1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >chrome 儲存網頁_如何在Chrome中儲存網頁

chrome 儲存網頁_如何在Chrome中儲存網頁

chrome 儲存網頁

chrome 儲存網頁

Chrome Hero Image

Google Chrome lets you download full web pages for offline viewing. You can save just the basic HTML or additional assets (like pictures) to completely re-assemble a page without the need for an internet connection.

Google Chrome瀏覽器可讓您下載完整的網頁以供離線檢視。 您可以只儲存基本HTML或其他資源(如圖片)即可完全重新組裝頁面,而無需Internet連線。

如何儲存網頁 (How to Save a Web Page)

Go ahead and fire up Chrome, and then navigate to a web page that you want to save. Click the menu button, and then click on More Tools > Save Page As. Alternatively, you can use Ctrl+S (Command+S in macOS) to open the “Save as…” dialog.

繼續並啟動Chrome,然後導航到要儲存的網頁。 單擊選單按鈕,然後單擊更多工具>頁面另存為。 或者,您可以使用Ctrl + S(在macOS中為Command + S)開啟“另存為...”對話方塊。

Click the Menu button, then More Tools, and finally click Save Page As

Choose a folder to save the page and then, from the drop-down menu, choose either “Webpage, HTML only” or “Webpage, Complete.”The former keeps only content vital to access it later on (text and formatting), while the latter saves everything (text, images, and additional resource files). If you want to be able to access the full page offline, choose the “complete” option.

選擇一個資料夾來儲存頁面,然後從下拉選單中選擇“僅HTML的網頁”或“完整的網頁”。 前者僅保留對以後訪問(文字和格式)至關重要的內容,而後者則保留所有內容(文字,影象和其他資原始檔)。 如果您希望能夠離線訪問整頁,請選擇“完成”選項。

Choose either HTML only or Complete webpage file save

The web page is downloaded the same as any other file, with its progress at the bottom of Chrome’s window.


Download complete

To open the web page, head to the folder and then double-click the file to open it.


Click the file to open the web page

After you finish with the web page, you can safely delete it from your computer.


如何為網頁建立快捷方式 (How to Create a Shortcut for Web Pages)

While saving a page for offline viewing is great for articles you might want to reference later, you can also make quick links to specific websites directly on your desktop, which is better for when you are online. This works well for web apps that you use regularly—you can even set them up to run in full windows, so they feel almost native.

雖然儲存頁面供離線檢視非常適合您以後想參考的文章,但您也可以直接在桌面上快速連結到特定網站,這對於線上時更好。 這對於您經常使用的Web應用程式非常有效-您甚至可以將其設定為在全視窗中執行,因此它們幾乎是本機的。

A shortcut to a web page is the same as any other shortcut already on your desktop. The main difference between creating a shortcut and saving a page is you would use a shortcut for pages you regularly visit—like howtogeek.com—not a specific article or static page you want to preserve for offline viewing. If you’re just trying to save a page for quick access, then you’ll want to create a shortcut on your desktop instead.

網頁的快捷方式與桌面上已經存在的任何其他快捷方式相同。 建立快捷方式和儲存頁面之間的主要區別在於,您將對經常訪問的頁面(如howtogeek.com)使用快捷方式,而不是要保留供離線檢視的特定文章或靜態頁面。 如果您只是想儲存一個頁面以便快速訪問,則需要在桌面上建立一個快捷方式。

Fire up Chrome and navigate to the site you want to save to your computer’s Desktop. Click on the menu > More Tools > Create Shortcut.

啟動Chrome並導航到要儲存到計算機桌面的網站。 單擊選單>更多工具>建立快捷方式。

Click the Menu icon, More Tools, then on Create Shortcut

Give the shortcut a custom name if you want. You can also tick the “Open as window” box to open the site in a separate window instead of the Chrome browser. This will force the page to open in a new window without tabs, the Omnibox, or bookmarks bar. It’s great for web apps because it gives them a very native, app-like feel.

如果需要,給快捷方式自定義名稱。 您也可以在“另存為視窗”中打鉤,以在單獨的視窗而不是Chrome瀏覽器中開啟網站。 這將強制頁面在沒有標籤,多功能框或書籤欄的情況下在新視窗中開啟。 這對Web應用程式非常有用,因為它使它們具有非常原生的,類似於應用程式的感覺。

Click “Create.”


Click Create

After you click “Create,” a new icon is added to your desktop. Double-click on the icon to instantly go to your favorite site.

單擊“建立”後,新圖示將新增到您的桌面。 雙擊圖示可立即轉到您喜歡的網站。

All of your shortcuts appear on your desktop, waiting for you to click them

If you try to access a shortcut while you’re offline, you’ll receive an error, and the page won’t load. The reason this happens is that instead of saving all the HTML, text, and images—like in the previous part—a shortcut points Chrome to a specific web page that it then has to load.

如果您在離線時嘗試訪問快捷方式,則會收到錯誤訊息,並且該頁面將無法載入。 發生這種情況的原因是,與其像之前一樣儲存所有HTML,文字和影象,不如將Chrome指向一個快捷方式,然後將其指向要載入的特定網頁。

If you no longer use these shortcuts to access the websites anymore, simply delete the file from your desktop to free up any clutter on your workspace.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/415086/how-to-save-a-web-page-in-chrome/

chrome 儲存網頁