1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何將聯絡人匯入Windows聯絡人資料夾和從中匯出聯絡人



In Windows 7 and 8, there is a Contacts folder in your user directory. This folder can be useful if you have your contacts in a single .vcf file and want to move them into a .csv file for importing into programs like Outlook 2013.

在Windows 7和8中,使用者目錄中有一個“聯絡人”資料夾。 如果您的聯絡人位於單個.vcf檔案中,並且希望將其移動到.csv檔案中以匯入到諸如Outlook 2013之類的程式中,則此資料夾會很有用。

To import contacts from a single .vcf file into your Contacts folder, open the Contacts folder at the following location in Windows Explorer.



C:\ Users \%username%\ Contacts

On the toolbar, click Import. If the Import button is not visible on the toolbar, click the >> button and select Import from the drop-down menu.

在工具欄上,單擊“匯入”。 如果工具欄上的匯入按鈕不可見,請單擊>>按鈕,然後從下拉選單中選擇匯入。


The Import to Windows Contacts dialog box displays. Select vCard (VCF file) from the list and click Import.

顯示“匯入Windows聯絡人”對話方塊。 從列表中選擇vCard(VCF檔案),然後單擊匯入。


On the Select a vCard file for import dialog box, navigate to the folder containing your .vcf file. Select the file and click Open.

在“選擇要匯入的vCard檔案”對話方塊上,導航到包含.vcf檔案的資料夾。 選擇檔案,然後單擊“開啟”。


The Properties dialog box displays for each contact in the .vcf file. This allows you to change information in or add information to each contact as needed. When you are ready to import each contact, click OK.

將為.vcf檔案中的每個聯絡人顯示“屬性”對話方塊。 這使您可以根據需要更改每個聯絡人的資訊或向每個聯絡人新增資訊。 準備匯入每個聯絡人時,請單擊“確定”。


Once you have gone through the Properties for each contact in your .vcf file, you are returned to the Import to Windows Contacts dialog box. Click Close to close the dialog box.

瀏覽完.vcf檔案中每個聯絡人的屬性後,將返回到“匯入Windows聯絡人”對話方塊。 單擊“關閉”關閉對話方塊。


Each contact displays in the Contacts folder as a .contact file.



Now, you can export all your contacts into a .csv file for importing into programs such as Outlook. Click Export on the toolbar in the Explorer window. Again, if the Export button is not visible, click the >> button and select Export from the drop-down menu.

現在,您可以將所有聯絡人匯出到.csv檔案中,以匯入到Outlook等程式中。 單擊資源管理器視窗中工具欄上的匯出。 同樣,如果“匯出”按鈕不可見,請單擊>>按鈕,然後從下拉選單中選擇“匯出”。


On the Export Windows Contacts dialog box, select CSV (Comma Separated Values) and click Export.

在“匯出Windows聯絡人”對話方塊中,選擇“ CSV(逗號分隔值)”,然後單擊“匯出”。

NOTE: You can also create separate vCard files from one vCard file by selecting the vCards (folder of .vcf files).



On the CSV Export dialog box, click Browse.

在“ CSV匯出”對話方塊上,單擊“瀏覽”。


Navigate to the location where you want to save the .csv file. Enter a name for the .csv file in the File name edit box and click Save.

導航到要儲存.csv檔案的位置。 在“檔名”編輯框中輸入.csv檔案的名稱,然後單擊“儲存”。


The path to the .csv file is entered in the Save exported file as edit box. Click Next.

.csv檔案的路徑在“將匯出的檔案另存為”編輯框中輸入。 點選下一步。


In the Select the fields you wish to export list, select all the fields you want to include in each contact in the .csv file. Click Finish.

在“選擇要匯出的欄位”列表中,選擇要包含在.csv檔案中每個聯絡人中的所有欄位。 單擊完成。


A dialog box displays telling you the process was successful. Click OK to close the dialog box.

將顯示一個對話方塊,告訴您該過程成功。 單擊“確定”關閉對話方塊。


The Export Windows Contacts dialog box is not closed automatically. Click Close to close it.

“匯出Windows聯絡人”對話方塊不會自動關閉。 單擊關閉將其關閉。


Your contacts are now available in .csv format.



You can use the .csv format to import your contacts into programs like Outlook and Excel.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/175778/how-to-import-contacts-into-and-export-contacts-from-the-windows-contacts-folder/