1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何使用Kodi的Web介面控制家庭影院PC(或流音樂)


You’re sitting on your couch, browsing the web on your laptop. Some music would be nice, but you don’t really want to put down your laptop, pick up the remote, and browse your music collection with your TV remote.

您坐在沙發上,在膝上型電腦上瀏覽網頁。 可以聽一些音樂,但您並不是真的不想放下膝上型電腦,拿起遙控器並使用電視遙控器瀏覽音樂收藏。

Happily, there’s a better way. One of Kodi’s built-in features lets you explore your entire media collection, even your add-ons, using the browser on your laptop. With it, youcan start playing a TV show on your Kodi box without putting down your laptop and picking up the remote. You can even stream to your music right in your browser, which is great if you don’t have all of your music on your laptop.

幸運的是,有更好的方法。 Kodi的內建功能之一,使您可以使用膝上型電腦上的瀏覽器瀏覽整個媒體集,甚至包括附件。 有了它,您就可以開始在Kodi盒子上播放電視節目,而無需放下膝上型電腦並拿起遙控器。 您甚至可以直接在瀏覽器中流式播放音樂,如果膝上型電腦上沒有所有音樂,那會很棒。

A previously third-party add-on named Chorus is now part of Kodi itself, and this beautiful HTML5 interface couldn’t be easier to enable and use. Let’s get started.

以前名為“ Chorus”的第三方附加元件現在已成為Kodi的一部分,這個漂亮HTML5介面啟用和使用起來再容易不過了。 讓我們開始吧。

如何啟用和訪問Kodi的HTTP Web介面 (How to Enable and AccessKodi’s HTTP Web Interface)

To get started, you need to enable Kodi’s remote control feature. On the home screen, click the Settings button, which the gear at top-left.

首先,您需要啟用Kodi的遠端控制功能。 在主螢幕上,單擊設定按鈕,該按鈕位於左上方。

Next, head to “Service settings,” as seen here.


Head to the Control tab, and you’ll see the option to allow remote control via HTTP.


You can set a custom port number, but the default will work fine. You can also choose a username and password, if you’d like to lock this thing down a little bit. The “Web interface” option should, by default, say “Kodi web interface – Chrous2,” but might be different if you’ve changed your web interface in the past. Make sure you set this to the default, assuming you want to try the new default interface.

您可以設定自定義埠號,但是預設設定可以正常工作。 如果您想將其鎖定一點,也可以選擇使用者名稱和密碼。 預設情況下,“ Web介面”選項應顯示為“ Kodi Web介面– Chrous2”,但是如果您過去更改過Web介面,則可能會有所不同。 假設要嘗試新的預設介面,請確保將其設定為預設值。

Now that you’ve turned it on, you can accessthis web interface from any computer on your network. Open your browser and,the address bar, type the IP address for your media center, followed by a colon, followed by the port. For example, if your Kodi box’s IP address is, and your port is set to 8080 , you need to type Like this:

現在您已將其開啟,您可以從網路上的任何計算機訪問此Web介面。 開啟瀏覽器,然後在位址列上鍵入媒體中心的IP地址,然後輸入冒號,然後輸入埠。 例如,如果您的Kodi框的IP地址為192.168.1.10 ,並且埠設定為8080 ,則需要輸入192.168.1.10:8080 。 像這樣:

If you don’t know the IP address for your Kodi setup, you can find it within Kodi itself. From the Settings screen head to System Information > Network and you’ll see all of your network information, including the IP Address. We recommend you set your router to use static IP addresses, so that this IP address doesn’t change on you later.

如果您不知道Kodi設定的IP地址,則可以在Kodi本身中找到它。 從“設定”螢幕頭轉到“系統資訊”>“網路”,您將看到所有網路資訊,包括IP地址。 我們建議您將路由器設定為使用靜態IP地址,以使該IP地址以後不會更改。

Once you set a static IP, feel free to bookmark this site for future use.


如何從Web介面瀏覽媒體收藏夾和載入項 (How to Browse Your MediaCollection and Add-onsfrom the Web Interface)

The Kodi web interface basically acts as a remote control for your media center. See those icons on the left? Hover over them to find out what they do.

Kodi Web介面基本上充當媒體中心的遙控器。 看到左邊的那些圖示了嗎? 將滑鼠懸停在他們身上以瞭解他們在做什麼。

Each iconmore or less represents a type of media in Kodi itself. For example, you can browse your TV Shows.

每個圖示或多或少代表著Kodi本身的一種媒體型別。 例如,您可以瀏覽電視節目。

Hover over any show’scover and hit the Play button; the entire serieswill start playing on your media center. Alternatively, you can click the cover itself to browseepisodes, or queue the entire showto play after what you’rewatching right now.

將滑鼠懸停在任何節目的封面上,然後點選播放按鈕; 整個系列將開始在您的媒體中心播放。 或者,您可以單擊封面本身來瀏覽劇集,也可以將整個節目排成一排,以觀看當前的節目。

You can quickly create a playlist for yourevening this way, all without interrupting what’s on your TV right now.


Speaking of TV: if you’ve set up your PVR with Kodi, you can use Chorus to quickly check what’s on, and even fire up a particular channel on yourmedia center.

說到電視:如果您已使用Kodi設定了PVR ,則可以使用Chorus快速檢視正在播放的內容,甚至可以啟動媒體中心上的特定頻道。

There are also sections for your movies and TV shows, if you want to browse those.


You can evenbrowse your add-ons completely from your browser.


You can browse the complete contents of an add-on, making it possible to browse various everythingand queue up a playlist of videos to watch later.


This is all really just getting started: I’m sure there’s no end of uses you can think of for all this access. But there’s one key feature we haven’t even gotten to yet.

這一切實際上才剛剛開始:我敢肯定,對於所有這些訪問,您都不會想到任何用途。 但是有一個關鍵功能我們還沒有實現。

通過網路流式傳輸Kodi音樂 (Streaming Your Kodi Music Over Your Network)

When you first start this browser interface, you’ll notice there are three main panels.


Let’s focus on the panel to the right. It has two tabs: “Kodi” and “Local.” Open the “Local” tab, and you can start building a playlist of music to play right there in your browser—streaming from your Kodi media center to the computer in front of you.

讓我們關注右側的面板。 它有兩個標籤:“科迪”和“本地”。 開啟“本地”選項卡,您可以開始構建音樂的播放列表,以在瀏覽器中直接播放-從Kodi媒體中心流向您面前的計算機。

If the panel is open, just click any album or song. Note that this works only for audio files: you can’t play videos from Kodi in your browser over the network. It also doesn’t work for music add-ons in our tests, though if you want Pandora in your browser, it’s probably simpler to just open Pandora in your browser.

如果面板開啟,則只需單擊任何專輯或歌曲。 請注意,這僅適用於音訊檔案:您無法通過網路在瀏覽器中播放來自Kodi的視訊。 在我們的測試中,它也不適用於音樂外掛,但是,如果您希望在瀏覽器中使用Pandora,則在瀏覽器中開啟Pandora可能會更簡單。

This feature is by no means a replacement for something like Plex, which lets you stream your media collection from anywhere. But if you just want a quick way to play your music collection on a Chromebook or phone, this couldn’t be simpler to set up.

此功能絕不是Plex之類的東西的替代,它使您可以從任何地方流式傳輸媒體收藏。 但是,如果您只是想要一種快速的方法來在Chromebook或手機上播放音樂收藏,那麼設定起來就不會那麼簡單。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/296309/how-to-use-kodis-web-interface-to-control-your-home-theater-pc-or-stream-music/