1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >vfp取得excel的控制代碼_如何使用填充控制代碼將順序資料自動填充到Excel中





The Fill Handle in Excel allows you to automatically fill in a list of data (numbers or text) in a row or column simply by dragging the handle. This can save you a lot of time when entering sequential data in large worksheets and make you more productive.

Excel中的“填充手柄”使您只需拖動手柄即可自動在行或列中填充資料列表(數字或文字)。 在大型工作表中輸入順序資料時,這可以節省大量時間,並使您的工作效率更高。

Instead of manually entering numbers, times, or even days of the week over and over again, you can use the AutoFill features (the fill handle or the Fill command on the ribbon) to fill cells if your data follows a pattern or is based on data in other cells. We’ll show you how to fill various types of series of data using the AutoFill features.

如果資料遵循模式或基於以下內容,則可以使用“自動填充”功能(填充功能區上的填充手柄或“填充”命令)來手動填充數字,而不是一遍又一遍地手動輸入數字,時間或一週中的幾天。其他單元格中的資料。 我們將向您展示如何使用自動填充功能填充各種型別的資料系列。

將線性序列填充到相鄰單元格中 (Fill a Linear Series into Adjacent Cells)

One way to use the fill handle is to enter a series of linear data into a row or column of adjacent cells. A linear series consists of numbers where the next number is obtained by adding a “step value” to the number before it. The simplest example of a linear series is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. However, a linear series can also be a series of decimal numbers (1.5, 2.5, 3.5…), decreasing numbers by two (100, 98, 96…), or even negative numbers (-1, -2, -3). In each linear series, you add (or subtract) the same step value.

使用填充手柄的一種方法是將一系列線性資料輸入到相鄰單元格的行或列中。 線性序列由數字組成,其中下一個數字是通過在其前面的數字上新增“階躍值”而獲得的。 線性序列的最簡單示例是1、2、3、4、5。但是,線性序列也可以是一系列十進位制數(1.5、2.5、3.5…),將數字減2(100、98、96) …),甚至是負數(-1,-2,-3)。 在每個線性系列中,您要新增(或減去)相同的步長值。

Let’s say we want to create a column of sequential numbers, increasing by one in each cell. You can type the first number, press Enter to get to the next row in that column, and enter the next number, and so on. Very tedious and time consuming, especially for large amounts of data. We’ll save ourselves some time (and boredom) by using the fill handle to populate the column with the linear series of numbers. To do this, type a 1 in the first cell in the column and then select that cell. Notice the green square in the lower-right corner of the selected cell? That’s the fill handle.

假設我們要建立一列連續數字,在每個單元格中增加一個。 您可以鍵入第一個數字,按Enter鍵以轉到該列的下一行,然後輸入下一個數字,依此類推。 非常繁瑣且耗時,尤其是對於大量資料。 通過使用填充手柄用線性數字序列填充列,我們將節省一些時間(和無聊)。 為此,請在該列的第一個單元格中鍵入1,然後選擇該單元格。 請注意所選單元格右下角的綠色方塊? 那是填充控制代碼。


When you move your mouse over the fill handle, it turns into a black plus sign, as shown below.



With the black plus sign over the fill handle, click and drag the handle down the column (or right across the row) until you reach the number of cells you want to fill.



When you release the mouse button, you’ll notice that the value has been copied into the cells over which you dragged the fill handle.



Why didn’t it fill the linear series (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in our example)? By default, when you enter one number and then use the fill handle, that number is copied to the adjacent cells, not incremented.

為什麼不填充線性序列(在我們的示例中為1,2,3,4,5)? 預設情況下,當您輸入一個數字然後使用填充手柄時,該數字將被複制到相鄰的單元格中,而不是遞增。

NOTE: To quickly copy the contents of a cell above the currently selected cell, press Ctrl+D, or to copy the contents of a cell to the left of a selected cell, press Ctrl+R. Be warned that copying data from an adjacent cell replaces any data that is currently in the selected cell.

注意:要快速複製當前所選單元格上方的單元格內容,請按Ctrl + D,或者要將單元格內容複製到所選單元格的左側,請按Ctrl + R。 請注意,從相鄰單元格複製資料會替換所選單元格中當前存在的所有資料。

To replace the copies with the linear series, click the “Auto Fill Options” button that displays when you’re done dragging the fill handle.


The first option, Copy Cells, is the default. That’s why we ended up with five 1s and not the linear series of 1–5. To fill the linear series, we select “Fill Series” from the popup menu.

預設選項是“複製單元格”。 這就是為什麼我們以5個1而不是1–5的線性級數結束的原因。 要填充線性序列,我們從彈出選單中選擇“填充序列”。


The other four 1s are replaced with 2–5 and our linear series is filled.



You can, however, do thiswithout having to select Fill Series from the Auto Fill Options menu. Instead of entering just one number, enter the first two numbers in the first two cells. Then, select those two cellsand drag the fill handle until you’ve selected all the cells you want to fill.

但是,您可以執行此操作而不必從“自動填充選項”選單中選擇“填充系列”。 而不是隻輸入一個數字,而是在前兩個單元格中輸入前兩個數字。 然後,選擇這兩個單元格並拖動填充手柄,直到選擇了要填充的所有單元格。


Because you’ve given it two pieces of data, it will know the step value you want to use, and fill the remaining cells accordingly.



You can also click and drag the fill handle with the right mouse button instead of the left. You still have to select “Fill Series” from a popup menu, but that menu automatically displays when you stop dragging and release the right mouse button, so this can be a handy shortcut.

您也可以單擊並用滑鼠右鍵,而不是左側拖動填充柄。 您仍然必須從彈出選單中選擇“填充系列”,但是當您停止拖動並釋放滑鼠右鍵時,該選單會自動顯示,因此這可能是方便的快捷方式。


使用Fill命令將線性序列填充到相鄰單元格中 (Fill a Linear Series into Adjacent Cells Using the Fill Command)

If you’re having trouble using the fill handle, or you just prefer using commands on the ribbon, you can use the Fill command on the Home tab to fill a series into adjacent cells. The Fill command is also useful if you’re filling a large number of cells, as you’ll see in a bit.

如果您在使用填充手柄時遇到問題,或者只喜歡在功能區上使用命令,則可以使用“主頁”選項卡上的“填充”命令將一系列填充到相鄰的單元格中。 如果您要填充大量單元格,則“填充”命令也很有用,如您所見。

To use the Fill command on the ribbon, enter the first value in a cell and select that cell and all the adjacent cells you want to fill (either down or up the column or to the left or right across the row). Then, click the “Fill” button in the Editing section of the Home tab.

要在功能區上使用“填充”命令,請在一個單元格中輸入第一個值,然後選擇該單元格以及要填充的所有相鄰單元格(在列的上下方向或行的左側或右側)。 然後,單擊“主頁”選項卡的“編輯”部分中的“填充”按鈕。


Select “Series” from the drop-down menu.



On the Series dialog box, select whether you want the Series in Rows or Columns. In the Type box, select “Linear” for now. We will discuss the Growth and Date options later, and the AutoFill option simply copies the value to the other selected cells. Enter the “Step value”, or the increment for the linear series. For our example, we’re incrementing the numbers in our series by 1. Click “OK”.

在“系列”對話方塊中,選擇要“行”還是“列”系列。 在“型別”框中,現在選擇“線性”。 稍後我們將討論“增長”和“日期”選項,“自動填充”選項只是將值複製到其他選定的單元格中。 輸入“步進值”或線性系列的增量。 對於我們的示例,我們將序列中的數字加1.。單擊“確定”。


The linear series is filled in the selected cells.



If you have a really long column or row you want to fill with a linear series, you can use the Stop value on the Series dialog box. To do this, enter the first value in the first cell you want to use for the series in the row or column, and click “Fill” on the Home tab again. In addition to the options we discussed above, enter the value into the “Stop value” box that you want as the last value in the series. Then, click “OK”.

如果您有很長的列或行要填充線性序列,則可以使用“序列”對話方塊中的“停止”值。 為此,請在行或列中要用於該系列的第一個單元格中輸入第一個值,然後再次單擊“主頁”選項卡上的“填充”。 除了上面討論的選項外,還將值輸入到您希望作為系列中的最後一個值的“停止值”框中。 然後,單擊“確定”。

In the following example, we put a 1 in the first cell of the first column and the numbers 2 through 20 will be entered automatically into the next 19 cells.



跳過行時填充線性系列 (Fill a Linear Series While Skipping Rows)

To make a full worksheet more readable, we sometimes skip rows, putting blank rows in between the rows of data. Even though there are blank rows, you can still use the fill handle to fill a linear series with blank rows.

為了使整個工作表更具可讀性,有時我們跳過行,將空白行放在資料行之間。 即使有空白行,您仍然可以使用填充手柄用空白行填充線性系列。

To skip a row when filling a linear series, enter the first number in the first cell and then select that cell and one adjacent cell (for example, the next cell down in the column).



Then, drag the fill handle down (or across) until you fill the desired number of cells.



When you’re finished dragging the fill handle, you will see your linear series fills every other row.



If you want to skip more than one row, simply select the cell containing the first value and then select the number of rows you want to skip right after that cell. Then, drag the fill handle over the cells you want to fill.

如果要跳過多個行,只需選擇包含第一個值的單元格,然後選擇要在該單元格後立即跳過的行數。 然後,將填充手柄拖到要填充的單元格上。

You can also skip columns when you are filling across rows.


將公式填充到相鄰單元格中 (Fill Formulas into Adjacent Cells)

You can also use the fill handle to propagate formulas to adjacent cells. Simply select the cell containing the formula you want to fill into adjacent cells and drag the fill handle down the cells in the column or across the cells in the row that you want to fill. The formula is copied to the other cells. If you used relative cell references, they will change accordingly to refer to the cells in their respective rows (or columns).

您也可以使用填充手柄將公式傳播到相鄰的單元格。 只需選擇包含要填充的公式的單元格到相鄰的單元格中,然後將填充手柄向下拖動到該列中的單元格中,或者拖動到要填充的行中的單元格之間即可。 該公式將複製到其他單元格。 如果使用了相對單元格引用,則它們將相應地更改以引用其各自行(或列)中的單元格。


You can also fill formulas using the Fill command on the ribbon. Simply select the cell containing the formula and the cells you want to fill with that formula. Then, click “Fill” in the Editing section of the Home tab and select Down, Right, Up, or Left, depending on which direction you want to fill the cells.

您也可以使用功能區上的“填充”命令來填充公式。 只需選擇包含公式的單元格和要用該公式填充的單元格。 然後,在“主頁”選項卡的“編輯”部分中單擊“填充”,然後根據要填充單元格的方向選擇“向下”,“向右”,“向上”或“向左”。


NOTE: The copied formulas will not recalculate, unless you have automatic workbook calculation enabled.


You can also use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+D and Ctrl+R, as discussed earlier, to copy formulas to adjacent cells.

您還可以使用鍵盤快捷鍵Ctrl + D和Ctrl + R(如前所述)將公式複製到相鄰的單元格中。

通過雙擊填充手柄填充線性系列 (Fill a Linear Series by Double Clicking on the Fill Handle)

You can quickly fill a linear series of data into a column by double clicking the fill handle. When using this method, Excel only fills the cells in the column based on the longest adjacent column of data on your worksheet. An adjacent column in this context is any column that Excel encounters to the right or left of the column being filled, until a blank column is reached. If the columns directly on either side of the selected column are blank, you cannot use the double click method to fill the cells in the column. Also, by default, if some of the cells in the range of cells you’re filling already have data, only the empty cells above the first cell containing data are filled. For example, in the image below, there’s a value in cell G7 so when you double click on the fill handle on cell G2, the formula is only copied down through cell G6.

您可以通過雙擊填充手柄將線性資料系列快速填充到列中。 使用此方法時,Excel僅根據工作表上資料的最長相鄰列填充列中的單元格。 在這種情況下,相鄰列是Excel在要填充的列的右側或左側遇到的任何列,直到到達空白列為止。 如果直接在所選列的任一側上的列為空白,則不能使用雙擊方法填充該列中的單元格。 同樣,預設情況下,如果您要填充的單元格範圍中的某些單元格已經有資料,則僅填充第一個包含資料的單元格上方的空白單元格。 例如,在下面的影象中,單元格G7中有一個值,因此當您雙擊單元格G2上的填充手柄時,該公式僅向下複製到單元格G6中。


填充增長系列(幾何圖案) (Fill a Growth Series (Geometric Pattern))

Up untilnow, we’ve been discussing filling linear series, where each number in the series is calculated by adding the step value to the previous number. In a growth series, or geometric pattern, the next number is calculated by multiplying the previous number by the step value.

到目前為止,我們一直在討論填充線性序列,該序列中的每個數字都是通過將步長值新增到前一個數字來計算的。 在增長系列或幾何圖案中,下一個數字是通過前一個數字乘以步長值來計算的。

There are two ways to fill a growth series, by entering the first two numbers and by entering the first number and the step value.


方法一:在增長系列中輸入前兩個數字 (Method One: Enter the First Two Numbers in the Growth Series)

To fill a growth series using the first two numbers, enter the two numbers into the first two cells of the row or column you want to fill. Right-click and drag the fill handle over as many cells as you want to fill. When you’re finished dragging the fill handle over the cells you want to fill, select “Growth Trend” from the popup menu that automatically displays.

要使用前兩個數字填充增長系列,請將兩個數字輸入到要填充的行或列的前兩個單元格中。 右鍵單擊並將填充手柄拖動到要填充的單元格上。 當您將填充手柄拖到要填充的單元格上時,請從自動顯示的彈出選單中選擇“增長趨勢”。

NOTE: For this method, you must enter two numbers. If you don’t, the Growth Trend option will be grayed out.

注意:對於這種方法,您必須輸入兩個數字。 否則,“增長趨勢”選項將顯示為灰色。


Excel knows that the step value is 2 from the two numbers we entered in the first two cells. So, every subsequent number is calculated by multiplying the previous number by 2.

Excel從我們在前兩個單元格中輸入的兩個數字知道該步進值為2。 因此,每個後續數字都是通過將前一個數字乘以2來計算的。


What if you want to start at a number other than 1 using this method? For example, if you wanted to start the above series at 2, you would enter 2 and 4 (because 2×2=4) in the first two cells. Excel would figure out that the step value is 2 and continue the growth series from 4 multiplying each subsequent number by 2 to get the next one in line.

如果要使用此方法以1以外的數字開頭怎麼辦? 例如,如果要從2開始上述序列,則應在前兩個單元格中輸入2和4(因為2×2 = 4)。 Excel將計算出步長值為2,並從4繼續將每個後續數字乘以2得到下一個連續的增長系列。

方法二:在增長系列中輸入第一個數字並指定步長值 (Method Two: Enter the First Number in the Growth Series and Specify the Step Value)

To fill a growth series based on one number and a step value, enter the first number (it doesn’t have to be 1) in the first cell and drag the fill handle over the cells you want to fill. Then, select “Series” from the popup menu that automatically displays.

要基於一個數字和一個步長值填充生長系列,請在第一個單元格中輸入第一個數字(不必為1),然後將填充手柄拖到要填充的單元格上。 然後,從自動顯示的彈出選單中選擇“系列”。


On the Series dialog box, select whether your filling the Series in Rows or Columns. Under Type, select :”Growth”. In the “Step value” box, enter the value you want to multiply each number by to get the next value. In our example, we want to multiply each number by 3. Click “OK”.

在“系列”對話方塊上,選擇是以行還是列填充系列。 在型別下,選擇:“增長”。 在“步進值”框中,輸入要乘以每個數字以獲得下一個值的值。 在我們的示例中,我們要將每個數字乘以3。單擊“確定”。


The growth series is filled in the selected cells, each subsequent number being three times the previous number.



使用內建專案填充系列 (Fill a Series Using Built-in Items)

So far, we’ve covered how to fill a series of numbers, both linear and growth. You can also fill series with items such as dates, days of the week, weekdays, months, or years using the fill handle. Excel has several built-in series that it can automatically fill.

到目前為止,我們已經介紹瞭如何填充線性和增長的一系列數字。 您還可以使用填充手柄將日期,星期幾,工作日,月份或年份等專案填充到系列中。 Excel具有幾個可以自動填充的內建系列。

The following image shows some of the series that are built in to Excel, extended across the rows. The items in bold and red are the initial values we entered and the rest of the items in each row are the extended series values. These built-in series can be filled using the fill handle, as we previously described for linear and growth series. Simply enter the initial values and select them. Then, drag the fill handle over the desired cells you want to fill.

下圖顯示了Excel中內建的一些系列,跨行擴充套件。 粗體和紅色項是我們輸入的初始值,每行中的其餘項是擴充套件系列值。 可以使用填充手柄填充這些內建系列,正如我們之前針對線性和增長系列所述。 只需輸入初始值並選擇它們。 然後,將填充手柄拖到要填充的所需單元格上。


使用Fill命令填充一系列日期 (Fill a Series of Dates Using the Fill Command)

When filling a series of dates, you can use the Fill command on the ribbon to specify the increment to use. Enter the first date in your series in a cell and select that cell and the cells you want to fill. In the Editing section of the Home tab, click “Fill” and then select “Series”.

填充一系列日期時,可以使用功能區上的“填充”命令來指定要使用的增量。 在單元格中輸入系列的第一個日期,然後選擇該單元格和要填充的單元格。 在“主頁”選項卡的“編輯”部分中,單擊“填充”,然後選擇“系列”。

On the Series dialog box, the Series in option is automatically selected to match the set of cells you selected. The Type is also automatically set to Date. To specify the increment to use when filling the series, select the Date unit (Day, Weekday, Month, or Year). Specify the Step value. We want to fill the series with every weekday date, so we enter 1 as the Step value. Click “OK”.

在“序列”對話方塊中,將自動選擇“序列輸入”選項以匹配所選單元格的集合。 型別也自動設定為日期。 要指定填充系列時要使用的增量,請選擇“日期”單位(日,週日,月或年)。 指定步長值。 我們要用每個工作日的日期填充系列,因此我們輸入1作為“步長”值。 點選“確定”。


The series is populated with dates that are only weekdays.



使用自定義專案填充系列 (Fill a Series Using Custom Items)

You can also fill a series with your own custom items. Say your company has offices in six different cities and you use those city names often in your Excel worksheets. You can add that list of cities as a custom list that will allow you to use the fill handle to fill the series once you enter the first item. To create a custom list, click the “File” tab.

您還可以使用自己的自定義專案填充系列。 假設您的公司在六個不同的城市設有辦事處,並且您經常在Excel工作表中使用這些城市名稱。 您可以將該城市列表新增為自定義列表,一旦輸入第一個專案,就可以使用填充手柄填充系列。 要建立自定義列表,請單擊“檔案”選項卡。


On the backstage screen, click “Options” in the list of items on the left.



Click “Advanced” in the list of items on the left side of the Excel Options dialog box.

在“ Excel選項”對話方塊左側的專案列表中,單擊“高階”。


In the right panel, scroll down to the General section and click the “Edit Custom Lists” button.



Once you’re on the Custom Lists dialog box, there are two ways to fill a series of custom items. You can base the series on a new list of items you create directly on the Custom Lists dialog box, or on an existing list already on a worksheet in your current workbook. We will show you both methods.

進入“自定義列表”對話方塊後,有兩種方法可以填充一系列自定義項。 您可以將系列建立在直接在“自定義列表”對話方塊上建立的新專案列表的基礎上,也可以基於當前工作簿中工作表上已有的現有列表。 我們將向您展示這兩種方法。

方法1:基於新的專案列表填充自定義系列 (Method One: Fill a Custom Series Based on a New List of Items)

On the Custom Lists dialog box, make sure NEW LIST is selected in the Custom lists box. Click in the “List entries” box and enter the items in your custom lists, one item to a line. Be sure to enter the items in the order you want them filled into cells. Then, click “Add”.

在“自定義列表”對話方塊中,確保在“自定義列表”框中選擇了“新列表”。 單擊“列表條目”框中,然後在自定義列表中輸入專案,一行中輸入一項。 確保以您希望它們填入單元格的順序輸入專案。 然後,單擊“新增”。


The custom list is added to the Custom lists box, where you can select it so you can edit it by adding or removing items from the List entries box and clicking “Add” again, or you can delete the list by clicking “Delete”. Click “OK”.

自定義列表將新增到“自定義列表”框中,您可以在其中進行選擇,以便通過在“列表條目”框中新增或刪除專案並再次單擊“新增”來進行編輯,或者可以通過單擊“刪除”來刪除列表。 點選“確定”。


Click “OK” on the Excel Options dialog box.

在“ Excel選項”對話方塊上單擊“確定”。


Now, you can type the first item in your custom list, select the cell containing the item and drag the fill handle over the cells you want to fill with the list. Your custom list is automatically filled into the cells.

現在,您可以在自定義列表中鍵入第一個專案,選擇包含該專案的單元格,然後將填充手柄拖到要用列表填充的單元格上。 您的自定義列表將自動填充到單元格中。


方法二:基於現有專案列表填充自定義系列 (Method Two: Fill a Custom Series Based on an Existing List of Items)

Maybe you store your custom list on a separate worksheet in your workbook. You can import your list from the worksheet into the Custom Lists dialog box. To create a custom list based on an existing list on a worksheet, open the Custom Lists dialog box and make sure NEW LIST is selected in the Custom lists box, just like in the first method. However, for this method, click the cell range button to the right of the “Import list from cells” box.

也許您將自定義列表儲存在工作簿中的單獨工作表上。 您可以將列表從工作表匯入“自定義列表”對話方塊。 要基於工作表上的現有列表建立自定義列表,請開啟“自定義列表”對話方塊,並確保在“自定義列表”框中選擇了“新列表”,就像第一種方法一樣。 但是,對於這種方法,請單擊“從單元格匯入列表”框右側的單元格範圍按鈕。


Select the tab for the worksheet that contains your custom list at the bottom of the Excel window. Then, select the cells containing the items in your list. The name of the worksheet and the cell range are automatically entered into the Custom Lists edit box. Click the cell range button again to return to the full dialog box.

選擇工作表的選項卡,其中包含您在Excel視窗底部的自定義列表。 然後,選擇包含列表中專案的單元格。 工作表的名稱和單元格範圍將自動輸入到“自定義列表”編輯框中。 再次單擊單元格範圍按鈕以返回到完整對話方塊。


Now, click “Import”.



The custom list is added to the Custom lists box and you can select it and edit the list in the List entries box, if you want. Click “OK”. You can fill cells with your custom list using the fill handle, just like you did with the first method above.

自定義列表將新增到“自定義列表”框中,您可以選擇它,並根據需要在“列表條目”框中編輯列表。 點選“確定”。 您可以使用填充手柄使用自定義列表填充單元格,就像使用上述第一種方法一樣。


The fill handle in Excel is a very useful feature if you create large worksheets that contain a lot of sequential data. You can save yourself a lot of time and tedium. Happy Filling!

如果您建立包含大量順序資料的大型工作表,則Excel中的填充手柄是一項非常有用的功能。 您可以節省很多時間和精力。 開心加油!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/279148/how-to-automatically-fill-sequential-data-into-excel-with-the-fill-handle/
