1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何在Samsung Galaxy裝置上禁用快速充電(以及為什麼要這樣做)

如何在Samsung Galaxy裝置上禁用快速充電(以及為什麼要這樣做)


Everyone likes their devices to charge quickly, right? That’s why aptly-named quick charging technology is so popular—almost every chip maker has its own version of it at this point. Still, there are occasions when fast charging may not be the best solution.

每個人都喜歡他們的裝置快速充電,對吧? 這就是為什麼恰當命名的快速充電技術如此流行的原因-幾乎每個晶片製造商在這一點上都有自己的版本。 不過,在某些情況下,快速充電可能不是最佳解決方案。

Thankfully, Samsung realizes the need to disable this feature on-the-fly, and there’s baked-in a way to do it on Galaxy devices running Marshmallow, like the S7/Edge, S6 Edge+, S6, and Note 5.

值得慶幸的是,三星意識到有必要即時禁用此功能,並且可以通過一種方法在執行棉花糖的Galaxy裝置(例如S7 / Edge,S6 Edge +,S6和Note 5)上禁用它。

Before we get into the how

, though, let’s take a closer to look at the why, because I know what you’re thinking: why would anyone want to disable fast charging? There are actually a couple of reasons, but the primary one is heat—more specifically, overheating. Fast charging pushes a lot of juice in a short amount of time (hence the name), so devices can easily overheat. If it’s on your bedside table in a cool, air-conditioned house, this may not be an issue. But if it’s on your lap with the sun beating down on it in a hot car, well…you can see how that may cause a problem.

在我們進入的怎麼樣,但是,讓我們仔細來看看為什麼,因為我知道你在想什麼:為什麼會有人想要禁用快速充電? 實際上有兩個原因,但主要的原因是熱量-更具體地說,是過熱。 快速充電會在很短的時間內推開很多汁(因此得名),因此裝置很容易過熱。 如果將它放在涼爽的空調房中的床頭櫃上,則可能不是問題。 但是,如果它在您的腿上,而太陽在熱車上拍打著它,那麼……您會發現這可能會引起問題。

Otherwise, on devices like the Galaxy S7/Edge that also have wireless charging, there’s a fan in the charging pad that can engage when using it. Some people hear this slight “whir” and find it annoying, and disabling fast wireless charging prevents this from happening.

否則,在諸如Galaxy S7 / Edge之類的也具有無線充電功能的裝置上,充電板中會有一個風扇,在使用時可以齧合。 有些人聽到這種輕微的“呼r聲”後會感到煩惱,並且禁用快速無線充電會阻止這種情況的發生。

Okay, so now that you know why you may want to do this, let’s look at how it’s done. The good news is that it’s a stupid-simple process, and you’re actually only a few taps away from making it happen. I’m using a Galaxy S7 Edge for this tutorial, but the process should be pretty much the same for all Galaxy devices running Marshmallow—just keep in mind that if your device doesn’t have wireless charging, the menu may look slightly different.

好的,現在您知道為什麼要這樣做了,讓我們看看它是如何完成的。 好訊息是,這是一個愚蠢的過程,實際上您離實現這一目標僅幾步之遙。 我在本教程中使用的是Galaxy S7 Edge,但是對於執行棉花糖的所有Galaxy裝置,該過程應該幾乎相同-請記住,如果您的裝置沒有無線充電,選單可能會略有不同。

The first thing you’ll want to do is jump into the Settings menu by pulling down the notification shade and tapping the cog icon in the upper right.



Once there, scroll down until you see the “Battery” option. Tap that.

到達那裡後,向下滾動直到看到“電池”選項。 點一下


Now, scroll all the way to the bottom of this menu. Depending on the device, there are either one or two options here: “Fast cable charging” and “Fast wireless charging.” Toggling the slider to the right of either option will enable/disable it. And that’s that.

現在,一直滾動到此選單的底部。 根據裝置的不同,這裡有一個或兩個選項:“快速電纜充電”和“快速無線充電”。 在任一選項右邊切換滑塊將啟用/禁用它。 就是這樣。


It’s especially nice that Samsung made these separate options, that way you can pick and choose—keep fast charging on for the cable, but disable it for wireless. Or vice-versa. Whatever floats your boat.

三星提供了這些單獨的選項特別好,這樣您就可以選擇-保持電纜的快速充電,但禁用無線功能。 或相反亦然。 無論您的船浮在水上。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/262819/how-to-disable-fast-charging-on-samsung-galaxy-devices-and-why-you-might-want-to/