1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >彙總:Microsoft HoloLens,Surface Hub,Windows 10,Xbox One遊戲流媒體等。

彙總:Microsoft HoloLens,Surface Hub,Windows 10,Xbox One遊戲流媒體等。

Disclaimer: I currently work for Microsoft, but this blog, and the words within are all my opinion. Mistakes and dumb ideas are mine. My impartiality or lack thereof stands on its own.

免責宣告:我目前在Microsoft工作,但是此部落格以及其中的文字都是我的看法。 錯誤和愚蠢的想法是我的。 我的公正或缺乏公正獨立。

I just got done watching the Windows 10: The Next Chapter

live video stream. There's the Windows 10 news, updated interface, and more. As I get new Windows 10 builds I will go over them on my YouTube Channel. Please do subscribe. But let's talk about the truly magical stuff first.

我剛剛看完Windows 10:The Next Chapter實時視訊流。 有Windows 10新聞,更新的介面等。 當我獲得新的Windows 10版本時,我將在我的YouTube頻道上進行介紹

。 請訂閱。 但是,讓我們先談談真正神奇的東西。

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke.

“任何足夠先進的技術都無法與魔術區分開。” -亞瑟·克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke)。

微軟HoloLens (Microsoft HoloLens)

Wow, an augmented virtual reality headset from Microsoft? Is this Oculus? Or Google Glass? It's something else. It's clear so you see the projected images as if they are in front of you. It's not a tiny screen like Glass or a screen that blinds/immerses you like Oculus (I have an Oculus).

哇,微軟的增強型虛擬現實耳機? 這是Oculus嗎? 還是Google Glass? 這是另一回事。 很明顯,因此您可以看到投影的影象,就像它們在您面前一樣。 它不是像Glass那樣的小螢幕,也不是像Oculus(我有一個Oculus)那樣使您眼花/亂的螢幕。

This reveal totally puts the Microsoft purchase of Minecraft in context. We'll surely see Minecraft for Windows 10 and HoloLens in the future.

這充分顯示了微軟收購Minecraft的背景。 將來我們肯定會看到適用於Windows 10和HoloLens的Minecraft。

Yeah, my kid can never find out about a holographic 3D Minecraft. Cannot ever happen.

— Copy McPasty, Writer (@KashannKilson)

是的,我的孩子永遠找不到全息3D Minecraft。 永遠不會發生。

—複製McPasty,作家(@KashannKilson) January 21, 2015 ,2015年1月21日

My first impression was, oh, Glass? Then, oh, Oculus. But this is more like immersive augmented reality. The real question is going to be, how smooth can they get the interactions? Will it be like Kinect or LeapMotion? Truly amazing. This could be the future of Windows itself.

我的第一印象是,哦,格拉斯? 哦,Oculus。 但這更像是身臨其境的增強現實。 真正的問題將是,他們如何順利進行互動? 會像Kinect或LeapMotion嗎? 真的很棒。 這可能是Windows本身的未來。

Holy Crap It's VR Minecraft

This is clearly not something for wearing as you walk down the street (yet). Amazing.

當您在街上行走時,這顯然不是要穿的東西(至今)。 驚人。

The first step is allowing one person to see a hologram. The challenge is then letting everyone in the room seem them. I'm looking at you, Tony Stark.

第一步是允許一個人看到全息圖。 接下來的挑戰是讓房間裡的每個人都看起來像他們。 我在看著你,託尼·史塔克。

Virtual stuff floating in front of a HoloLens

Microsoft Surface集線器 (Microsoft Surface Hub)

It looks like the Microsoft acquisition of Perceptive Pixel has culminated in a new brand for Surface - The Microsoft Surface Hub. It's a 80" 4K 100 touch points touchscreen display that runs Windows 10, a special OneNote, and includes cameras, microphones and Skype for Business (Lync/UC), and Office. Will it be priced within a small office's budget, or are we talking Tesla money here?

微軟收購Perceptive Pixel似乎達到了Surface的新品牌-Microsoft Surface Hub的高潮。 它是執行Windows 10的80英寸4K 100觸控點觸控式螢幕,是一個特殊的OneNote,包括攝像頭,麥克風,Skype for Business(Lync / UC)和Office。它的價格是否在小型辦公室的預算範圍內?在這裡談論特斯拉的錢?

Two people working on a Microsoft Surface Hub

I gotta say, I'm surprised and impressed. Satya's vision is definitely clear.

我得說,我感到驚訝和印象深刻。 薩蒂亞的願景絕對明確。

Windows 10 (Windows 10)

We also learned a lot about Windows 10, including this slide that I didn't feel really HIT hard enough. I read this to say that you can upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10...basically everyone gets to go to Windows 10 for free and keep it. You own the license.

我們還學到了很多有關Windows 10的知識,包括這張幻燈片,我覺得HIT不夠難。 我讀這句話是說您可以從Windows 7升級到Windows 10 ...基本上每個人都可以免費使用Windows 10並保留它。 您擁有許可證。

It says "Free upgrade for the first year" which I think is confusing because it is implying some kind of subscription or at least yearly license.


But if you read the details here it seems like you have a year to upgrade and if you/we do (from 7/8/8.1) then we get Windows 10 free and it's supported for the lifetime of the device. We all get free upgrades and they will be supported, is how I read it. But we have a year to get the free upgrade, and after that it costs.

但是,如果您在此處閱讀詳細資訊,則似乎您有一年的升級時間,如果您/我們這樣做(從7/8 / 8.1開始),則我們將免費提供Windows 10,並且在裝置的整個生命週期內都支援Windows 10。 我們所有人都會獲得免費升級,而我將以免費方式對其進行支援。 但是我們有一年的時間可以免費獲得升級,之後便要付費。

Windows 10 upgrade will be free

We saw lots of Windows 10 features and things including:

我們看到了許多Windows 10功能和特性,包括:

  • Windows 10 is for PC, Xbox, Phone and Tablets

    Windows 10適用於PC,Xbox,手機和平板電腦
  • All new Web Browser codenamed "Spartan."'

    所有新的代號為“ Spartan”的Web瀏覽器。
  • Office Universal apps - Phone, Tablet, or PC, Office runs on every platform.

    Office Universal應用程式-手機,平板電腦或PC,Office在每個平臺上執行。
  • You can stream/play Xbox One games from your Xbox One to your PC.

    您可以將Xbox One遊戲從Xbox One流式傳輸/播放到PC。

    • "Players will also be able to play games on their PC, streamed directly from their Xbox One consoles to their Windows 10 tablets or PCs, within their home"

      “玩家還可以在自己的PC上玩遊戲,這些遊戲可以直接從Xbox One控制檯流式傳輸到家中的Windows 10平板電腦或PC上。”
  • Surface and "2in1" devices will switch between desktop mode and tablet mode depending on the presence of a keyboard.

    Surface和“ 2in1”裝置將根據鍵盤的存在在桌面模式和平板電腦模式之間切換。
  • The Cortana personal assistant comes to Windows. This includes dictation as well!

    Cortana個人助手進入Windows。 這也包括聽寫!

So all these devices will run Windows 10.

因此,所有這些裝置都將執行Windows 10。

Windows 10 runs everywhere

The Satya quotes that stuck out to me where very declarative and aspirational.


"We want to move from people needing Windows, to choosing Windows and loving Windows. That is our bold goal with Windows." - Satya Nadella

“我們希望從需要Windows的人們過渡到選擇Windows和熱愛Windows。這是Windows的大膽目標。” -薩蒂亞·納德拉(Satya Nadella)

Now it's time to watch it all happen. 2015 could be a big year for Microsoft.

現在是時候看看這一切發生了。 對於微軟來說,2015年可能是豐收的一年。

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贊助商:非常感謝Infragistics的人們本週贊助了feed! 帶有Infragistics jQuery / HTML5控制元件的任何瀏覽器,任何平臺和任何裝置上的響應式Web設計。 使用世界上最快HTML5網格獲得超強的效能-立即免費下載!

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/rollup-microsoft-hololens-surface-hub-windows-10-xbox-one-game-streaming-and-more