1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何在VMware Workstation上安裝Windows Home Server Beta“ Vail”

如何在VMware Workstation上安裝Windows Home Server Beta“ Vail”

If you’re a Windows Home Server enthusiast you probably want to test out the new version code named Vail. You might not have an extra box to test it on, so here we take a look at installing it on VMware Workstation.

如果您是Windows Home Server的發燒友,則可能需要測試名為Vail的新版本程式碼。 您可能沒有額外的盒子可以對其進行測試,因此在這裡我們看一下如何在VMware Workstation上安裝它。

Getting Started


You’ll need the following items to get started.


  • VMware Workstation with a valid license or you can use it free for a 30 day trial period

    具有有效許可證的VMware Workstation,或者您可以免費使用30天的試用期
  • WHS Vail Beta ISO

    WHS Vail Beta ISO
  • Computer Capable of Hardware Virtualization

  • Enough Hard Drive space on the Host computer to create a 160GB virtual hard drive which is the minimum system requirements

  • At least 2GB of RAM or more on the Host computer – The minimum amount of RAM to allocate for Vail is 1GB


For this article we used a machine with a Core i3 processor and 6GB of RAM running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and VMware Workstation 7.1.

在本文中,我們使用了一臺具有Core i3處理器和6GB RAM的計算機,該計算機執行Windows 7 Ultimate x64和VMware Workstation 7.1。

Hardware Virtualization


To start out you’ll need to make sure your machine is capable of Hardware Virtualization. If it isn’t, you might want to check through your BIOS settings to enable it. Also check for and install any BIOS updates that are available for your machine. An excellent utility to quickly find out if it’s capable of Hardware Virtualization is SecurAble. There is no installation needed…just download the file and run it.

首先,您需要確保您的計算機能夠進行硬體虛擬化。 如果不是,您可能需要檢查一下BIOS設定以啟用它。 還要檢查並安裝適用於您的計算機的所有BIOS更新。 SecurAble是一個很好的實用工具,可以快速找出它是否可以進行硬體虛擬化。 無需安裝…只需下載檔案並執行即可。


Install VMware


If you don’t have it already, download and install VMware Workstation (link below). If you already have the free VMware Player installed, you’ll be prompted to uninstall that first. Don’t worry about losing any VMs that you created in Player as Workstation comes with a version of Player as well.

如果尚未安裝,請下載並安裝VMware Workstation(下面的連結)。 如果您已經安裝了免費的VMware Player,將提示您首先將其解除安裝。 不要擔心丟失在Workstation隨附的Player版本中在Player中建立的任何VM。


A restart is required to complete the uninstall of VMware Player.

需要重新啟動才能完成VMware Player的解除安裝。


When you get back from the restart or are just beginning the install, go through the wizard accepting the defaults of a Typical Install. You’ll also be asked to enter your license number during the process or continue with the free trial.

當您從重新啟動中恢復或剛開始安裝時,請通過嚮導接受典型安裝的預設設定。 在此過程中,系統還會要求您輸入您的許可證號或繼續免費試用。


Again a reboot will be required to finish the installation.



Creating New Virtual Machine


Once it’s installed you’ll see the VMware Workstation icon in the Taskbar. Launch it from there and click on New Virtual Machine.

安裝完成後,您將在工作列中看到VMware Workstation圖示。 從那裡啟動它,然後單擊“新建虛擬機器”。


When the New Virtual Machine Wizard starts, click on Custom (advanced) configuration.



In the next step of the wizard just keep the defaults and select Next.



Now select I will install the operating system later. This will make the install process easier by configuring the correct VMware settings first and not have it do an unattended install.

現在選擇“我稍後將安裝作業系統” 。 通過首先配置正確的VMware設定,而不進行無人蔘與的安裝,這將使安裝過程更加容易。


For the Guest Operating System select Windows Server 2008 x64.

對於來賓作業系統,選擇Windows Server 2008 x64。


Give your VM a name that makes sense. If you end up installing a lot of different VMs, giving them unique names helps keep them all straight.

給您的VM一個有意義的名稱。 如果最終要安裝許多不同的VM,則為它們提供唯一的名稱有助於使它們保持一致。


For this article we didn’t change the processor settings, we kept them with the defaults. This is something you might want to experiment with later though.

對於本文,我們沒有更改處理器設定,而是將其保留為預設設定。 不過,您稍後可能會想嘗試一下。


Now decide the amount of memory you want to allocate for the Vail VM. Keep in mind it will be using the host computer memory, so if you don’t want big slow downs with other tasks while the VM is running, you can set it to the minimum requirement which is 1GB. On our system we have some memory to spare so we bumped it up to 2GB.

現在,確定要為Vail VM分配的記憶體量。 請記住,它將使用主機計算機的記憶體,因此,如果您不希望在VM執行時因其他任務而大幅度降低速度,可以將其設定為最低要求,即1GB。 在我們的系統上,我們有一些可用記憶體,因此我們將其增加到2GB。


For the Network Type select Use bridged networking for best performance. This will give your Vail VM its own IP address and will act like a separate machine on your network.

對於網路型別,選擇使用橋接網路以獲得最佳效能。 這將為您的Vail VM提供其自己的IP地址,並且將在網路上像單獨的計算機一樣工作。


For the SCSI Controller type you can just leave it with the default recommended LSI Logic SAS. Again you might want to experiment with these settings at another time, but for now you can leave it.

對於SCSI控制器型別,您只需將其保留為預設的建議LSI Logic SAS。 同樣,您可能想在其他時間嘗試這些設定,但是現在您可以保留它。


Now you need to create a new virtual disk for Vail.



Select the disk type to be SCSI…



Now you need to select the size of the virtual hard drive. The minimum requirement is 160GB, so you’ll want to make sure you have enough disk space on the Host computer.

現在,您需要選擇虛擬硬碟驅動器的大小。 最低要求為160GB,因此您需要確保主機上有足夠的磁碟空間。


You can then specify the disk file, we just left it as the default.



You’ll get an overview of the settings you selected when creating the Server VM. Look it over and if something doesn’t look right you can go back at this point and make changes.

您將概述建立伺服器VM時選擇的設定。 檢視一下,如果有什麼不正確的地方,您可以返回此處進行更改。


From the main Workstation screen, under Devices double-click CD/DVD so we can install the ISO image. Since Vail comes in ISO format, there is no need to burn it to disc for the VM. You might want to burn it at some point for installing it on an actual machine later.

在“工作站”主螢幕上的“裝置”下,雙擊CD / DVD,以便我們可以安裝ISO映像。 由於Vail是ISO格式,因此無需將其刻錄到VM的光碟上。 您可能需要燒錄它,以便稍後將其安裝到實際計算機上。


Select Use ISO image file and browse to its location.



Now power on the machine to begin the install process of Vail.



Go through the installation as you normally would. Don’t worry if you haven’t installed it before, the process is pretty basic following the wizard. The VM will restart several times which is normal and the amount of time it takes will vary. On our machine it took around 30 minutes.

照常進行安裝。 如果您之前沒有安裝過,請不要擔心,該過程非常簡單。 VM將重新啟動幾次,這是正常現象,並且所需的時間會有所不同。 在我們的機器上花費了大約30分鐘。


After the install process has completed click the I Finished Installing button.



During the installation process, it didn’t take up too many resources on our Core i3 desktop, but once you start using Vail, it will use the Host’s resources you allocated for it.

在安裝過程中,Core i3桌面上並沒有佔用太多資源,但是一旦您開始使用Vail,它將使用您為其分配的主機資源。


Now that Vail is installed on VMware Workstation you can log in and start using it. At the Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE screen select VM \ Send Ctrl+Alt+Del from the toolbar.

現在,Vail已安裝在VMware Workstation上,您可以登入並開始使用它。 在“按CTRL + ALT + DELETE”螢幕上,從工具欄中選擇“ VM” \“傳送Ctrl + Alt + Del”。


Now you can log into your new virtual Vail Server.



VMware Tools


Now you’ll want to install VMware Tools which will enhance the VM experience. From the toolbar go to VM \ Install VMware Tools.

現在,您需要安裝VMware Tools,它將增強VM體驗。 從工具欄轉到VM \ Install VMware Tools。


When the AutoPlay screen comes up click on Run setup.exe to installed the tools.



Now run through the VMware Tools wizard and install it accepting the defaults.

現在,通過VMware Tools嚮導執行並安裝接受預設設定的嚮導。


Another restart will be required to complete the installation of VMware Tools.

將需要重新啟動一次才能完成VMware Tools的安裝。


There you go! You can now test out the beta version of Windows Home Server virtually. If you want to test out clients, you could create another virtual machine and connect it. You’ll also be able to RDP into the virtual server so you can test out the new features. If you already have WHS Version 1 Connecter software installed on the host machine, you won’t be able to install the Connecter Software.

你去! 現在,您可以虛擬測試Windows Home Server的beta版本。 如果要測試客戶端,則可以建立另一個虛擬機器並將其連線。 您還可以將RDP匯入虛擬伺服器,以便測試新功能。 如果您已經在主機上安裝了WHS版本1聯結器軟體,則將無法安裝聯結器軟體。


VMware Player

VMware Player

Remember at the beginning of this article we mentioned that any VMs you had setup in the free VMware player will be fine? Well that is true provided the install goes through successfully without and errors. You can access VMware Player from the Start Menu \ All Programs \ VMware folder.

還記得本文開頭提到的,在免費的VMware Player中設定的任何VM都可以嗎? 如果安裝成功且沒有錯誤,那麼這是正確的。 您可以從“開始”選單\“所有程式” \“ VMware”資料夾訪問VMware Player。


On our tests, all of the VMs we had previously setup worked without any issues.





That is all there is to it! The process is fairly easy since everything is wizard driven. You just need to make sure to follow the steps in the right order and select the correct options. Now you can enjoy testing out Vail without worrying about having an extra machine to run it on. Remember that Vail is still in Beta and at this point, you definitely don’t want to get rid of Version 1 and replace it with Vail. If you don’t have a license for Workstation they do offer a 30 day free trial so you can at least play around with Vail for a month.

這就是全部! 由於所有操作都是由嚮導驅動的,因此該過程非常容易。 您只需要確保按照正確的順序執行步驟,然後選擇正確的選項即可。 現在,您可以享受測試Vail的樂趣,而不必擔心需要額外的機器來執行它。 請記住,Vail仍處於Beta版,此時,您絕對不希望放棄Version 1,而將其替換為Vail。 如果您沒有Workstation的許可證,他們會提供30天的免費試用期,因此您至少可以在Vail玩一個月。

If you do have an extra computer collecting dust and want to turn it into a Windows Home Server, check out our guide on how to install and setup WHS Version 1.

如果您確實有一臺多餘的計算機收集灰塵並將其變成Windows Home Server,請檢視有關如何安裝和設定WHS版本1的指南

Download VMware Workstation – Registration Required

下載VMware Workstation –需要註冊

Download WHS Code Named Vail from Microsoft Connect

從Microsoft Connect下載名為Vail的WHS程式碼

Download SecurAble


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/23275/how-to-install-windows-home-server-beta-vail-on-vmware-workstation/