1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >dropbox檔案_如何找出您的Dropbox資料夾中使用了多少儲存空間




Dropbox is an excellent tool for making sure you have access to all your important files on whatever device you’re using. Finding out how much storage spaceis currently used up in your Dropbox folder can be slightly annoying, but we’re here to help.

Dropbox是一種出色的工具,可確保您可以使用任何裝置訪問所有重要檔案。 找出您Dropbox資料夾中當前已用完多少儲存空間可能有些煩人,但我們可以為您提供幫助。

在Windows中查詢Dropbox儲存詳細資訊 (Find Dropbox Storage Details in Windows)

Figuring out how much of your Dropbox storage is currently used is super simple in Windows.Assuming you have the official Dropbox client installed and running, find the icon in the system tray. It mightbe displayed near the clock, but if not then the

icon is probably hidden. Click the arrow at the left of your system tray to reveal the items tucked inside, and then find the Dropbox icon.

在Windows中,弄清楚當前使用了多少Dropbox儲存非常簡單。 假設您已經安裝並執行了官方的Dropbox客戶端,請在系統托盤中找到該圖示。 它可能顯示在時鐘附近,但如果沒有顯示,則該圖示可能處於隱藏狀態。 單擊系統工作列左側的箭頭以顯示隱藏在其中的專案,然後找到“保管箱”圖示。

Click the icon to open a quick view of recent files, and then click the Settings icon in the upper right corner. The first item on the Setting menu shows you how much space (by percentage) is currently being used.

單擊該圖示以開啟最近檔案的快速檢視,然後單擊右上角的“設定”圖示。 “設定”選單上的第一項顯示當前正在使用多少空間(按百分比)。

在macOS中查詢Dropbox儲存詳細資訊 (Find Dropbox Storage Details inmacOS)

Findinghow much of your Dropbox storage space you’re using is also quite simple on the Mac. Click the Dropbox menu bar icon and you’ll see a popup window of recent files and notifications.

在Mac上,查詢正在使用的Dropbox儲存空間也非常簡單。 單擊Dropbox選單欄圖示,您將看到一個最近檔案和通知的彈出視窗。

Click the Settings gear icon at top-right of this popup to open a menu.The first item in the menu lets you know how much total space you have, and what percentage of that space you’re currently using.

單擊此彈出視窗右上方的“設定”齒輪圖示以開啟選單。 選單中的第一項可以讓您知道您有多少總空間,以及當前正在使用的空間百分比。

在Android中查詢Dropbox儲存詳細資訊 (Find Dropbox Storage Details in Android)

If you’re an Android user, open your Dropbox app. From there, tap theSettings icon (the “hamburger” icon with three horizontal lines) in the top left corner. Your storage information is displayed right at the top.

如果您是Android使用者,請開啟Dropbox應用。 在此處,點選左上角的“設定”圖示(帶有三條水平線的“漢堡”圖示)。 您的儲存資訊顯示在頂部。

在iOS中查詢Dropbox儲存詳細資訊 (Find Dropbox Storage Details in iOS)

Much of the time, Android and iOS apps from the same company work the same way. This is not one of those times. In iOS, open your Dropbox app.From the “Recents”page in the app, tap the Settings icon in the upper left corner.

通常,同一家公司的Android和iOS應用程式以相同的方式工作。 這不是那個時代之一。 在iOS中,開啟您的Dropbox應用。 在應用程式的“最近”頁面中,點選左上角的設定圖示。

The second option on the “Settings” screen shows your storage details. The iOS app does something cool you won’t find on other platforms, though. Tap the “Space Used” entry to toggle between the percentage of storage used and the actual amount of space you’re using.

“設定”螢幕上的第二個選項顯示您的儲存詳細資訊。 但是,iOS應用程式具有其他平臺上無法提供的出色功能。 點按“已用空間”條目以在已用儲存空間百分比和實際使用空間之間切換。

在Web上查詢Dropbox儲存詳細資訊 (Find Dropbox Storage Details on the Web)

If you’re on a platform that doesn’t have an official, downloadable Dropbox client—like Chrome OS, for example—you’ll have to resort to the web to find your storage information. This is probably the biggest pain compared to all the others, because this info isn’t immediately available in a simple place that makes sense.

如果您使用的平臺沒有正式的,可下載的Dropbox客戶端(例如Chrome OS) ,則必須訴諸網路才能找到您的儲存資訊。 與其他所有資訊相比,這可能是最大的麻煩,因為在一個簡單的有意義的地方就無法立即獲得此資訊。

Once you’ve logged intoyour Dropbox account, click your profile picture in the upper right corner, then select “Settings” from the menu that opens.


On the “Settings” page, switch to the “Account” tab.


Your storage details are shown right at the top of the “Account” page. This page also gives you details like how much space shared files are using and how much free space you have.

您的儲存詳細資訊顯示在“帳戶”頁面的頂部。 該頁面還為您提供詳細資訊,例如正在使用共享檔案的空間量以及您擁有的可用空間。

Dropbox is great for making your files accessible wherever you are, and for sharing files with other people. But keeping an eye on how much storage you’re using is always a good idea. Fortunately, you can do it on every platform if you know where to look.

Dropbox非常適合使您無論身在何處都可以訪問檔案,以及與其他人共享檔案。 但是,注意使用多少儲存空間始終是一個好主意。 幸運的是,如果您知道在哪裡檢視,便可以在每個平臺上進行操作。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/298574/how-to-find-out-how-much-storage-space-is-used-in-your-dropbox-folder/
