1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >當3D列印成為初學者時超越初學者


OK, let's just say it. I'm not that handy and I'll never be handy. I'm consistently impressed with all my friends and family members who put up pictures of their amazing dining room tables made from scratch. "Ya, I raised this tree from a sapling, cut it down, and made this table with tools from the 1700s. #diy."

好吧,我們就說吧。 我不是那麼方便,我永遠也不會方便。 我的所有朋友和家人給我留下了深刻的印象,他們張貼了從頭開始製作的精美餐桌的照片。 “是的,我從樹苗上摘下了這棵樹,砍下了樹,並用1700年代的工具製成了這張桌子。#diy。”

Every time I pick up a saw or a drill I feel like I'm faking it. But I try.

每次拿起鋸子或鑽頭時,我都會感覺很偽造。 但我會嘗試。

The most important thing when making, I think, is to identify your comfort zone and then push past it a little bit.


I've been doing some 3D Printing lately. In fact I'm being teased by people at work who say the printer is always going whenever they call. I say, if I'm going to make a big purchase like this, it needs to be used all the time or non-technical spouse will tell me that buying it was a mistake.

我最近一直在做一些3D列印。 實際上,工作人員在嘲笑我,他們說印表機隨時隨地都在運轉。 我說,如果我要進行這樣的大筆購買,則必須一直使用它,否則非技術配偶會告訴我購買這是錯誤的。

Here's some of my 3D Printing posts so far:


I'm still a beginner, but I think I'm quickly moving into intermediate skills when printing things on a 3D Printer. Here's some lessons I've learned.

我仍然是一個初學者,但是我認為在3D印表機上列印東西時,我很快就進入了中級技能領域。 這是我學到的一些教訓。

Making a Minecraft Chess Set

3D印表機銷售錯誤。 (3D Printers are marketed wrong.)

Listen up, 3D Printer makers, you're selling these things wrong. I was over at Home Depot recently, it's a lumber/tools/fixit shop here in the states (where Handy People go to cut wood, I guess) and they had a Dremel 3D Printer on the end of the aisle. I have a Dremel, so asked a few questions and pretended to be a new customer. They had setup a bunch of little colorful plastic toys. You've seen these demonstrations, right? It's all the little crap like Yoda heads and stuff. It has its place, but at some point you're like "OK, but what can I make that I can use?"

聽著,3D列印機制造商,您錯把這些東西賣了。 我最近在家得寶(Home Depot)住過,這是美國各州的一家木材/工具/固定車間(我想,“便利工”去砍木頭),他們在過道的末端有一臺Dremel 3D印表機。 我有一個Dremel,所以問了幾個問題,並假裝成新客戶。 他們安裝了一堆五顏六色的小塑料玩具。 您看過這些示威吧? 就像Yoda的腦袋和其他東西一樣,都是些廢話。 它有它的位置,但是在某些時候您就像“好,但是我能使我使用什麼呢?”

It's a Home Improvement Store where Handy People go, not a Hobby Shop. Show me stuff I can make that will fix my house!

這是雜物店的家裝商店,而不是業餘愛好商店。 告訴我我可以做的東西可以修理我的房子!

3D Printed stuff and a yoda head

The first thing I printed was a wall bracket for my Dyson Handheld Vacuum. (Again, the goal here is to have non-technical spouse appreciate that I, too, am a Handy Person.)

我列印的第一件事是戴森手持式真空吸塵器的牆托架。 (同樣,這裡的目標是讓非技術配偶欣賞我也很方便。)

Making a dyson vaccum bracket

3D Printer manufacturers should showcase all the cool utilitarian stuff you can make. Which leads me to...

3D列印機制造商應展示您可以製作的所有酷實用工具。 這導致我...

材料/長絲-不僅有香草PLA和ABS (Material/Filament - There's more than just vanilla PLA and ABS)

When you print, you use filament which are spools of plastic spaghetti. There's lots of materials but the first one we all use is PLA, which is a plant-based biodegradable plastic. Later folks move on to ABS Plastic, which is what LEGO bricks are made of. I haven't gotten that far yet and have only printed PLA...however.

列印時,請使用細絲,細絲是塑料細麵條的線軸。 有很多材料,但我們所有人都使用的第一個材料是PLA,這是一種基於植物的可生物降解塑料。 後來人們開始使用ABS Plastic,這就是樂高積木的材料。 我還沒走那麼遠,只印了PLA ...不過。

There is a company called Proto-Pasta that makes and sells "exotic filaments" including PLAs that include Carbon Fiber, Magnetic Iron, like a Conductive PLA, or High Temp PLA. The High Temp PLA can be head treated (put them in the oven) and they'll then become very heat resistant AND a lot stiffer and stronger.

有一家名為Proto-Pasta的公司生產和銷售“異乎尋常的細絲”,包括含有碳纖維,電磁鐵(如導電性PLA或高溫PLA)的PLA。 可以對高溫PLA進行頭部處理(將它們放入烤箱中),然後它們將變得非常耐熱,並且變得更加堅硬。

On the left in this pic is a clear High Temp PLA print of a bracket I wanted. Then I put it in the Oven for 20 min at 230F. The one on the right has crystalized and changed from translucent to opaque and it's VERY STRONG.

在這張照片的左邊是我想要的支架的清晰的高溫PLA列印圖。 然後,將其放在230F的烤箱中放置20分鐘。 右邊的一個已經結晶,從半透明變成不透明,非常堅固。

Proto Pasta's High Temp PLA

I mention this because discovering and using this High Temp PLA opened up a whole world to me. Now I can try printing simple circuit boards with Conductive PLA! The point is, I was playing it safe, but now my possibilities have multiplied.

我之所以這樣說是因為發現和使用這種高溫PLA給我打開了一個廣闊的世界。 現在,我可以嘗試使用導電PLA印刷簡單的電路板! 關鍵是,我一直在安全地玩,但是現在我的可能性增加了。

軟體-比我想象的重要 (Software - Way more important than I thought)

As I mentioned in my post on The Basics of 3D Printing in 2015 there is a lot of great open source software that you can use to 3D Print with. In fact, you can make your own 3D printer using off the shelf parts and open source design, so there's no real need for you to spend any money on software.

正如我在2015年釋出的3D列印基礎知識中提到的那樣有很多很棒的開源軟體可用於3D列印。 實際上,您可以使用現成的零件和開源設計來製造自己的3D印表機,因此,您真正不需要花任何錢在軟體上。

But. I was talking with a 3D Printing expert at a MakerFaire and they gushed about Simplify3D. It's an all in one 3D Printing software that can take in 3D models, arrange them, slice them (slicing means turn the 3D model into x-y-z movements for the printer) and so much more.

但。 我正在與MakerFaire的3D列印專家交談,他們對Simplify3D感到困惑。 這是一款多功能的3D列印軟體,可以接收3D模型,對其進行排列,對其進行切片(切片意味著將3D模型轉換為印表機的xyz運動),等等。

Before I was using multiple apps, constantly tinkering, fighting with the built-in software, moving files from app to app in a disjoint workflow. With Simplify3D not only is it easier, but the parts are better. How? It is just that much smarter software, IMHO.

在我使用多個應用程式之前,請不斷進行修補,與內建軟體作鬥爭,以不連貫的工作流程將檔案從一個應用程式移動到另一個應用程式。 使用Simplify3D不僅更容易,而且零件更好。 怎麼樣? 恕我直言,這就是更智慧的軟體。

Simplify3D is amazing

I love this view below. I've got a bracket I'm going to print, and the have colored the "moves" of the print head intelligently showing how many mm per min (mm/min) the print head will move. See how the software is smart about the speed of the supports versus the walls versus the parts that stick up?

我喜歡下面的這種觀點。 我有要列印的支架,並且為列印頭的“移動”加上了彩色,以智慧地顯示列印頭每分鐘移動多少毫米(毫米/分鐘)。 看到該軟體在支撐件相對於牆壁相對於粘附部件的速度方面如何聰明嗎?

Simplify3D made the Minecraft Chess set possible when other systems were creating weird supports or moving too fast and tipping over the fragile parts.

當其他系統建立奇怪的支撐或移動速度過快並在易碎部件上傾斜時, Simplify3D使得Minecraft國際象棋裝置成為可能。

Simplify3D is amazing

Seriously, if you're moving to intermediate like I am, pay the money and buy Simplify3D. I don't say that lightly. I'm just scratching the surface and learning what it can do, but so far it's already been worth the money. I have no relationship with the company and there's no affiliate code on the link.

認真地說,如果您要像我一樣過渡到中級,請付錢並購買Simplify3D 。 我不會輕易說出來。 我只是從頭開始,學習它可以做什麼,但是到目前為止,它已經物有所值。 我與公司沒有關係,連結上沒有會員程式碼。

恐懼-我仍然擔心該裝置...直到我拆開它 (Fear - I was still afraid of the device...until I took it apart)

For the most part I've been using my Dremel and Printrbot 3D Printers without issue or incident. However after a few hundred hours of successful printing a snag in the filament spool as it unraveled somehow caused a clog in the Dremel. I was kind of freaking out. 3D Printers are somewhat persnickety and when you have one well-calibrated you don't usually want to mess with it. I thought.

在大多數情況下,我一直在使用DremelPrintrbot 3D印表機而不會​​出現問題。 但是,在成功列印了幾百小時之後,細絲線軸由於解開而出現了障礙,這在Dremel中造成了堵塞。 我有點嚇壞了。 3D印表機有些固定,當您對其進行了良好的校準後,通常就不會把它弄亂了。 我想。

Taking apart a Dremel

I called Dremel Tech Support and let me tell you, someone give Adrian Malone at Dremel Consumer Services a raise. I called them up and Adrian was in the middle of a print. First, I love that, folks that use their products. He say he had over 1000 hours on that machine (the machines keep track) and he talked my courage up until I felt prepared to take about the whole head and unclog it. His instructions were crystal clear, he was patient and kind. All the things Tech Support should be. Gave me his extension but told me anyone could help...and I have a feeling they could. I've heard tales of Dremel Tech Support being amazing for these printers before this cemented it.

我打電話給Dremel技術支援,告訴我,有人給Dremel Consumer Services的Adrian Malone加薪。 我打電話給他們,而阿德里安(Adrian)處於印刷品的中間。 首先,我喜歡那些使用他們的產品的人。 他說他在那臺機器上工作了1000多個小時(這些機器一直在跟蹤),他說出了我的勇氣,直到我感到準備拿起整個腦袋並疏通它為止。 他的指示很明確,他很有耐心和友善。 技術支援應有的一切。 給我他的副檔名,但告訴我任何人都可以幫助...,我感到他們可以提供幫助。 在此之前,我聽說過Dremel技術支援對這些印表機而言令人讚歎的故事。

繼續列印-如果您不使用它,那麼您就不會學習 (Keep Printing - If you're not using it, you're not learning)

My 7 year old and I are printing a quadcopter from places called "CrossFire 2" as a (many) weekend project. We printed a money clip for his allowance last week. We just finished the Minecraft Chess Set today. We're always making, but more importantly, we're always learning. \

我和我7歲的孩子正在(許多)週末專案中從名為“ CrossFire 2”的地方列印四軸飛行器。 上週我們印了一張錢夾作為他的津貼。 今天我們剛剛完成了Minecraft國際象棋比賽。 我們一直在努力,但更重要的是,我們一直在學習。 \

3D printing a Quadcopter

Are you 3D Printing? What kinds of stuff do you make? What tips did I miss? Sound off in the comments.

您是3D列印嗎? 你製作什麼樣的東西? 我錯過了哪些技巧? 在評論中聽起來不錯。

Sponsor: Thanks to my friends at Accusoft for sponsoring the feed this week. Just a few lines of code lets you add HTML5 document viewing, redaction, annotation, and more to your apps and websites.Download a free trial now!

贊助商:感謝我在Accusoft的朋友們為本週的飼料提供贊助。 只需幾行程式碼,您就可以嚮應用程式和網站新增HTML5文件的檢視,編輯,註釋等。 立即下載免費試用版!

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/moving-beyond-beginner-when-3d-printing-and-becoming-a-handy-person