After writing the article last week about disabling SuperFetch, my good friend Daniel Spiewak commented that SuperFetch “loads the wrong thing more often than not”, which reminded me of a registry tweak… You can tell Windows to only cache the boot processes instead of everything.
I’ve not personally verified that this tweak really changes anything with regards to performance, so just like disabling SuperFetch you’ll have to check it out for yourself. We’re just trying to keep you informed.
Manual Registry Tweak
Open regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box and browse down to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters
Find the EnablePrefetcher key on the right-hand pane, and change the value to one of these:
- Disable Caching: 0 禁用快取:0
- Cache Applications Only: 1 僅快取應用程式:1
- Cache Boot Files Only: 2 僅快取啟動檔案:2
- Cache Everything (default): 3 快取所有內容(預設):3
You’ll have to restart your computer before this takes any effect. You could consider clearing out the \Windows\Prefetch folder after making this change to start with a fresh cache, but keep in mind that the next boot will probably be slower since Windows will have to cache everything again.
您必須重新啟動計算機才能生效。 進行此更改後,您可以考慮清除\ Windows \ Prefetch資料夾以開始使用新的快取,但是請記住,下次啟動可能會比較慢,因為Windows必須再次快取所有內容。