1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >opera瀏覽器使用雅黑_使用Opera的“高階”選項卡功能來增強您的Web瀏覽體驗





Tabbed browsing is a fairly new concept. Not that long ago, if you wanted to view a website, but didn’t want to leave the website you were currently viewing, you had to open a new window. Firefox was the first to make tabbed browsing popular.

標籤式瀏覽是一個相當新的概念。 不久之前,如果您想檢視一個網站,但又不想離開您當前正在瀏覽的網站,則必須開啟一個新視窗。 Firefox是第一個使標籤式瀏覽流行的工具。

Now, all browsers use tabs to displays multiple websites at once. Tabbed browsing in Opera is a little more advanced than in Firefox and other browsers. In most browsers, each tab is treated as a separate entity. You can only display one tab at a time. However, in Opera, tabs are treated like windows inside the browser, and you can do things like cascade and tile the tabs.

現在,所有瀏覽器都使用標籤來一次顯示多個網站。 Opera中的選項卡式瀏覽比Firefox和其他瀏覽器要先進一些。 在大多數瀏覽器中,每個選項卡都被視為一個單獨的實體。 您一次只能顯示一個標籤。 但是,在Opera中,將標籤頁視為瀏覽器中的視窗,並且您可以執行諸如層疊和平鋪標籤頁之類的操作。

We’ll show you how to use some of the features in Opera that set it apart and make browsing the web with Opera easier and more pleasant.


追隨者標籤 (Follower tabs)

Follower tabs is a feature unique to Opera. They are useful when you are browsing a webpage and you want to check out multiple links on the page. When you open a follower tab, a blank tab opens in the background. When you click a link on the webpage, the new page is opened in the blank follower tab instead of in the current tab.

跟隨者標籤是Opera獨有的功能。 當您瀏覽網頁並且要檢出頁面上的多個連結時,它們很有用。 當您開啟關注者標籤時,背景中會開啟一個空白標籤。 當您單擊網頁上的連結時,將在空白的“跟隨者”選項卡中而不是在當前選項卡中開啟新頁面。

NOTE: If you only have one follower tab open, each link replaces the webpage open on the follower tab. You can open multiple follower tabs if you know you are going to be clicking many links.

注意:如果僅開啟一個“關注者”選項卡,則每個連結將替換在“關注者”選項卡上開啟的網頁。 如果您知道將要單擊許多連結,則可以開啟多個關注者選項卡。

For example, you might be browsing the main page of How-To Geek, looking for articles that peak your interest. You find one and want to open the page, but you want to keep looking for more articles on the main page. If you open multiple follower tabs, you can simply click links for articles you want to read the articles will automatically open on the follower tabs.

例如,您可能正在瀏覽How-To Geek的主頁,尋找最感興趣的文章。 您找到了一個並想開啟該頁面,但是您想繼續在主頁上查詢更多文章。 如果您開啟多個關注者標籤,則只需單擊要閱讀的文章的連結,這些文章就會在關注者標籤上自動開啟。

To open a follower tab, right-click on a current tab on the tab bar and select Create Follower Tab from the popup menu. A blank tab opens in the background.

要開啟關注者選項卡,請右鍵單擊選項卡欄上的當前選項卡,然後從彈出選單中選擇“建立關注者選項卡”。 一個空白選項卡在後臺開啟。


Now, click a link on a webpage.



The webpage for that link opens in the blank tab automatically in the background. Simply click the tab to activate it.

該連結的網頁會在後臺自動在空白標籤中開啟。 只需單擊選項卡將其啟用。


You may be thinking that the same thing can be accomplished by right-clicking on links and opening new tabs. However, the follower tabs allows you to quickly left-click on links to open webpages in new tabs.

您可能會想通過右鍵單擊連結並開啟新選項卡可以完成相同的操作。 但是,“跟隨者”選項卡允許您快速單擊連結以在新選項卡中開啟網頁。

固定標籤 (Pin tabs)

Opera, like Firefox and Chrome, allows you to pin websites to the tab bar, making them permanently accessible. When a tab is pinned, only the favicon of the site is displayed on the tab and it does not have a close button. This feature is useful for sites you visit every time you open Opera. Pinned tabs are available even after you close Opera and open it again. This is useful for search engines you, web-based email sites such as Gmail, or interesting and useful websites you visit often such as How-To Geek.

像Firefox和Chrome一樣,Opera允許您將網站固定到選項卡欄,使其可以永久訪問。 固定選項卡後,選項卡上僅顯示站點的收藏夾圖示,並且沒有關閉按鈕。 每次開啟Opera時,該功能對您訪問的站點都很有用。 即使關閉Opera並再次將其開啟,固定選項卡仍然可用。 這對於您的搜尋引擎,基於Web的電子郵件站點(例如Gmail)或您經常訪問的有趣且有用的網站(例如How-To Geek)很有用。

To pin a tab, right-click on the desired tab and select Pin Tab from the popup menu.



The tab shrinks showing only the favicon, and is moved all the way to the left side of the tab bar, if it was not there already.



When a tab is pinned, a check mark displays to the left of the Pin Tab option on the popup menu accessed by right-clicking on the tab. You can easily unpin a tab by right-clicking on the tab and selecting Pin Tab again from the popup menu.

固定選項卡後,在右鍵單擊選項卡的彈出選單上,“固定選項卡”選項的左側會顯示一個複選標記。 右鍵單擊選項卡,然後從彈出選單中再次選擇“固定選項卡”,可以輕鬆取消固定選項卡。


級聯和平鋪標籤 (Cascade and Tile Tabs)

Unlike other browsers, tabs in Opera operate more like windows than tabs. You can perform some window-like actions on the tabs in Opera. The Arrange submenu on the tab popup menu allows you to minimize or maximize all of your tabs and restore them all, as well as cascade or tile your tabs just like windows. Use the cascade and tile features to read multiple websites at once or easily pick a tab to view. When you maximize a tab, it will take up the whole browser space again.

與其他瀏覽器不同,Opera中的標籤比標籤更像視窗。 您可以在Opera中的標籤上執行一些類似於視窗的操作。 選項卡彈出選單上的“排列”子選單使您可以最小化或最大化所有選項卡並還原所有選項卡,以及像視窗一樣級聯或平鋪選項卡。 使用級聯和圖塊功能一次讀取多個網站,或輕鬆選擇一個選項卡進行檢視。 當最大化選項卡時,它將再次佔用整個瀏覽器空間。

To arrange your tabs in a cascading pattern, right-click on any tab on the tab bar and select Arrange | Cascade from the popup menu.

要以級聯方式排列選項卡,請右鍵單擊選項卡欄上的任何選項卡,然後選擇“排列| 從彈出選單中級聯。


The tabs are placed in a cascading pattern, just like windows on the desktop in Windows. Click on any “window” (tab) to view the site on that tab.

選項卡以級聯模式放置,就像Windows中桌面上的視窗一樣。 單擊任何“視窗”(選項卡)以檢視該選項卡上的站點。


To maximize a tab again, click the Maximize button in the upper, right corner.



If you want to maximize all the tabs again, right-click on the tab bar above the cascaded windows and select Arrange | Maximize All from the popup menu.

如果要再次最大化所有選項卡,請右鍵單擊級聯視窗上方的選項卡欄,然後選擇“排列| 從彈出選單最大化全部。


堆疊標籤 (Stack Tabs)

If you tend to have a lot of websites open at one time, the tab stacking feature will come in handy for you. Normally, when you have more tabs open than will fit on the tab bar, you have to scroll to see the tabs off the screen. The tab stacking feature allows you to stack tabs on top of each other to save space on your tab bar.

如果您傾向於同時開啟許多網站,則標籤堆疊功能將很方便。 通常,當您開啟的標籤頁超出了標籤欄的容納空間時,您必須滾動瀏覽才能在螢幕上看到這些標籤頁。 標籤堆疊功能使您可以將標籤堆疊在一起以節省標籤欄上的空間。

To stack tabs, drag one tab on top of another until the other tab turns gray. Release the mouse button.

要堆疊選項卡,請將一個選項卡拖到另一個選項卡上,直到另一個選項卡變成灰色為止。 釋放滑鼠按鈕。


The tabs are stacked on top of each other and there’s now an arrow to the right of the stack. To expand the stack and see the tabs separately, click the arrow.

這些選項卡相互堆疊,並且在堆疊的右側現在有一個箭頭。 要展開堆疊並單獨檢視選項卡,請單擊箭頭。


NOTE: You can also see all the tabs in a tab stack as thumbnails by moving your mouse over the stack.



To close, or collapse, the stack again, click the arrow, which is now pointing to the left.



You can remove tabs from a tab stack only when the tab stack is expanded. To do this, click the right arrow to expand the stack and then drag one of the tabs off the tab stack to a blank space on the tab bar or between the remaining stack, which shrinks to the size of the remaining tabs, and the next tab to the right.

僅當擴充套件選項卡堆疊時,才能從選項卡堆疊中刪除選項卡。 為此,請單擊向右箭頭以展開堆疊,然後將其中一個選項卡從選項卡堆疊中拖動到選項卡欄上或其餘堆疊之間的空白處,該位置將縮小為其餘選項卡的大小,然後單擊下一個右邊的標籤。


To remove all the tabs from the stack, right-click on the stack and select Tab Stack | Unstack from the popup menu. Use the Close Stack option on the same submenu to close all the tabs in a stack. Opera replaces the stack with a new tab.

要從堆疊中刪除所有選項卡,請右鍵單擊堆疊,然後選擇“選項卡堆疊” |“選項卡堆疊”。 從彈出選單中取消堆疊。 使用同一子選單上的“關閉堆疊”選項可以關閉堆疊中的所有選項卡。 Opera用新選項卡替換了堆疊。


為網站集建立暱稱 (Create Nicknames for Collections of Sites)

The Nicknames feature may seem like it doesn’t have much to do with tabs, but it allows you to quickly and easily open up a specific set of sites onto separate tabs. If you collect some websites you want to open all at once into a Bookmarks folder, you can assign a nickname to that folder. To quickly open all the websites in that folder, type the nickname into the address bar and press Enter. All the sites open on separate tabs.

暱稱功能似乎與標籤沒有太大關係,但是它使您可以快速輕鬆地將一組特定的網站開啟到單獨的標籤上。 如果您要收集一些網站,希望一次將它們全部開啟到“書籤”資料夾中,則可以為該資料夾分配一個暱稱。 要快速開啟該資料夾中的所有網站,請在位址列中輸入暱稱,然後按Enter。 所有站點都在單獨的選項卡上開啟。

NOTE: The website open on the current tab will be replaced with one of the sites from the bookmarks folder.


For more information on how to set up a nickname for a set of websites, see our article about using nicknames to quickly open a set of bookmarked websites in Opera.



使用內建會話管理儲存開啟的選項卡 (Save Open Tabs with Built-in Session Management)

A session manager allows you to save all of your currently open tabs so you can open them again at any time. Opera has a built-in session manager.

會話管理器允許您儲存所有當前開啟的選項卡,以便您可以隨時再次開啟它們。 Opera具有內建的會話管理器。

To save your current session, open some websites on some tabs. Select Tabs and Windows | Sessions | Save This Session from the Opera menu.

要儲存當前會話,請在某些選項卡上開啟一些網站。 選擇選項卡和Windows | 會議| 從Opera選單中儲存此會話。


Enter a name for the session in the Session name edit box on the Save Session dialog box.


NOTE: If you want these sites to open on separate tabs automatically when you open Opera, select the Show these tabs and windows every time I start Opera check box so there is a check mark in the box.


Opera allows you to save open tabs from all currently open Opera windows into a session. When you open the session again, all the tabs are opened in the same tab and window configuration as before. If you only want to save the open tabs from the current Opera window, select the Only save active window check box.

Opera允許您將所有當前開啟的Opera視窗中的開啟選項卡儲存到會話中。 當您再次開啟會話時,所有選項卡都以與以前相同的選項卡和視窗配置開啟。 如果只想儲存當前Opera視窗中開啟的選項卡,請選中“僅儲存活動視窗”複選框。

Click OK.



Now, when you close the tabs, or even close Opera, you can open all the same sites again on separate tabs using the Session Manager. When you select Tabs and Windows | Sessions from the Opera menu, notice your new session available on the submenu.

現在,當您關閉選項卡,甚至關閉Opera時,可以使用會話管理器在單獨的選項卡上再次開啟所有相同的站點。 當您選擇選項卡和Windows時| 在Opera選單中的會話,請注意子選單上的新會話。

If you decide to delete a session, select Tabs and Windows | Sessions | Manage Sessions from the Opera menu.

如果決定刪除會話,請選擇“選項卡和Windows | Windows”。 會議| 從Opera選單管理會話。


On the Manage Sessions dialog box, select the session you want to delete and click Delete.


You can also use this dialog box to open saved sessions, or your previous session which is automatically saved. Simply select a saved session and click Open. If the session you want to open was saved with multiple Opera windows open, and you want to open all the tabs in one window now, select the session from the list and select the Open tabs inside current window check box before clicking Open.

您也可以使用此對話方塊開啟已儲存的會話,或者開啟先前儲存的會話。 只需選擇一個已儲存的會話,然後單擊“開啟”。 如果要開啟的會話已在開啟多個Opera視窗的情況下儲存,並且現在要在一個視窗中開啟所有選項卡,請從列表中選擇會話,然後選中“在當前視窗內開啟選項卡”複選框,然後再單擊“開啟”。

NOTE: After opening a session, the Manage Sessions dialog box automatically closes. If all you did was delete one or more sessions, click Close to close the dialog box.

注意:開啟會話後,“管理會話”對話方塊將自動關閉。 如果您所做的只是刪除一個或多個會話,請單擊“關閉”以關閉對話方塊。


You can choose to open a saved session automatically when you open Opera by selecting Settings | Preferences from the Opera menu. On the General tab on the Preferences dialog box, select Continue saved sessions from the Startup drop-down list.

當您開啟Opera時,可以選擇“設定” |“選擇”,選擇自動開啟一個已儲存的會話。 Opera選單中的首選項。 在“首選項”對話方塊的“常規”選項卡上,從“啟動”下拉列表中選擇“繼續儲存的會話”。


Because the built-in session management tool in Opera is limited, you may be interested in an add-on to Opera, called Tab Vault, that allows you to manage your tab sessions in more detail, such as renaming groups of tabs, reordering the list of tabs in a session, and import and export Opera’s saved sessions and bookmarks.

由於Opera中的內建會話管理工具受到限制,因此您可能會對Opera的一個名為Tab Vault的外掛感興趣,該外掛可讓您更詳細地管理標籤會話,例如重新命名標籤組,重新排序標籤組。會話中的選項卡列表,以及匯入和匯出Opera的已儲存會話和書籤。

使用私人標籤 (Use Private Tabs)

There may be times when you don’t want to leave any traces of your browsing history behind when visiting a specific site. Most other browsers allow you to open a special window in which you can surf, and all traces of your activities will be removed when you close the window.

有時候,您不想在訪問特定站點時留下任何瀏覽歷史記錄的痕跡。 其他大多數瀏覽器都允許您開啟一個特殊的視窗,您可以在其中進行瀏覽,並且當您關閉視窗時,所有活動痕跡都將被刪除。

Opera allows you to open a private window, as well. However, if you want to surf one site privately and still have access to the other sites you were viewing, you can open a private tab within the current window. When you close a private tab, the data for the site viewed on that tab (the browsing history, items in the cache, cookies, and login information) is deleted. However, if you save a bookmark for that site, or download a file from the site, that data is still available when the private tab is closed.

Opera也允許您開啟一個私人視窗。 但是,如果您想私下瀏覽一個站點並且仍然可以訪問正在檢視的其他站點,則可以在當前視窗中開啟一個私有選項卡。 關閉私有選項卡時,將刪除在該選項卡上檢視的站點資料(瀏覽歷史記錄,快取中的專案,Cookie和登入資訊)。 但是,如果您為該站點儲存書籤,或從該站點下載檔案,則關閉私有選項卡後,該資料仍然可用。

NOTE: When you close a private tab, that tab cannot be re-opened using the “Closed Tabs” drop-down arrow on the right side of the tab bar.


To open a private tab, select Tabs and Windows | New Private Tab from the Opera menu. You can also right-click the tab bar and select New Private Tab from the context menu.

要開啟私人標籤,請選擇“標籤”和“ Windows” | Opera選單中的“新建專用標籤”。 您也可以右鍵單擊選項卡欄,然後從上下文選單中選擇“新建專用選項卡”。


A new tab opens with the Private browsing message and a special icon on the tab. If you don’t want to see this message every time you open a private tab, select the Do not show again check box so there is a check mark in the box.

將開啟一個新選項卡,其中包含“私人瀏覽”訊息和選項卡上的特殊圖示。 如果您不想每次開啟一個私有選項卡時都看到此訊息,請選中“不再顯示”複選框,以使該複選框中有一個複選標記。


Closing one private tab is done the same way as closing a normal tab. You may click the X button on the tab, right-click on the tab and select Close from the popup menu, or press Ctrl + W. If you have several private tabs open, and you want to close them all at once, right-click on the tab bar and select Close all Private Tabs from the popup menu, or press Ctrl + Shift + Q.

關閉一個私人標籤的方法與關閉普通標籤的方法相同。 您可以單擊選項卡上的X按鈕,右鍵單擊該選項卡,然後從彈出選單中選擇“關閉”,或者按Ctrl +W。如果您打開了多個私有選項卡,並且想要一次將其全部關閉,請右鍵單擊-單擊選項卡欄,然後從彈出選單中選擇“關閉所有私有選項卡”,或按Ctrl + Shift +Q。


If you decide you want to use a special window to do your private browsing, select Tabs and Windows | New Private Window from the Opera menu. Close the private window to remove all traces of your browsing activity.

如果您決定要使用特殊的視窗進行私人瀏覽,請選擇“選項卡和Windows | Windows”。 Opera選單中的“新建專用視窗”。 關閉私有視窗以刪除瀏覽活動的所有痕跡。


For more information on private browsing in Opera, see our article about how to optimize Opera for maximum privacy.


設定標籤首選項 (Set Tab Preferences)

There are many options for customizing Opera’s tabs to your liking. To access the preferences for the tabs select Settings | Preferences from the Opera menu.

有許多選項可根據您的喜好自定義Opera的標籤。 要訪問選項卡的首選項,請選擇設定|設定。 Opera選單中的首選項。


On the Preferences dialog box, click the Advanced tab and then select Tabs from the menu on the left.


You can cycle through all your open tabs in a specific order by holding down the Ctrl key and repeatedly pressing Tab. The default order can be specified in the tab preferences by selecting an option from the When cycling through tabs with Ctrl + Tab drop-down list.

按住Ctrl鍵並反覆按Tab鍵,可以按特定順序迴圈顯示所有開啟的Tab鍵。 可以在選項卡首選項中指定預設順序,方法是從“使用Ctrl + Tab迴圈瀏覽選項卡”下拉列表中選擇一個選項。

When you open a site from a bookmark, or other panel, the default is to open the webpage in the current tab. If you would rather open bookmarks on new tabs, select the Reuse current tab check box so there is NO check mark in the box.

從書籤或其他面板開啟網站時,預設設定是在當前選項卡中開啟網頁。 如果您想在新選項卡上開啟書籤,請選中“重用當前選項卡”複選框,以便該框中沒有複選標記。

For additional options for customizing tabs, click Additional tab options.



On the Additional Tab Options dialog box, you can specify the behavior of New tabs, Allow window with no tabs, choose to Show close button on each tab, or even to Open windows instead of tabs.



Many people may not realize it, but Opera is an advanced browser, and has some useful features not found in other browsers yet.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/119912/use-operas-advanced-tab-features-to-enhance-your-web-browsing-experience/
