1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何使用uTorrent製作自己的種子


top for creating torrent

In the BitTorrent scene, giving is just as important as receiving. If you have something you’d like to contribute to your tracker of choice, it’s easy to do if you’re using uTorrent.

在BitTorrent場景中,給予與接受同樣重要。 如果您想為您選擇的追蹤器做出貢獻,那麼使用uTorrent則很容易。

In today’s edition of our BitTorrent for Beginners series we’ll show you how to create and share a torrent using uTorrent—be sure to read the first part of the series, where we

explain what BitTorrent is and how it all works.


研究您的追蹤器 (Research Your Tracker)

Before you actually create a torrent file, be sure that the files you’re sharing comply with your tracker’s rules. Here are some important points to follow:

在實際建立種子檔案之前,請確保要共享的檔案符合跟蹤器的規則。 以下是一些重要的要點:

  1. Be sure to read the documentation on your tracker. Some trackers only allow Creative Commons-licensed media, so check to see if yours is before posting it. There are other rules or guidelines for quality of media (mostly videos and music) and proper tagging, so be sure to comply with them. Depending on your tracker, torrents violating these rules could be removed and the user can be banned, so please take your time.

    請務必閱讀跟蹤器上的文件。 某些跟蹤器僅允許使用Creative Commons許可的媒體,因此在釋出之前,請先檢查您的媒體是否在。 還有其他有關媒體質量(主要是視訊和音樂)和正確標記的規則或準則,因此請務必遵守它們。 根據您的跟蹤器,可以刪除違反這些規則的種子,並禁止該使用者,所以請花點時間。

  2. Go through the rules again. This is also important because you need to get the tracker’s announce URL, which is usually listed alongside the documentation, FAQ, or in the forum’s sticky posts. More information on this below.

    再次遵守規則。 這也很重要,因為 您需要獲取跟蹤器的公告URL,該URL通常在文件,常見問題解答或論壇的即時貼中列出 有關此的更多資訊,請參見下文。

  3. Be prepared to seed! Most trackers expect you to seed at LEAST twice the size of the upload, or for 72 hours, whichever is longer. If you can’t comply with this then wait to post your torrent until you can.

    準備播種! 大多數跟蹤器希望您以至少兩倍於上載的大小或72小時(以時間較長者為準)進行播種。 如果您不能遵守此規定,請等待發布洪流,直到可以。

  4. Look into a license if you’re sharing your own work. Sharing is a great way to get some exposure, but don’t give away your rights as a media creator. Take a look at the Creative Commons Licenses and study a bit so that you can share and still maintain ownership of your creations.

    如果您要共享自己的作品,請檢視許可證。 分享是獲得曝光的好方法,但不要放棄您作為媒體創作者的權利。 檢視知識共享許可並進行一些研究,以便您可以共享並仍然保持作品的所有權。

BitTorrent is all about the community, so if you’re not yet a part of one, take some time to search online or ask some of the techies you know. You can also check out our previous article on how to get started downloading torrents for a few places to get started.

BitTorrent與社群息息相關,因此,如果您還不屬於社群,請花一些時間線上搜尋或詢問一些您認識的技術人員。 您也可以檢視我們以前的文章,瞭解如何開始下載torrent的一些地方。

如何建立種子 (How to Create a Torrent)

Before you can share a torrent file, you’ll need to make sure to get your tracker’s “announce” URL. This is the address that your tracker uses to announce torrents and keep track of everything, and is usually in the format of:

在共享一個種子檔案之前,您需要確保獲取跟蹤器的“通告” URL。 這是您的跟蹤器用來發布種子並跟蹤所有內容的地址,通常採用以下格式:


http:// tracker .whateveryourtrackersiteis.com :port#/ announce

Aside from the files you’re sharing, this is the second most important piece of information, so be sure it’s accurate or else your torrent won’t work. Once you’ve figured that out, fire up uTorrent and then click on the button that looks like a magic wand, or go to File > Create New Torrent.

除了要共享的檔案之外,這是第二重要的資訊,因此請確保它是準確的,否則您的種子檔案將無法使用。 找到答案後,啟動uTorrent,然後單擊看起來像魔術棒的按鈕,或轉到“檔案”>“建立新種子”。


You’ll see something like this—click on Add file or Add directory depending on what you’re going to be turning into a torrent. As you can see here, I’ve chosen a directory of high quality wallpapers I created.

您將看到類似的內容-根據要變成種子的內容,單擊“新增檔案”或“新增目錄”。 如您在這裡看到的,我選擇了我建立的高質量桌布的目錄。


Important: Make sure you put in your tracker URL


We can’t emphasize this enough, as most people forget this and wonder why their torrent doesn’t work. This is especially important if you’re on a private tracker, i.e. one you need to be registered for.

我們不能足夠強調這一點,因為大多數人都忘記了這一點,並想知道為什麼他們的洪流無法正常工作。 如果您使用的是私人跟蹤器,那麼這一點尤其重要,例如,您需要註冊一個跟蹤器。

You’ll probably want to choose some of the options under the “Other” section:


  • Start seeding: Select the Start seeding option when you want to post the torrent as soon as you create it, but you can choose to manually start seeding later if you aren’t uploading your torrent file right away.


  • Preserve file order: Choose the Preserve file order option when you have a folder structure that you’d like the torrenters to choose from.

    保留檔案順序:選擇 當您具有要讓torrenters選擇的資料夾結構時,保留檔案順序選項。

  • Private torrent: Be sure to uncheck Private torrent if you’re uploading to a public tracker. More on this in a future lesson.

    私人種子:如果您要上傳到公共跟蹤器,請務必取消選中“私人種子”。 在以後的課程中將對此進行更多介紹。

When you’re ready, click Create and save as… to save your torrent file. That’s it!

準備好後,請點選建立並另存為…以儲存種子檔案。 而已!

Upload Your Torrent File


Now, you can upload this torrent to your tracker, usually with a new forum or blog post with details of what you’re including. Be aware that if you move your source files or close uTorrent, you will not seed, so be sure you don’t do either of these until you fulfill your initial seeding requirements. Again, if there’s any doubt, check the Rules sections of your tracker. Remember, sharing is caring!

現在,您通常可以通過一個新的論壇或部落格帖子將該洪流上傳到您的跟蹤器,其中包含您所包含內容的詳細資訊。 請注意,如果您移動原始檔或關閉uTorrent,則不會播種,因此請確保在滿足初始播種要求之前,不要執行任何一種操作。 同樣,如果有任何疑問,請檢查跟蹤器的“規則”部分。 記住,分享是關懷!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/31878/how-to-make-your-own-torrents-using-utorrent/