1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >交換機禁用虛擬機器網絡卡_如何禁用三星的“智慧網路交換機”以避免過多的資料使用...





Picture this:You’re sitting in a restaurant or coffee shop, just casually surfing the web on your phone. Being the savvy user you are, you’re connected to the public Wi-Fi to save data. Suddenly, the public Wi-Fi stops working. But you don’t have to fret, because the “Smart Network Switch” feature on Samsung phones automatically switches to a mobile connection when Wi-Fi is too weak.

想象一下:您坐在餐廳或咖啡廳中,只是在手機上隨便瀏覽網頁。 身為精明的使用者,您已連線到公共Wi-Fi以儲存資料。 突然,公共Wi-Fi停止工作。 但是您不必擔心,因為當Wi-Fi太弱時,三星手機上的“智慧網路切換”功能會自動切換到移動連線。

Basically, when the phone detects an issue with the Wi-Fi, it’ll stay connected but use mobile data instead—at least until the Wi-Fi connection is stable again. It’s an excellent feature to have turned on. But it’s also not without its downsides.

基本上,當電話檢測到Wi-Fi問題時,它將保持連線狀態,但改用移動資料-至少直到Wi-Fi連線再次穩定為止。 這是一個很棒的功能。 但這也不是沒有缺點。

This will obviously use more mobile data. If you’re one of the many people who choose to use as little mobile data as possible in order to save money, Smart Network Switch is probably a downside, not an upside. Since it doesn’t technically disconnect from the Wi-Fi network, it still shows that there’s an active Wi-Fi connection, despite using mobile data. So, basically, you have no way of knowing when it’s using Wi-Fi or mobile data, and your usage can skyrocket without you realizing it.

顯然,這將使用更多的移動資料。 如果您是為了節省成本而選擇使用盡可能少的移動資料的眾多人之一,則Smart Network Switch可能是不利的一面,而不是不利的一面。 由於從技術上講它並未斷開與Wi-Fi網路的連線,因此即使使用移動資料,它仍然表明存在有效的Wi-Fi連線。 因此,基本上,您無法知道何時使用Wi-Fi或移動資料,並且您的使用量會激增而沒有意識到。

If that sounds like you, here’s how to disable the feature.


Alright, with that out of the way, the first thing you’ll want to do is jump into the Settings menu by pulling down the Notification shade and tapping the cog icon.



One of the first options in this menu should be “Wi-Fi.” Go ahead and open that.

此選單中的第一個選項應該是“ Wi-Fi”。 繼續並開啟它。


In the top right corner of the Wi-Fi menu, there’s a button that reads “MORE.” Tap that, then select “Smart network switch.”

Wi-Fi選單的右上角有一個顯示為“更多”的按鈕。 點選該按鈕,然後選擇“智慧網路交換機”。

Screenshot_20160526-095227 Screenshot_20160526-095220

This will bring up a dialog box with a short explanation of what Smart Network Switch does, along with two options: “On” and “Off.” Select the appropriate one for what you’re trying to do here, which should automatically close this box.

這將開啟一個對話方塊,其中簡要說明了Smart Network Switch的功能,並帶有兩個選項:“開啟”和“關閉”。 為您要在此處執行的操作選擇合適的選項,這將自動關閉此框。


That’s it—you’re finished.


Other than using additional data, Smart Network Switch can cause issues when trying to set up devices like Chromecasts—since they communicate over Wi-Fi for the setup process, but the Chromecast doesn’t provide data of its own, the phone detects this as a weak connection and switches to mobile data. This effectively cancels the set up process of the Chromecast, since the phone is no longer connected to it. To fix this, just disable Smart Network Switch while you set up the Chromecast, then you can re-enable it. Easy peasy.

除了使用其他資料外,智慧網路交換機還會在嘗試設定Chromecast之類的裝置時引起問題-因為它們通過Wi-Fi進行通訊以進行設定過程,但是Chromecast不提供自己的資料,因此手機將其檢測為連線薄弱並切換到移動資料。 由於手機已不再連線,因此這有效地取消了Chromecast的設定過程。 要解決此問題,只需在設定Chromecast時禁用智慧網路開關,然後就可以重新啟用它。 十分簡單。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/256663/how-to-disable-samsungs-smart-network-switch-to-avoid-too-much-data-usage/
