1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >火狐 增強查詢工具欄_通過將Firefox工具欄轉換為按鈕來節省Firefox中的螢幕空間...

火狐 增強查詢工具欄_通過將Firefox工具欄轉換為按鈕來節省Firefox中的螢幕空間...

火狐 增強查詢工具欄

火狐 增強查詢工具欄


Most browsers are moving towards a minimalist approach and are consolidating menus, toolbars, and other program elements. If you want to maximize the website viewing area, and you use Firefox, there is an option for optimizing the space available in your browser window.

大多數瀏覽器都朝著極簡主義的方向發展,並且正在整合選單,工具欄和其他程式元素。 如果要最大化網站檢視區域,並且使用Firefox,可以使用一個選項來優化瀏覽器視窗中的可用空間。

Buttonizer is a Firefox add-on allows you to quickly convert one toolbar at a time to a button on the address bar. To install Buttonizer, go to the Buttonizer page on the Mozilla Add-ons site using the link at the end of this article. Click the Add to Firefox button.

Buttonizer是Firefox的附加元件,可讓您一次快速將一個工具欄轉換為位址列上的按鈕。 要安裝Buttonizer,請使用本文結尾的連結轉到Mozilla附加元件站點上的Buttonizer頁面。 單擊新增到Firefox按鈕。


The Software Installation dialog box displays. Click Install Now.

顯示“軟體安裝”對話方塊。 單擊立即安裝。

NOTE: Depending on your settings, there may be a short countdown on the Install button before you can click it.



Once the add-on is installed, a popup window displays asking you to restart Firefox to finish the installation. Click Restart Now.

安裝外掛後,將顯示一個彈出視窗,要求您重新啟動Firefox以完成安裝。 單擊立即重新啟動。


Once Firefox restarts, you’ll see the Buttonizer button on the right side of the Address bar. Right-click the button to see a list of toolbars that can be converted to a button. Select a toolbar from the list.

Firefox重新啟動後,您將在位址列的右側看到Buttonizer按鈕。 右鍵單擊按鈕以檢視可以轉換為按鈕的工具欄列表。 從列表中選擇一個工具欄。

NOTE: Only one toolbar at a time can be converted to a button.



The selected toolbar closes. Hover the mouse over the Buttonizer button to access the toolbar you “buttonized.”

所選工具欄關閉。 將滑鼠懸停在Buttonizer按鈕上,以訪問“按鈕化”的工具欄。


To view a convert a different toolbar as a button, simply right-click on the Buttonizer button and select another toolbar. The previously selected toolbar displays again and the newly selected toolbar closes and is available on the Buttonizer button.

要將轉換為其他工具欄檢視為按鈕,只需右鍵單擊Buttonizer按鈕並選擇另一個工具欄。 先前選擇的工具欄將再次顯示,而新選擇的工具欄將關閉,並且在Buttonizer按鈕上可用。

To view all toolbars as toolbars again, select Reset from the menu.



Install Buttonizer from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/buttonizer/.


Buttonizer is a very simple add-on, but it can be useful if you’re short on screen space.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/133856/save-screen-space-in-firefox-by-converting-firefox-toolbars-into-buttons/

火狐 增強查詢工具欄