1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >詢問HTG:Windows Media Player Dupes,交換滑鼠按鈕,自定義Word的預設字型

詢問HTG:Windows Media Player Dupes,交換滑鼠按鈕,自定義Word的預設字型

Once a week we dip into our reader mailbag to answer your pressing tech questions. This week we’re looking at deleting duplicate Windows Media Player entries, hotkey switching for right/left-handed mouse settings, and changing Word’s default font.

每週一次,我們浸入閱讀器郵袋中,以回答您緊迫的技術問題。 本週,我們將要刪除重複的Windows Media Player條目,左右手滑鼠設定的熱鍵切換以及更改Word的預設字型。

在Windows Media Player中處理重複條目 (Dealing with Duplicate Entries in Windows Media Player)


Dear How-To Geek,

親愛的How-To Geek,

I’ve been a long time Windows Media Player user and have always had trouble with duplicate songs appearing in my library. When I upgraded to Windows 7 I even ended up with triple entries for many of the files! What can I do to trim things back down to their proper size and get rid of these duplicates?

我已經是Windows Media Player的長期使用者,並且總是遇到重複歌曲出現在我的媒體庫中的麻煩。 當我升級到Windows 7時,我甚至對許多檔案都輸入了三次! 我該怎麼做才能將它們縮小到適當的大小並擺脫這些重複項?



Seeing Double in Delaware


Dear Seeing Double,


Your problem could stem from multiple issues. We’re going to give you a few pointers on narrowing down the source of the problem.

您的問題可能源於多個問題。 我們將為您提供一些有關縮小問題根源的指導。

Before we get too deep into solving your problem let’s make sure you don’t actually have a duplicate media collection (stranger things have happened)! Open up Windows Media Player and find a couple of those duplicate files that have been plaguing you. Right click on them and click “Show in Folder”. Do both entries point to the same file? If so, you have a double entry for the same file. Are they two different files in two different directories? If so, Media Player is set up correctly you just added the same file twice.

在我們深入解決您的問題之前,請確保您實際上沒有重複的媒體收藏(發生了奇怪的事情)! 開啟Windows Media Player,找到困擾您的幾個重複檔案。 右鍵單擊它們,然後單擊“顯示在資料夾中”。 兩個條目都指向同一個檔案嗎? 如果是這樣,您將對同一檔案進行兩次輸入。 它們是在兩個不同目錄中的兩個不同檔案嗎? 如果是這樣,則說明Media Player設定正確,您只添加了兩次相同的檔案。

If the entries point to the same file, there’s a good chance that you’re media library is corrupted in some way. The fastest way to deal with it is to simply remove the old library and rebuild it. Close Windows Media Player and then navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\ where Username is your actual username. In that folder you’ll find several .WMDB files, create a folder named “backup” and dump them all in there. Start Windows Media Player again and then press F3 to open the Add to Library dialog. Navigate to your media folder and add the music back in you wish to include in your library.

如果條目指向同一檔案,則很有可能是您的媒體庫在某種程度上已損壞。 處理它的最快方法是簡單地刪除舊庫並重建它。 關閉Windows Media Player,然後導航到C:\ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Media Player \,其中Username是您的實際使用者名稱。 在該資料夾中,您將找到幾個.WMDB檔案,建立一個名為“ backup”的資料夾並將其全部轉儲到那裡。 再次啟動Windows Media Player,然後按F3開啟“新增到庫”對話方塊。 導航到媒體資料夾,然後將音樂重新新增到您希望包含在音樂庫中的音樂中。

The above technique also helps with the duplicate files from duplicate folders problem. When you rebuild your library make sure to only add in the primary source (don’t add in the secondary folders that are creating the duplicate file entries).

上述技術還有助於解決重複資料夾中的重複檔案問題。 重建庫時,請確保僅新增主要源(不要新增正在建立重複檔案條目的輔助資料夾中)。

Finally if your music collection is a real mess with duplicate folders and files within your primary media folder you’ll need a good tool to help sort it out. There are lots of duplicate file finders available but not many of them are oriented towards music collections. Duplicate Cleaner is a free application that not only checks the file name, location, and size, but also scans MP3 ID tags to maximize the number of dupes you can ferret out. If the original library rebuilding trick doesn’t do it for you, Duplicate Cleaner can help.

最後,如果您的音樂收藏確實很混亂,並且主媒體資料夾中的資料夾和檔案重複,那麼您將需要一個很好的工具來幫助您進行整理。 有許多重複的檔案查詢器可用,但其中很少有針對音樂收藏的。 Duplicate Cleaner是一個免費的應用程式,它不僅可以檢查檔名,位置和大小,還可以掃描MP3 ID標籤以使可以複製的重複項數量最大化。 如果原始庫重建技巧不適合您,Duplicate Cleaner可以為您提供幫助。

通過熱鍵從右向左交換滑鼠按鈕 2011-05-23_145720 (Swapping Mouse Buttons from Right to Left Handed via Hotkey)

Dear How-To Geek,

親愛的How-To Geek,

I am tired of constantly going into the Mouse menu to switch the mouse back to left handed. Is there a way to make doing this via one click on a computers that are shared?

我厭倦了不斷進入“滑鼠”選單以將滑鼠切換回左手狀態。 有沒有一種方法可以通過在共享的計算機上單擊一下來做到這一點?



Left Handed in Liverpool


Dear Left Handed,


There is a handy and lightweight application that fits your needs perfectly. SwapMouseButtons is a freeware application that enabled a new shortcut, CTRL+F12 (you can swap the hotkey combo in the settings menu if it conflicts with a current application). Press those two keys and Windows automatically toggles between the default right-handed mouse configuration and the left-handed configuration it also swaps the orientation of the mouse point to the left-handed version.

有一個方便,輕巧的應用程式可以完美滿足您的需求。 SwapMouseButtons是一個免費的應用程式,它啟用了新的快捷鍵CTRL + F12(如果與當前應用程式衝突,則可以在設定選單中交換熱鍵組合)。 按下這兩個鍵,Windows將自動在預設的右手滑鼠配置和左手配置之間切換,還將滑鼠指標的方向轉換為左手版本。

If you find the application useful, we’d recommend saving a copy somewhere safe. The author’s original site is long gone and the installation file exists on freeware repositories all over the net—handy little apps like this have a way of fading away when you need them most.

如果您發現該應用程式有用,建議您將副本儲存在安全的地方。 作者的原始站點已經不復存在,並且安裝檔案存在於整個網路的免費軟體儲存庫中-諸如此類的便捷小應用程式可以在最需要時逐漸消失。

在Microsoft Word中設定預設字型 (Setting the Default Font in Microsoft Word)


Dear How-To Geek,

親愛的How-To Geek,

Years ago I changed the default font on Microsoft Word but have long since forgotten how to do it. Help! I have a new copy of Word and want to customize it.

多年前,我更改了Microsoft Word上的預設字型,但是很久以來就忘記了如何做。 幫幫我! 我有一個新的Word副本,想要對其進行自定義。

Sincerely, Font Changing in Fresno


Dear Font Changing,


It’s a really straight forward tweak. Open a new blank Word document. Press CTRL+D (or click the flyout button in the lower corner of the Font icon group on the toolbar). In the Font dialog box that pops up you can customize several aspects of the font and setup of new blank documents, including the default font and font size.

這是一個非常直接的調整。 開啟一個新的空白Word文件。 按CTRL + D(或單擊工具欄上“字型”圖示組下角的彈出按鈕)。 在彈出的“字型”對話方塊中,您可以自定義字型和設定新空白文件的多個方面,包括預設字型和字型大小。

It’s by far the most straight forward process on Word 2010 (as evidenced by the easy instructions we just shared) but it’s not too bad on earlier versions of Word too. If you’re dealing with prior versions check out this help entry from Microsoft covering Word 2002, 2003, and 2007.

這是迄今為止Word 2010上最直接的過程(正如我們剛剛分享的簡單說明所證明的那樣),但在Word的早期版本中也不錯。 如果您使用的是早期版本,請檢視Microsoft的有關Word 2002、2003和2007的幫助條目

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do out best to get to the bottom of your problem.

有緊迫的技術問題嗎? 向我們傳送電子郵件至[email protected] ,我們將盡力解決問題的根源。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/64346/ask-htg-windows-media-player-dupes-swapping-mouse-buttons-customizing-words-default-font/