1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >為什麼重啟手機使其效能更好並解決常見問題


We’ve all heard it: “have you tried turning it off and back on again?” It’s the first step when troubleshooting any tech problem—it even makes your phone perform better when nothing is wrong. But why?

我們都聽說過:“您是否嘗試過將其關閉然後重新開啟?” 這是對任何技術問題進行故障排除的第一步,即使沒有問題,它甚至可以使您的手機效能更好。 但為什麼?

關於RAM (It’s All About the RAM)

When it comes to solving performance issues (or just making your phone feel faster), it really boils down to one thing: RAM usage. With most modern operating systems, as you use apps, they fill up the RAM. The more apps you open, the more they use up RAM. It’s just how it works.

在解決效能問題(或只是讓手機感覺更快)時,實際上可以歸結為一件事:RAM使用率。 在大多數現代作業系統中,當您使用應用程式時,它們會填滿RAM。 您開啟的應用程式越多,它們佔用的RAM就越多。 這就是它的工作原理。

But as you close apps—or they’re manually removed from memory—they’re notcompletely closed out. In fact, remnants of apps stick around, keeping RAM needlessly full, leaving less and less room for new apps. Now, the OS will still move things around to make room for new apps to be loaded into RAM, but that’s where things may start to slow down a little bit—not only does it have to load the app, but things have to be shuffled around in RAM to make room for the new applications to load.

但是,當您關閉應用程式(或將它們從記憶體中手動刪除)時,它們並未完全關閉。 實際上,殘留的應用程式仍然存在,不必要地使RAM充滿,從而為新應用程式留出越來越少的空間。 現在,作業系統仍會四處移動,以便為將新應用程式載入到RAM中騰出空間,但這可能會使事情開始放慢一點-不僅必須載入應用程式,而且還必須重新整理在RAM中為新應用程式載入騰出空間。

You may have heard the phrase “free RAM is wasted RAM” before, and for the most part, it’s true. All Unix-based operating systems—like Android, for example, are pretty much fine with full RAM. Windows on the desktop works better when there’s a bit of RAM free, but you really don’t have to worry about it. RAM can basically stay full all the time without a lot of issues.

您可能以前曾聽過“空閒RAM浪費了RAM”這句話,並且在大多數情況下是對的。 所有基於Unix的作業系統(例如Android )在具有完整RAM的情況下都可以正常執行。 當有一些可用的RAM時,桌面Windows會更好地工作,但是您實際上不必擔心。 RAM基本上可以一直保持滿狀態而沒有很多問題。

Where you start to run into slowdowns, however, is with RAM “organization.” As things are moved in and out of RAM, they get sort of scattered—pieces of code from the same software can be found all throughout RAM. The good news is that RAM read/write speeds are insanely fast, so the search and collection doesn’t take long.

但是,RAM的“組織”開始使您變慢。 當東西移入和移出RAM時,它們會變得很分散-可以在整個RAM中找到同一軟體的程式碼段。 好訊息是RAM的讀取/寫入速度異常快,因此搜尋和收集不會花費很長時間。

很酷,那麼重新啟動有什麼幫助? (Cool, So How Does Restarting Help?)

A look at Android’s memory management screen.

It’s actually really simple: when you restart your phone, everything that’s in RAM is cleared out. All the fragments of previously running apps are purged, and all currently open apps are killed. When the phone reboots, RAM is basically “cleaned,” so you’re starting with a fresh slate.

這實際上非常簡單:重新啟動手機時,RAM中的所有內容都會被清除。 清除了先前執行的應用程式的所有片段,並殺死了所有當前開啟的應用程式。 手機重新啟動後,RAM基本上就被“清理”了,因此您要從頭開始。

And with that, things are snappier. Apps load and launch quicker. You can switch between running apps quicker. And it will stay this for a while—days, maybe even weeks. I don’t know anyone who restarts their phonethat often, so it’s not something thathas to be done. Some operating systems are better at managing memory than others, so that’s just something to note. You won’t always notice amassive performance improvement once you restart.

這樣,事情就變得更加輕鬆了。 應用程式載入和啟動速度更快。 您可以更快地在執行的應用程式之間切換。 它將保留一段時間-幾天,甚至幾周。 我不知道誰重新啟動他們的電話往往,所以它不是東西,許多工作要做。 某些作業系統比其他作業系統更擅長於管理記憶體,這只是需要注意的地方。 重新啟動後,您將不會總是注意到效能大幅提升。

But this doesn’t just boost OS performance—it also fixes common app issues for the same reasons. So, if you’re having issues with one specific app, and you close/reopen it without fixing the problem, a restart may be the solution.

但這不僅可以提高作業系統效能,而且還可以出於相同的原因解決常見的應用程式問題。 因此,如果您在使用某個特定應用程式時遇到問題,並且在關閉/重新開啟該應用程式時未解決問題,則重新啟動可能是解決方案。

Why? Because even when you swipe an app away, parts of it are still left in RAM. Restarting purges those parts, so it starts clean the next time. This won’t always fix the issue, but sometimes it will. And it’s always worth a shot.

為什麼? 因為即使將應用程式滑開,它的部分內容仍保留在RAM中。 重新啟動會清除這些零件,因此下次將開始清潔。 這並非總能解決問題,但有時會解決。 而且總是值得一試。

Of course, restarting isn’t a fix-all solution. If a problem persists after a reboot, there’s clearly a bigger issue at hand that will warrant further research. Similarly, if you find yourself having to restart your phone often—say, daily—in order for it to stay usable, you likely have a bigger problem to work out.

當然,重啟不是萬能的解決方案。 如果重啟後問題仍然存在,那麼顯然還有一個更大的問題值得進一步研究。 同樣,如果您發現自己不得不經常(例如每天)重啟手機以使其保持可用狀態,則可能需要解決更大的問題。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/352460/why-restarting-your-phone-makes-it-perform-better-and-fixes-common-issues/