1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >macos 共享螢幕_如何在macOS上僅使用Private Me卡共享某些聯絡方式

macos 共享螢幕_如何在macOS上僅使用Private Me卡共享某些聯絡方式

macos 共享螢幕

macos 共享螢幕

Sharing your contact information frommacOS is fast and easy, but if you use your Mac for personal productivityas well aswork, you might have sensitive information you don’t want others to see. How do you avoidthis?

從macOS共享您的聯絡資訊既快速又輕鬆,但是如果您使用Mac來提高個人工作效率和工作效率,則可能會有不希望其他人看到的敏感資訊。 您如何避免這種情況?

For example, your contact card may have your home address andprivate email, which you don’t always want to share. With some people, you may just want to share the pertinent details like your work email address and telephone number.

例如,您的聯絡卡可能包含您的家庭住址和私人電子郵件,您並不總是希望共享。 與某些人一起,您可能只想共享相關的詳細資訊,例如您的工作電子郵件地址和電話號碼。

The answer is to create a “private me” card in Contacts. To do this,open Preferences from the Contacts menu or press Command+, on your keyboard.

答案是在通訊錄中建立一個“私人我”卡。 為此,請從“聯絡人”選單中開啟“首選項”或按鍵盤上的Command +。

Head to the vCard tab, and click “Enable private me card”. You can then exit out of the Preferences.

轉到vCard標籤,然後點選“啟用私人我的卡”。 然後,您可以退出首選項。

Now, find your personal contact card. It will be the one with the tiny silhouette next to it.

現在,找到您的個人聯絡卡。 它將是旁邊帶有微小輪廓的那個。

If you have a lot of contacts and wantto instantly go toyour card, click the “Card” menu and then “Go to My Card” or press Shift+Command+M on your keyboard.

如果您有很多聯絡人,並且想立即轉到您的名片,請單擊“名片”選單,然後單擊“轉到我的名片”,或者按鍵盤上的Shift + Command + M。

From there, click the “Edit” button at the bottom of the application.


Once you’re in your card’s details, you will see there are checkboxes next to each of your contact’s specifics. Uncheck everything you don’t want to share in your private me card, then click “Done”.

輸入名片的詳細資訊後,您將看到每個聯絡人的詳細資訊旁邊的複選框。 取消選中您不想在我的私人名片中共享的所有內容,然後單擊“完成”。

Youshare your personal contactwithsomething called a vCard. A vCard is the standard file format for electronic business cards and can contain a lotof information. When someone shares a vCard with you, you can import it into your computer’scontacts so you don’t have to enter the information by hand.

您與稱為vCard的人共享您的個人聯絡人。 電子名片是電子名片的標準檔案格式,可以包含許多資訊。 當某人與您共享vCard時,您可以將其匯入計算機的聯絡人中,因此您無需手動輸入資訊。

Youcan share your vCard by selecting your contact and then clicking the Share feature at the bottom of the applicationwindow.


Then you can share your card, whether it’s through Mail, Messages, Notes, or other method.


Alternatively, you can click and drag your vCard out of the Contacts application to another destination, such as your desktop, Dropbox folder, or an empty email message.

或者,您可以單擊並將vCard拖出“聯絡人”應用程式,然後拖到另一個目的地,例如您的桌面, Dropbox資料夾或空電子郵件。

As long as that Private Me feature is enabled, your private contact card will bedistributed with little worryabout divulging anysensitive or revealing details.


Just the facts, ma’am!

Networking and getting your name out there is good, but doing so with an eye on privacy is better. There’s little reason why anyone other than your closest friends and family members needs to know more about you than the barest essentials.

建立網路並讓您的名字出名是一件好事,但這樣做最好著眼於隱私。 除了最親密的朋友和家人以外,沒有什麼理由比最基本的必需品更瞭解您。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/295970/how-to-only-share-certain-contact-details-with-a-private-me-card-on-macos/

macos 共享螢幕