1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >安全狗導致網站程式池被禁用_如何在Microsoft Office程式中禁用安全警告訊息欄...

安全狗導致網站程式池被禁用_如何在Microsoft Office程式中禁用安全警告訊息欄...




Macros in Microsoft Office programs allow you to automate repetitive tasks, but some macros can be dangerous. Macros are bits of computer code and they’re infamous for containing malware that will infect your computer if you run them. Microsoft Office protects you from files containing macros by default.

Microsoft Office程式中的巨集允許您自動執行重複性任務,但是某些巨集可能很危險。 巨集是計算機程式碼的一部分,它們因包含惡意軟體臭名昭著,如果執行它們,它們會感染您的計算機。 預設情況下,Microsoft Office保護您免受包含巨集的檔案的侵害。

When you open a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file containing macros (.docm, .xlsm, or .pptm, respectively), a Security Warning message displays below the ribbon in the program telling you that macros have been disabled. If, and only if, you know the document came from a trusted source, you can click the “Enable Content” button on the Security Warning message to enable the macros in that document.

當您開啟包含巨集(分別為.docm,.xlsm或.pptm)的Word,Excel或PowerPoint檔案時,程式的功能區下方會顯示一條安全警告訊息,告訴您已禁用了巨集。 當且僅當您知道文件來自受信任的來源時,才可以單擊“安全警告”訊息上的“啟用內容”按鈕以啟用該文件中的巨集。

If you know what you’re doing, and you don’t want to see that message every time you open an Office document, you can disable it. We’ll show you how to disable the message without compromising the security of your Office programs. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t ever use macros in your Office documents again. If you deal with some Office files that have macros from trusted sources, you can set up a trusted location in which you can place those trusted files for each Microsoft Office program. Office files placed in a trusted location are ignored when you open them from that location, and macros are not disabled. We’ll also show you how to set up a trusted location for important files received from trusted sources.

如果您知道自己在做什麼,並且不想在每次開啟Office文件時都看到該訊息,則可以將其禁用。 我們將向您展示如何在不損害Office程式安全性的情況下禁用該訊息。 但是,這並不意味著您不能再在Office文件中使用巨集。 如果處理的某些Office檔案包含來自受信任源的巨集,則可以設定受信任位置,在其中可以為每個Microsoft Office程式放置這些受信任檔案。 當您從某個受信任位置開啟Office檔案時,該檔案將被忽略,並且不會禁用巨集。 我們還將向您展示如何為從受信任來源收到的重要檔案設定受信任位置。

First, we’ll disable the Security Warning message bar. To do that, you’ll need to enable the Developer tab, then click on it.

首先,我們將禁用“安全警告”訊息欄。 為此,您需要啟用“開發人員”標籤,然後單擊它。


In the “Code” section, click “Macro Security”.



The Trust Center dialog box displays with the Macro Settings screen active. The “Disable all macros with notification” option is selected by default. You can disable the Security Warning by selecting “Disable all macros without notification”.

在“巨集設定”螢幕處於活動狀態的情況下,將顯示“信任中心”對話方塊。 預設情況下,“禁用所有帶通知的巨集”選項。 您可以通過選擇“禁用所有巨集而無需通知”來禁用安全警告。

If you want to allow digitally signed macros to run, select the “Disable all macros except digitally signed macros” option. This only allows macros digitally signed by a publisher you’ve trusted to run. If you have not trusted the publisher, you are notified. All unsigned macros are automatically disabled without notification.

如果要允許執行數字簽名的巨集,請選擇“禁用除數字簽名的巨集以外的所有巨集”選項。 這僅允許由您信任的釋出者進行數字簽名的巨集。 如果您不信任釋出者,則會收到通知。 所有未簽名的巨集將自動禁用,恕不通知。


Microsoft explains what “digitally signed” means here:


Excel uses digital signatures on the workbook contents to help ensure that the workbook has not been modified and saved since it was signed. Digital signatures can also help you distinguish workbooks and macros created by a reliable source from undesirable and potentially damaging workbooks or macro code (viruses).

Excel在工作簿內容上使用數字簽名,以幫助確保該工作簿自簽名以來沒有被修改和儲存。 數字簽名還可以幫助您將可靠來源建立的工作簿和巨集與不良的和潛在損壞的工作簿或巨集程式碼(病毒)區分開。

A digital signature is a public certificate plus the value of the signed data as encrypted by a private key. The value is a number that a cryptographic algorithm generates for any data that you want to sign. This algorithm makes it nearly impossible to change the data without changing the resulting value. So, by encrypting the value instead of the data, a digital signature helps a user to verify the data was not changed.

數字簽名是公共證書加上由私鑰加密的簽名資料的值。 該值是密碼演算法為您要簽名的任何資料生成的數字。 該演算法幾乎不可能在不更改結果值的情況下更改資料。 因此,通過加密值而不是資料,數字簽名可以幫助使用者驗證資料沒有更改。

We do NOT recommend selecting the last option, “Enable all macros”, as that will leave your computer unprotected from potential malware in macros from unknown sources.


Changing these macro settings in the Trust Center only affects the Office program you are currently using. To change these settings in Excel or PowerPoint, you must open those programs and change the settings there as well. The macro settings are accessed the same way in Excel and PowerPoint as they are in Word.

在“信任中心”中更改這些巨集設定只會影響您當前正在使用的Office程式。 要在Excel或PowerPoint中更改這些設定,您必須開啟這些程式並在其中更改設定。 巨集設定在Excel和PowerPoint中的訪問方式與在Word中相同。

There is also another way to disable the Security Warning message that will disable the message in all Office programs and overrides the macro settings regarding notifications. Click “Message Bar” in the list of items on the left side of the Trust Center dialog box.

還有另一種禁用安全警告訊息的方法,該訊息將在所有Office程式中禁用該訊息,並覆蓋有關通知的巨集設定。 在“信任中心”對話方塊左側的專案列表中,單擊“訊息欄”。


In the “Message Bar Settings for all Office Applications” section, select the “Never show information about blocked content” option. The Security Warning will not display in any of the Office programs now, even if the “Disable all macros with notification” option is selected on the Macro Settings screen.

在“所有Office應用程式的訊息欄設定”部分中,選擇“從不顯示有關被阻止內容的資訊”選項。 即使在“巨集設定”螢幕上選擇了“禁用所有帶通知的巨集”選項,現在也不會在任何Office程式中顯示安全警告。


You might work with documents containing macros that you receive from trusted sources, such as documents in which your co-workers or boss created some macros to make it easier to create and maintain the documents. For those types of documents, you can choose a folder on your computer to be a trusted location where you can store and access these documents. Any Office documents opened from within that folder are ignored when the Office program checks for macros. To set up a trusted location to store and access documents from trusted sources, click “Trusted Locations” in the list on the left.

您可能會使用包含從受信任來源收到的巨集的文件,例如同事或老闆在其中建立一些巨集的文件,以使建立和維護文件更加容易。 對於這些型別的文件,您可以選擇計算機上的資料夾作為受信任的位置,您可以在其中儲存和訪問這些文件。 當Office程式檢查巨集時,將忽略從該資料夾中開啟的所有Office文件。 要設定一個受信任的位置來儲存和訪問來自受信任來源的文件,請在左側列表中單擊“受信任的位置”。


Microsoft automatically adds some folders as trusted locations that the current program uses when running. You can add your own folders to that list.

Microsoft自動將一些資料夾新增為當前程式在執行時使用的受信任位置。 您可以將自己的資料夾新增到該列表。


Click “Add new location” towards the bottom of the Trust Center dialog box.



The Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog box displays. The default location currently selected in the User Locations list is automatically entered into the Path edit box. To change this location, either type a new full path in the edit box or click “Browse”. Browsing for the location is easier, so we’ll do that.

將顯示“ Microsoft Office受信任位置”對話方塊。 當前在“使用者位置”列表中選擇的預設位置會自動輸入到“路徑”編輯框中。 要更改此位置,請在編輯框中輸入新的完整路徑,或單擊“瀏覽”。 瀏覽該位置比較容易,因此我們將這樣做。


Navigate to the folder in which you want to store your trusted documents for access and click “OK”.



The selected full path is added to the Path edit box. If you want to include any subfolders within the selected folder as trusted locations, select the “Subfolders of this location are also trusted” check box so there is a check mark in the box.

所選的完整路徑將新增到“路徑”編輯框中。 如果要在選定資料夾中包括任何子資料夾作為受信任位置,請選中“此位置的子資料夾也受信任”複選框,以便在該複選框中有一個複選標記。

NOTE: We do NOT recommend using a network drive as a trusted location because other people who have access to the same network could have tampered with the file. You should only make folders on your local hard drive trusted locations, and you should protect your Windows account with a strong password.

注意:我們不建議您將網路驅動器用作受信任的位置,因為其他有權訪問同一網路的人可能會篡改該檔案。 您只應在本地硬碟驅動器上受信任的位置建立資料夾,並應使用強密碼保護Windows帳戶。

Enter a description for this folder in the “Description” box, so you know the purpose of this folder when you see it in the list on the Trusted Locations screen. Then, click “OK”.

在“描述”框中輸入此資料夾的描述,這樣,當您在“受信任的位置”螢幕上的列表中看到該資料夾​​時,便知道該資料夾的用途。 然後,單擊“確定”。


The path, description, and data modified for the new trusted location is added to the list.



Details about the selected trusted location are also listed at the bottom of the Trusted Locations screen, including whether or not Sub Folders are allowed.


If you selected a folder on a network as your trusted location (again, we do NOT recommend this), select the “Allow Trusted Locations on my network (not recommended)” check box.


You can Modify trusted locations in the list or Remove them by selecting the location in the list and clicking the appropriate button to the right of the Add new location button. Once you’ve finished setting up your trusted location, click “OK” on the Trust Center dialog box to accept your changes and close it.

您可以修改列表中的受信任位置,也可以通過選擇列表中的位置並單擊“新增新位置”按鈕右側的相應按鈕來刪除它們。 完成設定受信任位置後,在“信任中心”對話方塊上單擊“確定”以接受您的更改並關閉它。


Now your Microsoft Office programs will remain protected from malware in the form of macros, but you can still run macros in trusted documents. And you don’t have to see the Security Warning message every time.

現在,您的Microsoft Office程式將以巨集的形式保持免受惡意軟體的保護,但是您仍然可以在受信任的文件中執行巨集。 而且您不必每次都看到“安全警告”訊息。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/250834/how-to-disable-the-security-warning-message-bar-in-microsoft-office-programs/
