1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >將裝置插入usb2.0埠_將滑鼠插入USB 3.0埠有什麼好處?

將裝置插入usb2.0埠_將滑鼠插入USB 3.0埠有什麼好處?




When you are serious about online gaming, you look for every edge that you can find. The question is, will plugging your mouse into a USB 3.0 port provide any speed or response benefits over a USB 2.0 port? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post debates the question.

認真對待線上遊戲時,您會尋找可以找到的每條優勢。 問題是,將滑鼠插入USB 3.0埠是否會比USB 2.0埠提供任何速度或響應優勢? 今天的超級使用者問答環節對此問題進行了辯論。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“問答”環節由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一個分支,該社群是由社群驅動的Q&A網站分組。

Photo courtesy of Jack Zalium (Flicker).

圖片由Jack Zalium(Flicker)提供

問題 (The Question)

SuperUser reader philipthegreat wants to know if plugging a mouse into a USB 3.0 port will provide any speed benefits or not:

超級使用者閱讀器philipthegreat想知道將滑鼠插入USB 3.0埠是否會帶來速度上的好處:

I am looking for an authoritative answer backed by data. A friend asked me the other day if he would benefit from plugging his mouse into a USB 3.0 port instead of an available 2.0 port. I flippantly replied that it would make no difference at all. I am certainly not the only one to think that. See these responses to the debate on:

我正在尋找由資料支援的權威答案。 前幾天,一位朋友問我,如果將滑鼠插入USB 3.0埠而不是可用的2.0埠,是否可以從中受益。 我輕率地回答說,這根本沒有什麼區別。 我當然不是唯一想到這一點的人。 請參閱以下有關辯論的迴應:

Intuitively, I do not think data throughput should be an issue. Mice worked fine over a serial port, and those transfer at a maximum of 112.5 Kbps. USB 1.0 runs at 1.5 Mbps (slow) or 12 Mbps (fast). USB 2.0 can handle 480 Mbps and 3.0 can reach 5 Gbps.

憑直覺,我認為資料吞吐量不應該成為問題。 滑鼠可以在串列埠上正常工作,並且它們的最大傳輸速度為112.5 Kbps。 USB 1.0以1.5 Mbps(慢)或12 Mbps(快)的速度執行。 USB 2.0可以處理480 Mbps,而3.0可以達到5 Gbps。

But what about response speed? Are there any published studies of response time between USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports?

但是響應速度如何? 是否有發表的關於USB 2.0和3.0埠之間的響應時間的研究?

My question is, was I right? Would it matter if I have a really fancy mouse? Can my friend safely blame his loss in League of Legends on his slow USB port?

我的問題是,嗎? 如果我的滑鼠漂亮,那會不會很重要? 我的朋友能否將緩慢的USB埠歸咎於英雄聯盟的失敗?

Would plugging a mouse into a USB 3.0 port make a difference or not?

將滑鼠插入USB 3.0埠會有所作為嗎?

答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors AFH and Michael Hamilton have the answer for us. First up, AFH:

超級使用者貢獻者AFH和Michael Hamilton為我們提供了答案。 首先,AFH:

  1. A mouse is a slow device (the old PS/2 standard was RS232C-based), so USB 1.0 is more than adequate.

    滑鼠是一種緩慢的裝置(舊的PS / 2標準是基於RS232C的),因此USB 1.0綽綽有餘。
  2. USB 3.0 ports have extra connectors for high-speed transfers, but also have standard USB 2.0 connectors for backward compatibility.

    USB 3.0埠具有用於高速傳輸的附加聯結器,但也具有用於向後相容的標準USB 2.0聯結器。
  3. Unless your mouse has these extra connectors (and I can not imagine any mouse that has them), it will connect via USB 2.0 in a USB 3.0 connector.

    除非您的滑鼠具有這些額外的聯結器(並且我無法想象具有它們的任何滑鼠),否則它將通過USB 3.0聯結器中的USB 2.0連線。

So you are entirely correct. Plugging a mouse into a USB 3.0 connector confers no benefits whatsoever. If a mouse responds slowly, it is because something else is hogging the CPU to the detriment of the mouse driver.

所以你是完全正確的。 將滑鼠插入USB 3.0聯結器不會帶來任何好處。 如果滑鼠響應緩慢,那是因為其他原因正在拖累CPU,從而損害了滑鼠驅動程式。

Followed by the answer from Michael Hamilton:


We need to take a look at the mouse’s polling rate. From that we can have a better idea of how much data is being transmitted. If a mouse has a 100hz polling rate, it is sending data to the computer 100 times a second.

我們需要看一下滑鼠的輪詢速率。 由此,我們可以更好地瞭解正在傳輸多少資料。 如果滑鼠的輪詢速率為100hz,則它每秒將資料傳送到計算機100次。

A standard mouse will send a 3-byte packet containing info on X/Y position information as well as button information. Considering that 3 bytes are transferred each cycle of the polling rate, you could have 300 bytes per second being transferred.

標準滑鼠將傳送一個3位元組的資料包,其中包含有關X / Y位置資訊以及按鈕資訊的資訊。 考慮到每個輪詢速率週期傳輸3個位元組,則每秒可以傳輸300個位元組。

By default, the USB polling rate is 125hz, so by our logic, the amount of data being transmitted is 375 bytes per second.


Based on this, I do not think USB 3.0 is going to be any more beneficial than USB 2.0 (or even 1.0).

基於此,我認為USB 3.0不會比USB 2.0(甚至1.0)更具優勢。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什麼補充說明嗎? 在評論中聽起來不錯。 是否想從其他精通Stack Exchange的使用者那裡獲得更多答案? 在此處檢視完整的討論執行緒

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/193866/are-there-any-benefits-from-plugging-your-mouse-into-a-usb-3.0-port/
