1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >macos備份恢復_如何在恢復模式下從Time Machine備份中完全還原macOS

macos備份恢復_如何在恢復模式下從Time Machine備份中完全還原macOS



If you’re installing a new hard drive, or your Mac is completely messed up, you might think it’s time for a fresh installation of macOS. But if you’ve got a Time Machine backup, that’s not necessary: you can fully restore your Mac, and have all your applications and files exactly as you left them.

如果要安裝新的硬碟驅動器,或者Mac完全被搞砸了,您可能會認為是全新安裝macOS的時候了。 但是,如果您有Time Machine備份,則沒有必要:您可以完全還原Mac,並完全保留所有應用程式和檔案。

We’ve shown you how to back up and restore macOS from Time Machine, but today we’re going to dive in a little more and show you how restoring from Recovery Mode looks. Let’s dive in!

我們已經向您展示瞭如何從Time Machine備份和還原macOS

,但是今天我們將進一步探討如何從“恢復模式”還原。 讓我們潛入吧!

第一步:進入恢復模式 (Step One: Boot Into Recovery Mode)

The first thing you need to do is access Recovery Mode. Shut down your Mac, and then hold down Command+R while turning your Mac back on.

您需要做的第一件事是訪問恢復模式。 關閉您的Mac,然後在重新開啟Mac的同時按住Command + R。

Note that this only works if you have a recovery partition, which you will not have in the case of a new hard drive. Don’t worry: you can

boot into macOS recovery without a recovery partition using another keyboard shortcut: Option+Command+R.

請注意,這僅在具有恢復分割槽的情況下有效,而在使用新硬碟驅動器時則不會。 不用擔心:您可以使用另一個鍵盤快捷鍵Option + Command + R進入沒有恢復分割槽的macOS恢復

Either way you should eventually boot into Recovery Mode. On the utilities screen, select the “Restore From Time Machine Backup” option.

無論哪種方式,您最終都應該啟動到恢復模式。 在實用程式螢幕上,選擇“從Time Machine備份還原”選項。

On the Restore From Time Machine page, hit the “Continue” button.

在“從Time Machine還原”頁面上,單擊“繼續”按鈕。

第二步:選擇硬碟 (Step Two: Choose Hard Drive)

Next, you’ll be asked which Time Machine drive you’d like to recover from.

接下來,將詢問您要從哪個Time Machine驅動器恢復。

Connect your USB drive, if you’re using one. If you’re restoring from a network drive, you may have to connect to a wireless network before proceeding. A wired connection will be lot faster, so if that’s an option use that instead.

如果使用USB驅動器,請連線它。 如果要從網路驅動器還原,則可能必須先連線到無線網路,然後再繼續。 有線連線會快很多,因此如果可以選擇的話,請改用有線連線。

Also note that restoring from an encrypted Time Machine backup will require the password.

另請注意,從加密的Time Machine備份還原將需要密碼。

第三步:選擇備份 (Step Three: Choose Backup)

After you’ve chosen a drive to restore from, it’s time to choose which backup to use.


If you backup multiple Macs to a single drive you’ll need to pick your computer from the “Restore From” dropdown. Next, pick which time you’d like to restore from. If you’re setting up a new hard drive it’s best to pick the most recent one, but if you’re recovering from a crash you should pick a backup from before you started having problems.

如果將多臺Mac備份到單個驅動器,則需要從“還原自”下拉列表中選擇計算機。 接下來,選擇您要還原的時間。 如果要安裝新的硬碟驅動器,最好選擇最新的硬碟驅動器,但是如果要從崩潰中恢復,則應該在出現問題之前從中選擇一個備份。

Make your selections, and then click the “Continue” button to begin the restore.


This may take a while, especially if you’re restoring from a network backup, but when it’s done you’ll have all of your files.


替代選項:重新安裝,然後使用遷移助手還原 (Alternative Option: Install Fresh, And Then Restore With Migration Assistant)

In some cases the above method will fail, but don’t panic: you can still recover your files. Simply install macOS from scratch, and then use Migration Assistant to transfer all your files from a Time Machine backup. Your Mac will offer this tool after installation is complete, or you can run it manually after installation is complete.

在某些情況下,上述方法會失敗,但不要驚慌:您仍然可以恢復檔案。 只需從頭開始安裝macOS ,然後使用Migration Assistant從Time Machine備份中傳輸所有檔案。 Mac將在安裝完成後提供此工具,或者您可以在安裝完成後手動執行它。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/356063/how-to-fully-restore-macos-from-a-time-machine-backup-in-recovery-mode/
