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synology nfs_如何手動和自動關閉和重新啟動Synology NAS

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There’s more than one way to shutdown and restart your Synology NAS, including physical interaction with the NAS, software, and scheduled events. Let’s look at all three methods now.

有多種方法可以關閉和重新啟動Synology NAS,包括與NAS的物理互動,軟體和計劃的事件。 現在讓我們看看這三種方法。

Typically your Synology NAS functions more like a piece of network hardware (like your router) and less like a computer, so more often than not—just like your router—you’ll leave it to hum along in the background doing NAS stuff (archiving your files, automating your downloads, and so on). On the rare occasion you need to restart your NAS, however, you’ll need to do a little poking around because, unlike a desktop system, methods for shutting down or restarting your NAS are (intentionally) not front and center.

通常,您的Synology NAS的功能更像是網路硬體(如路由器),而不像計算機,因此,您的路由器經常像在路由器上一樣嗡嗡作響,而在後臺做NAS時會嗡嗡作響(存檔)。您的檔案,自動下載等)。 在極少數情況下,您需要重新啟動NAS,但是,您需要做一些準備工作,因為與桌上型電腦系統不同,關閉或重新啟動NAS的方法(有意地)不在前面或後面。

如何以物理方式關閉Synology NAS (How to Physically Shut Down Your Synology NAS)

The first method is both the most intuitive and least intuitive method all at once: the power button. On the one hand, it’s intuitive because, well, it’s a power button. That’s what power buttons do; they turn things on and off. On the other hand, if you’re a veteran computer user, you’ll cringe at the idea of turning off your NAS with the power button because in the PC world, pressing and holding the power button is the physical shortcut for a hard power reset.

第一種方法同時是最直觀和最不直觀的方法:電源按鈕。 一方面,它很直觀,因為它是電源按鈕。 這就是電源按鈕的作用; 他們開啟和關閉東西。 另一方面,如果您是資深計算機使用者,則不願使用電源按鈕關閉NAS,因為在PC世界中,按住電源按鈕是硬電源的物理捷徑。重啟。

On your Synology NAS, however, pressing and holding the power button on the device does not trigger a hard reset by cutting the power. Instead, if you press and hold the button until you hear a beep sound, your NAS will gracefully shut down with the operating system handling the shutdown sequence as if you’d initiated the command through the software interface. To restart your NAS, simply press the power button again.

但是,在Synology NAS上,按住裝置上的電源按鈕不會通過切斷電源來觸發硬重置。 相反,如果您按住按鈕直到聽到蜂鳴聲,您的NAS就會正常關閉,作業系統會處理關閉順序,就像您通過軟體介面啟動命令一樣。 要重新啟動NAS,只需再次按電源按鈕即可。

如何通過DiskManager關閉和重新啟動 (How to Shutdown and Restart through DiskManager)

If you want to shutdown or restart your Synology NAS via the web-based interface, you’ll need to log in and look to the icons in the upper right corner. Click the options menu, indicated by the little head and shoulders bust icon.

如果要通過基於Web的介面關閉或重新啟動Synology NAS,則需要登入並檢視右上角的圖示。 單擊選項選單,該圖示由小小的頭和肩膀的胸圍圖示指示。

From there you can select either “Restart” or “Shutdown” to perform the desired task. If you restart you’ll need to wait a minute or two to regain access to the web interface. If you shutdown, you’ll need to physically visit the NAS and press the power button to gain access to the device again.

在此處,您可以選擇“重新啟動”或“關機”來執行所需的任務。 如果重新啟動,則需要等待一兩分鐘才能重新訪問Web介面。 如果您關閉計算機,則需要親自訪問NAS並按電源按鈕才能再次訪問該裝置。

如何安排關機和啟動 (How to Schedule Shutdowns and Startups)

If you want to automatically schedule when your NAS shuts down and boots up, you can do so using the power scheduling feature. Before we dive into how to schedule your shutdowns and startups, however, there’s one big thing worth noting. If there are any scheduled tasks (such as scheduled backups), or a critical system function (such disk repairs or operating system updates), then the scheduled power states areoverridden. To avoid frustration and failed configurations, either change your already existing scheduled tasks (if any) or plan your power schedule around them.

如果要在NAS關閉和啟動時自動進行排程,則可以使用電源排程功能進行排程。 但是,在我們深入研究如何安排關機和啟動時間之前,有一件大事值得注意。 如果有任何計劃任務(例如計劃備份)或關鍵系統功能(例如磁碟維修或作業系統更新),則計劃電源狀態將被覆蓋。 為避免失敗和配置失敗,請更改現有的計劃任務(如果有)或圍繞它們計劃電源計劃。

To access the power scheduler, click the menu button in the web-based interface, and then select the “Control Panel” option.


If you don’t already have the advanced view open in your Control Panel, click “Advanced Mode” in the upper right hand corner.


Select “Hardware & Power” from the “System” section of your Control Panel.


Within the Hardware & Power menu, select the “Power Schedule” tab, and then click the “Create” button to create your first power management rule.


The scheduling system is simple and straightforward. Each rule is either a “Startup” or “Shutdown” rule with a day and time indicator.

排程系統簡單明瞭。 每個規則都是帶有日期和時間指示器的“啟動”或“關閉”規則。

Let’s say, for the sake of example, that we only want to have our NAS active for a few hours in the early morning on Sundays and Wednesdays (which is when all of our theoretical computers are scheduled to back up to it). To create such a rule, we would first create a “Startup” rule to indicate when we want the NAS to power on. Click the “Date” selection drop down menu and check off the days you want the startup even to occur on and then select the time of day using the “Time” menus. The time menu uses 24 hour time.

舉例來說,假設我們只想在週日和週三的清晨將NAS啟用幾個小時(這是我們所有理論上的計算機都計劃備份到該狀態的時間)。 要建立這樣的規則,我們首先要建立一個“啟動”規則,以指示我們何時要啟動NAS。 單擊“日期”選擇下拉選單,然後選中您希望啟動的日期,然後使用“時間”選單選擇一天中的時間。 時間選單使用24小時制。

Repeat this process for the “Shutdown” times, selecting a date and time that corresponds to your needs. When you’ve created the rules, you’ll see them on the “Power Schedule” tab, as seen below. We have our NAS configured to start up at 1:00AM on Sunday and Wednesday and shut down at 6:00AM on the same days. When you’re happy with the rules, click the “Save” button.

對“關機”時間重複此過程,選擇與您的需求相對應的日期和時間。 建立規則後,您將在“電源計劃”選項卡上看到它們,如下所示。 我們將NAS配置為在週日和週三的1:00 AM啟動,並在同一天的6:00 AM關閉。 當您對規則滿意時,請單擊“儲存”按鈕。

At any time, you can return to the Power Schedule menu and disable (by unchecking) or completely delete (via the “Delete” button) the power management rules you’ve created. If you do either, be sure to disable or delete the companion rule so you don’t end up in a situation where there is a shutdown rule with no companion startup rule.

您可以隨時返回“電源計劃”選單,並禁用(通過取消選中)或完全刪除(通過“刪除”按鈕)已建立的電源管理規則。 如果您選擇了任何一種,請確保禁用或刪除伴隨規則,以免遇到沒有伴隨啟動規則的關機規則的情況。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/326186/how-to-manually-and-automatically-shut-down-and-restart-your-synology-nas/

synology nfs