1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >將Windows Live Writer草稿同步到雲(Dropbox)和其他錯誤修復

將Windows Live Writer草稿同步到雲(Dropbox)和其他錯誤修復

I still use Windows Live Writer (http://www.windowslivewriter.com) to post to this blog. It remains the best little blogging app out there. It has a nice plugin ecosystem, great WYSIWYG editor (using IE) even though it hasn't been updated since 2012. A bunch of us are working to get it open sourced, and I'll let you know the second I know something.

我仍然使用Windows Live Writer ( http://www.windowslivewriter.com )釋出到此部落格。 它仍然是最好的小部落格應用程式。 它具有良好的外掛生態系統,出色的WYSIWYG編輯器(使用IE),即使自2012年以來未進行過更新。我們中的許多人都在努力使其開源,第二,我會讓您知道。

But for now, let me fix two things about Windows Live Writer that have been bugging me.

但是現在,讓我修復有關Windows Live Writer的兩件事,這些問題困擾著我。

清除快取的部落格主題 (
Clearing Cached Blog Themes)

First, a small bug. My HTML Styles look like this, and have for a while. See how the background is black? Annoying. I always assumed it was a GDI or graphics bug. In exploring the Windows Live Writer code I learned a few things.

首先,是一個小錯誤。 我HTML樣式看起來像這樣,有一段時間了。 看看背景是黑色的嗎? 煩死了我一直以為這是GDI或圖形錯誤。 在探索Windows Live Writer程式碼時,我學到了一些東西。

Windows Live Writer with black styles

It turns out that Windows Live Writer is trying to render your styles by using your download blog theme's CSS inside those little boxes! My blog (and others, I've heard) doesn't render nicely.

事實證明,Windows Live Writer試圖通過在這些小盒子內使用下載部落格主題CSS來呈現您的樣式! 我的部落格(和其他一些我聽說過的)效果不好。

The downloaded them is stored in %AppData%\Windows Live Writer\blogtemplates and you can easily fix this annoyance by simply deleting the folders below blogtemplates.

下載的檔案儲存在%AppData%\ Windows Live Writer \ blogtemplates中,您只需刪除blogtemplates下面的資料夾即可輕鬆解決此煩惱。

Using the Default Windows Live Writer Theme

Ah, much nicer.


將Windows Live Writer草稿與OneDrive或Dropbox同步 (Syncing your Windows Live Writer Drafts with OneDrive or Dropbox)

I've seen some blog posts with folks suggesting junction or reparse points (symbolic links) to hack together a way to "roam your draft blog posts" with Windows Live Writer. It's much easier than that, in fact. You can just set a registry key with your preferred Drafts folder. I put mine in my Dropbox, but you could also use OneDrive or Box. This means your local draft blog posts will "roam" to all your machines. If you're someone who works on a blog post for a few days you'll appreciate this new ability. You can start a post at work and finish it at home. Even the images will roam.

我見過一些部落格文章,其中有人建議接合點或重新解析點(符號連結)一起使用Windows Live Writer來“漫遊您的部落格文章草稿”。 實際上,這要容易得多。 您可以僅使用首選的Drafts資料夾設定登錄檔項。 我將我的郵件放到了Dropbox中,但您也可以使用OneDrive或Box。 這意味著您本地的部落格草稿帖子將“漫遊”到您的所有計算機上。 如果您是幾天從事部落格文章工作的人,那麼您將不勝感激這種新功能。 您可以在工作中開始釋出,然後在家完成。 即使影象也會漫遊。

Head over to HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Live\Writer in your registry (via Regedit.exe) and make a new String Value called "Posts Directory."

轉到登錄檔中的HKCU \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows Live \ Writer(通過Regedit.exe),並建立一個名為“ Posts Directory”的新字串值。


Windows Live Writer will make new Drafts and Recent Posts folders in the location you specify. I set this registry key on all my machines that I have Dropbox installed and now all my blog post drafts are there too!

Windows Live Writer將在您指定的位置建立新的“草稿”和“最近的帖子”資料夾。 我在安裝了Dropbox的所有計算機上設定了此登錄檔項,現在我的所有部落格文章草稿也都存在!

I'm in a meeting right now talking about a possible future for Windows Live Writer. I think 20k RTs of this would help.

— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)

我現在正在開會,討論Windows Live Writer的可能未來。 我認為2萬次RT會有所幫助。

— Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) June 12, 2014 2014年6月12日

I hope this helps you out! And I'll be sure to let you know about our plans with Windows Live Writer as soon as I know more. ;)

我希望這可以幫助你! 我一定會盡快通知您有關Windows Live Writer的計劃的資訊。 ;)

Sponsor: Big thanks to Atalasoft for sponsoring the blog and feed this week! If your company works with documents, definitely check out Atalasoft's developer tools for web & mobile viewing, capture, and transformation. They've got free trials and a remarkable support team, too.

贊助商:非常感謝Atalasoft贊助了本週的部落格和feed! 如果您的公司使用文件,則一定要使用Atalasoft的開發人員工具來進行Web和移動檢視,捕獲和轉換。 他們也有免費試用版和出色的支援團隊。

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/syncing-windows-live-writer-drafts-to-the-cloud-dropbox-and-other-bug-fixes