1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Windows Update可能很快會立即重新啟動PC(如果需要,為什麼?)

Windows Update可能很快會立即重新啟動PC(如果需要,為什麼?)

What’s the most annoying thing about Windows Update? If you said the reboots, Microsoft has got you covered. Soon, Windows Update may be able to reboot your PC immediately after updates rather than waiting for a convenient time—wait, what?

Windows Update最讓人討厭的是什麼? 如果您說重新啟動,Microsoft可以幫助您。 很快,Windows Update也許能夠在更新後立即重新啟動PC,而不必等待方便的時間-等待什麼?

It sounds ridiculous, but that’s one of the latest features reported by Albacore (@thebookisclosed) on Twitter. He’s found various other new Windows features before Microsoft has officially announced them, including the Windows Sandbox recently. We imagine Microsoft is at least testing this feature, even if it never makes it into the stable version of Windows.

這聽起來很荒謬,但這是Albacore( @thebookisclosed )在Twitter上報道的最新功能之一。 在Microsoft正式宣佈這些新功能之前,他已經發現了其他各種Windows新功能,包括最近的Windows Sandbox 。 我們可以想象Microsoft至少正在測試此功能,即使它從未進入Windows的穩定版本也是如此。

Here’s the good news: This feature is optional. If you like, you can “stay up to date with a new setting that automatically restarts your device to install updates as soon as they’re ready.” Windows Update promises it will always notify you and give you the opportunity to postpone the reboot. But, if you’ve stepped away from your PC for a few minutes, you might return only to see that your PC has suddenly rebooted and you missed the countdown.

這是個好訊息:此功能是可選的。 如果願意,您可以“保持最新設定,該設定可以在裝置準備就緒後立即自動重啟裝置以安裝更新。” Windows Update承諾它將始終通知您,併為您提供推遲重新啟動的機會。 但是,如果您離開PC幾分鐘後,可能只會回來看看PC已突然重新啟動並且錯過了倒計時。

If you happen to be some sort of die-hard Windows Update fan, Microsoft has got you covered. New feature that restarts ASAP is in the works. pic.twitter.com/KUnwNGf3jq

如果您碰巧是頑固的Windows Update粉絲,那麼Microsoft可以滿足您的要求。 儘快重新啟動的新功能正在開發中。 pic.twitter.com/KUnwNGf3jq

— Albacore (@thebookisclosed) December 19, 2018

-Albacore(@thebookisclosed) 2018年12月19日

This feature just boggles our minds. Who asked for this? Windows can already reboot fairly quickly after updates, using features like Active Hours to restart when you’re not using your PC. Recent versions even use machine learning to detect whether you’re using your PC before restarting. Who asked for Windows Update’s reboots to be even more aggressive? Even Apple’s iPads don’t have an option to reboot this aggressively for automatic updates.

此功能使我們難以置信。 誰要的? 更新後,Windows已經可以相當快速地重新啟動,使用“活動時間”等功能可以在不使用PC時重新啟動。 最新版本甚至使用機器學習來在重新啟動之前檢測您是否正在使用PC 。 誰要求Windows Update重新啟動更具攻擊性? 甚至Apple的iPad也沒有選擇重新啟動此選項以進行自動更新。

Windows 10’s next big update already includesa new system tray icon that can alert you when you need to restart, too. So there’s even less need for this feature!

Windows 10的下一個重大更新已經包含一個新的系統工作列圖示,該圖示也可以在需要重新啟動時提醒您。 因此,對該功能的需求就更少了!

If this “restart ASAP” feature ever does arrive, it will likely be part of the next version of Windows, codenamed 19H1 and scheduled for release around April 2019. It’s an optional feature, so it doesn’t really matter—but who would use this feature, and why?


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/windows-update-may-soon-reboot-your-pc-immediately-if-you-want-but-why/