and Border dash (3).

在工具欄上,您將看到三個單獨的邊框工具。 它們是邊框顏色(1),邊框權重(2)和邊框破折號(3)。

Image border tools

Go ahead and select “Border color” first. Once selected, pick a color you like from the dropdown menu. In this example, we’ll go with a simple black.

繼續並首先選擇“邊框顏色”。 選擇後,從下拉選單中選擇所需的顏色。 在此示例中,我們將使用簡單的黑色。

border colors

Once you’ve selected your color, you’ll notice a very thin border appear around your image.


small border

Looking good so far! If you want to adjust the thickness of the border, select the “Border weight” icon. By default, the border has a 2pt width. We’ll select 12pt for this example.

到目前為止看起來不錯! 如果要調整邊框的粗細,請選擇“邊框粗細”圖示。 預設情況下,邊框的寬度為2pt。 在此示例中,我們將選擇12pt。

border weight

The changes will now take effect. You’ll see your image with a 12pt black border around it.

更改將立即生效。 您會看到帶有12pt黑色邊框的影象。

12pt border

Finally, if you want something other than a solid border, click the “Border dash” icon and then select one of the two other options from the dropdown menu. We’ll select the dotted border option.

最後,如果您想要的不是實心邊框,請單擊“邊框破折號”圖示,然後從下拉選單中選擇其他兩個選項之一。 我們將選擇虛線邊框選項。

dotted border

Now your image border should look something like this.


dotted border example

Unfortunately, the border options are a bit limited. Hopefully, Google Docs will expand its feature set in the near future.

不幸的是,邊框選項有些限制。 希望Google文件會在不久的將來擴充套件其功能集。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/408262/how-to-put-borders-around-images-in-google-docs/
