1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >新的Raspberry Pi 2將執行Windows 10並執行Universal Apps

新的Raspberry Pi 2將執行Windows 10並執行Universal Apps

I'm a huge Raspberry Pi fan. I've got three around the house, I use one for a Media Center, one for 3D Printing, and one for messing about. Now I'm gonna get a BUNCH more as the Raspberry Pi 2 has been announced and for a $35 computer that fits in your pocket this new version has some amazing things going for it.

我是Raspberry Pi的忠實粉絲。 我家周圍有3個,我用一個用於媒體中心,一個用於3D列印,另一個用於弄亂。 現在,我將獲得更多的驚喜,因為Raspberry Pi 2已經發布了 而對於售價35美元的適合您口袋的計算機來說,這個新版本具有一些令人驚奇的功能。

  • Still tiny! Same size as a Raspberry Pi B+. My cases will still work. ;)

    仍然很小! 與Raspberry Pi B +相同。 我的案件仍然有效。 ;)
  • HDMI full sized! Ethernet! Camera port!

    HDMI全尺寸! 乙太網! 相機埠!
  • Still uses Micro USB for power!

    仍然使用Micro USB供電!
  • BUT now it has...


    • A 900 MHz quad-core ARM Broadcom Cortex A7 with a BCM2836 system on a chip adds up to 3x to 6x the performance. Woof.

      片上帶有BCM2836系統的900 MHz四核ARM Broadcom Cortex A7可將效能提高3倍至6倍。 緯。
    • 1 GIG of RAM (shared with GPU)

      1 GIG RAM(與GPU共享)
Raspberry Pi 2 tiny Minecraft machine for my kids. A 給我孩子的小Minecraft機器3D Printing Print Server. A 3D列印列印伺服器。 一個 small games emulator. An 小遊戲模擬器open source media player. 開源媒體播放器

And now it seems I'll be able to hack on a Raspberry Pi 2 running Windows 10 while I deploy a Universal Windows App!

現在,當我部署通用Windows應用程式時,似乎可以在執行Windows 10的Raspberry Pi 2上進行破解!

Windows 10即將推出Raspberry Pi 2 (Windows 10 is coming to the Raspberry Pi 2)

Not only did the Raspberry Pi Foundation announce the Raspberry Pi 2, but it seems that Windows 10 will support Raspberry Pi 2 and we can get it free for the Maker community through the Windows Developer Program for IoT coming later this year. Last year Microsoft announced the Windows Developer Program for IoT and put Windows on the Intel Galileo board. Today Windows gets even better for IoT and Maker scenarios by supporting makers on RPi2.

Raspberry Pi Foundation不僅宣佈了Raspberry Pi 2,而且Windows 10似乎將支援Raspberry Pi 2,並且我們可以通過今年晚些時候推出的IoT Windows開發者計劃將其免費提供給Maker社群。 去年,微軟宣佈了針對物聯網Windows開發人員計劃,並將Windows置於英特爾Galileo主機板上。 如今,通過支援RPi2上的製造商,Windows在物聯網和製造商場景中變得更好。

This means you could theoretically have a Surface Pro 3 running a Universal App. Then a Windows Phone also running that same Universal App. And finally a Raspberry Pi 2 (note there's no shell) also running a Universal App. I could make my little Raspberry Pi 2 a dedicated device that runs Windows 10 plus my App. I can write code for it using the same languages, tools and techniques that I already know.

這意味著從理論上講,您可以使Surface Pro 3執行通用應用程式。 然後,Windows Phone也執行相同的通用應用程式。 最後,Raspberry Pi 2(注意沒有外殼)也執行通用應用程式。 我可以使我的小Raspberry Pi 2成為執行Windows 10 plus我的App的專用裝置。 我可以使用已經知道的相同語言,工具和技術為其編寫程式碼。

It's pretty clear that the way to go with Windows 10 from a developer's perspective is Universal Apps. You get a great development experience, good API coverage, tooling that makes cross-compilation easy, and now you can go from Raspberry Pi 2, to Phones, Tablets, Xboxen, the cloud and beyond. I'm pretty geeked.

很明顯,從開發人員的角度來看,Windows 10的使用方式是Universal Apps 。 您將獲得出色的開發經驗,良好的API覆蓋範圍以及使交叉編譯變得容易的工具,現在您可以從Raspberry Pi 2升級到手機,平板電腦,Xboxen,雲等。 我真怪異。

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贊助商:非常感謝Infragistics本週贊助了feed! 帶有Infragistics jQuery / HTML5控制元件的任何瀏覽器,任何平臺和任何裝置上的響應式Web設計。 使用世界上最快HTML5網格獲得超強的效能-立即免費下載!

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-new-raspberry-pi-2-will-run-windows-10-and-run-universal-apps