1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何阻止Facebook向您顯示“這一天”的回憶(暫時,至少)


Facebook’s “On This Day” feature can at the very least, be annoying, and at the most, it can trigger painful memories that you may not necessarily want to revisit. Here is a way to turn off this feature for at least a year.

Facebook的“在這一天”功能至少可以令人討厭,並且最多可以引發您可能不一定要重新訪問的痛苦回憶。 這是一種關閉此功能至少一年的方法。

We won’t lie, we don’t like the “On This Day” feature, and Facebook has been remarkably tone deaf about it. Despite floods of complaints from users stating that they don’t want or need it, Facebook has seemingly refused to allow people to simply turn it off.

我們不會撒謊,我們不喜歡“今天”功能,而Facebook對此一直表現得充耳不聞。 儘管有大量使用者抱怨說他們不需要或不需要它,但Facebook似乎拒絕讓人們簡單地將其關閉。

There doesn’t seem to be any reason for Facebook to have such a vested interest in our nostalgia, but regardless, every day there we are, confronted with whatever happened one, two, three years ago on that particular day.


As we said, there’s no way to simply turn off this feature wholesale, but you can fine tune it so that you won’t see these posts for at least a year from now.


首選項中的全部 (It’s All in the Preferences)

Facebook will show you a memory every day provided you have posted something on that date from any number of years ago. To effectively turn off these posts, you need to click the arrow in the top-right corner and select “Hide post”.

只要您在該日期釋出了數年前的任何內容,Facebook就會每天為您顯示記憶。 要有效關閉這些資訊,您需要點選右上角的箭頭,然後選擇“隱藏資訊”。

We do this every day, and we’re tired of it.

Facebook will tell you it’s sorry, and then you’ll see a link to click for “On This Day Preferences”.


In the preferences, you can filter out people you don’t want to be reminded of, or you can select a date or range of dates. In this case, we click the “edit” link next to dates.

在首選項中,您可以過濾掉不想提醒的人,或者選擇日期或日期範圍。 在這種情況下,我們單擊日期旁邊的“編輯”連結。

Just because you unfriended certain painful memory causing people doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t see painful memories, which is why you will need to choose a date range instead.

On the proceeding screen, click “Select Dates”.


First select the starting date. In this case, we just go ahead and select the earliest year (2003) from the dropdown selection.

首先選擇開始日期。 在這種情況下,我們只需要從下拉列表中選擇最早的年份(2003年)即可。

Our Facebook history doesn’t go back to 2003 but it doesn’t matter in this case, as long as we have a date range that covers our needs.

For our end date, we select a date a year from now (2016), which means that we won’t see any memories for any period from 2003 to 2016, and presumably for at least a year beyond that (2017). Click “Done” to confirm the dates.

對於我們的結束日期,我們選擇一個從現在開始的日期(2016年),這意味著我們不會看到2003年至2016年期間的任何記憶,並且可能至少還有一年(2017年)沒有記憶。 單擊“完成”以確認日期。

Make sure you click “Done” before you click “Save”.

Now you see we won’t seem any memories from 11/1/2003 to 11/30/2016. If this isn’t correct, click the “Edit” link to fix it. If you want to cancel or delete this range, click the small “X”. Otherwise, click “Save” to commit your changes.

現在您會看到,從2003年11月1日到2016年11月30日,我們似乎沒有任何記憶。 如果不正確,請單擊“編輯”連結進行修復。 如果要取消或刪除此範圍,請單擊小的“ X”。 否則,請單擊“儲存”以提交更改。

That’s it, you’re done and you shouldn’t see any more memories for quite some time. Click “Done” to exit the On This Day preferences and return to your newsfeed.

就是這樣,您已經完成了,並且應該不會在相當長的時間內看到更多的記憶。 單擊“完成”退出“當日”首選項,並返回到新聞源。

This isn’t the first time we’ve dealt with some kind of Facebook annoyance. In the past we’ve detailed how to stop birthday and other notifications, and how to block Facebook game and app requests. This is, however, the first time we’ve encountered an annoyance such as this without a clear way of simply turning it off and being rid of it.

這不是我們第一次處理某種形式的Facebook煩惱。 過去,我們詳細介紹瞭如何停止生日和其他通知,以及如何阻止Facebook遊戲和應用程式請求。 但是,這是我們第一次遇到這樣的煩惱,而沒有一個明確的方法來簡單地將其關閉並擺脫它。

We hope then that if this feature is bothersome and unwanted, then you will have found this article useful. If you have any questions or comments you would like to contribute, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

那麼我們希望,如果該功能令人討厭並且不受歡迎,那麼您將發現本文很有用。 如果您有任何疑問或意見要發表,請在我們的論壇中發表您的反饋意見。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/235168/how-to-stop-facebook-from-showing-you-on-this-day-memories-temporarily-at-least/