1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何設定自定義工作列圖示_輕鬆自定義Windows 7工作列圖示

如何設定自定義工作列圖示_輕鬆自定義Windows 7工作列圖示



Would you like to fully customize your Windows 7 icons without having to manually change out every icon? Here’s how you can switch to an entire new set of icons in only a couple clicks.

您想完全自定義Windows 7圖示,而不必手動更改每個圖示嗎? 只需單擊幾下,即可通過以下方法切換到全新的圖示集。


Recently we showed you how you can Customize your Windows 7 taskbar icons for any app manually

, but it required changing each of your apps’ icons by hand. Although it’s not too hard, it can take some time if you want to customize a number of apps. Thankfully, there’s now a better way to change out all your icons.

最近,我們向您展示瞭如何為任何應用程式手動自定義Windows 7工作列圖示,但這需要手動更改每個應用程式的圖示。 雖然不太難,但是如果要自定義許多應用程式可能會花費一些時間。 幸運的是,現在有了一種更好的方法來更改所有圖示。

7Conifier is a new free app for Windows 7 that can customize all of your taskbar and start menu icons in only a couple clicks. Download the zip file from the link below, then unzip the contents of the folder so you can get started customizing your taskbar.

7Conifier是Windows 7的新免費應用程式,只需單擊幾次即可自定義所有工作列和開始選單圖示。 從下面的連結下載zip檔案,然後解壓縮該資料夾的內容,以便您開始自定義工作列。


Once it’s unzipped, run the 7CONIFIER.exe program. Since this is the first time you’re running the app, you’ll be asked if you want to backup your existing icons in a Default package. This is a good idea so you can quickly restore your icons if you don’t like the changes, so click Yes to continue.

解壓縮後,執行7CONIFIER.exe程式。 由於這是您第一次執行該應用程式,因此係統會詢問您是否要備份預設程式包中的現有圖示。 這是個好主意,因此,如果您不喜歡所做的更改,可以快速恢復圖示,因此請單擊“是”繼續。


Now, simply select one of the available icon packs, and click Apply to change your icons to the new set.



By default, the icons will be applied to the taskbar and start menu, and Explorer will automatically be restarted to apply the changes. You can change these settings if you wish, or just click Apply to change your icons.

預設情況下,圖示將應用於工作列和開始選單,並且資源管理器將自動重新啟動以應用更改。 您可以根據需要更改這些設定,也可以單擊“應用”更改圖示。


After a few seconds, your taskbar will disappear then come back with your new icons. That’s easy!

幾秒鐘後,您的工作列將消失,然後返回新圖示。 這很容易!


If you’re running some less common programs, you may notice that their icons do not get changed. To fix this, go back to 7Conifier, select the icon package you want, and click the pencil icon to edit the icons.

如果您正在執行一些不太常用的程式,則可能會注意到它們的圖示沒有更改。 要解決此問題,請返回7Conifier,選擇所需的圖示包,然後單擊鉛筆圖示以編輯圖示。


Select the Icons tab, and here you can change the icon settings for all the default programs included with the set. You can also add your own application settings, or automatically import all pinned applications so you can easily customize their icons. If you have another set of icons you wish to use, you can swap to it here as well. Once you’re finished, click Save, then apply the icon theme again to get your other icons customized.

選擇“圖示”選項卡,然後您可以在其中更改該設定中隨附的所有預設程式的圖示設定。 您還可以新增自己的應用程式設定,或自動匯入所有固定的應用程式,以便輕鬆自定義其圖示。 如果您想使用另一組圖示,也可以在此處交換。 完成後,點選儲存,然後再次應用圖示主題以自定義其他圖示。


7Conifier definitely makes it much easier to customize the icons for all your favorite programs. It worked very good in our tests, and the icon sets included look sharp as well. If you’d like to customize your desktop even more, here’s how you can Change your Windows 7 Start orb and Organize your programs into groups on your Windows 7 taskbar.

7Conifier無疑使您可以輕鬆自定義所有喜愛程式的圖示。 在我們的測試中,它的效果非常好,所包含的圖示集也顯得清晰。 如果您想進一步自定義桌面,請按照以下方法更改Windows 7啟動球並將程式組織到Windows 7工作列上的組中

Download 7Conifier to Customize Your Windows 7 Icons

下載7Conifier自定義Windows 7圖示

Hat-tip to AskVG for the tip!


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/31832/customize-your-windows-7-taskbar-icons-the-easy-way/
