蘋果仍然向不相容的舊版Mac傳送macOS Mojave升級警報
Earlier this year we discussed how Apple was promoting new versions of macOS in the App Store on older Macs that were incompatible in the first place. Now with macOS Mojave released, Apple is still doing the same thing, and this time it’s even worse.
今年早些時候,我們討論了蘋果如何在舊版本的Mac上的App Store中推廣MacOS的新版本,而這些Mac OS最初是
On my own 2008 iMac, I received a notification to “Upgrade to macOS Mojave,” complete with a short description of some of the big new features.
在我自己的2008 iMac上,我收到了“升級到macOS Mojave”的通知,並簡要介紹了一些重要的新功能。
After opening up the Mac App Store, I clicked on the “Download” button to begin my upgrade, only to be greeted by an error message saying that “This version of macOS 10.14 cannot be installed on this computer.”
開啟Mac App Store後,我單擊“下載”按鈕開始升級,但收到一條錯誤訊息“此計算機上無法安裝此版本的macOS 10.14”,我對此表示歡迎。
The error message was about as vague as it gets—nothing about my specific model being incompatible with macOS Mojave. Honestly, if I didn’t know that my 2008 iMac was incompatible with Mojave (as is probably the case with many older Mac owners), I would’ve easily taken this as a literal error message and assumed that there was a problem with my Mac.
該錯誤訊息幾乎是含糊不清的—與我的特定模型與macOS Mojave不相容無關。 老實說,如果我不知道我的2008 iMac與Mojave不相容(許多舊Mac所有者可能就是這種情況),我很容易將此視為文字錯誤訊息,並假定我的膝上型電腦存在問題蘋果電腦。
This is pretty irresponsible of Apple. I understand that they want to promote the latest and greatest software in order to get customers to buy a newer Mac, but nowhere does it tell me specifically that my older Mac is incompatible with Mojave. They need to make that clear at the very least in a situation like this.
這對蘋果公司是完全不負責任的。 我知道他們想推廣最新,最出色的軟體,以便吸引客戶購買較新的Mac,但是沒有任何地方告訴我我的舊Mac與Mojave不相容。 他們至少需要在這種情況下明確這一點。