1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >android線上記憶體監控_如何在Android上監控(和減少)您的資料使用情況





Increasingly sophisticated phones and data-hungry applications make it easier than ever to blow through your cellphone plan’s datacap…and incur nasty overage charges. Read on as we show you how to manage your data use.

日益複雜的電話和需要大量資料的應用程式比以往任何時候都更容易突破手機計劃的資料上限……併產生令人討厭的超額費用。 繼續閱讀,我們將向您展示如何管理資料使用。

Just a few short years ago it would have been almost unheard of to blow through multiple GB of mobile data. Now appshave ballooned in size (it’s not uncommon for apps and their updates to exceed 100MB in size),and with streaming music and video becoming more popular, it’s easy to burn through your data cap in a matter of days.

就在短短几年前,幾乎無法聽到突破GB的移動資料。 現在,應用程式的大小Swift膨脹(應用程式及其更新的大小超過100MB並不少見),並且流音樂和視訊變得越來越流行,因此很容易在幾天之內消耗掉資料上限。

Watching an hour of standard definition streaming video on Netflix or Youtube will readily and easily chew through a gigabyte of data. Bump that stream up to HD, and the data usage basicallytriples–about three gigabytes of data will be used. Streaming high-quality music over services like Google Play Music or Spotify? You’re looking at about 120MB an hour for that. It may not seem like much at first, but do that for an hour a day for a week and you’re up to 840MB. An hour a day for a month puts you at roughly 3.2GB. If you’re on a 5GB data plan, you just used roughly 65% of it on music alone.

在Netflix或Youtube上觀看一個小時的標清流視訊將輕鬆地讀取千兆位元組的資料。 撞擊到高清流,資料使用率基本上增加了三倍-大約將使用3 GB的資料。 通過Google Play音樂或Spotify等服務流式傳輸高品質音樂? 您正在為此每小時大約120MB。 乍一看似乎並不多,但是一週要每天花一個小時進行一次,那麼您的記憶體就高達840MB。 每月一個小時,一個月的時間約為3.2GB。 如果您使用的是5GB的資料計劃,則僅在音樂上就使用了大約65%的資料。

Sure, you could pay more for a bigger plan, but who wants to do that? Before you fork over your hard-earned dollars, here are some tricks for reducing your data usage (and keeping an eye on it).

當然,您可以為一個更大的計劃付更多錢,但是誰願意這樣做? 在用力賺來的錢之前,這裡有一些技巧可以減少資料使用(並留意)。

如何檢查您的資料使用情況 (How to Check Your Data Usage)

Before anything else, you need to check your data usage. If you don’t know what your typical usage looks like, you have no idea how mildly or severely you need to modify your data consumption patterns.

在進行其他操作之前,您需要檢查資料使用情況。 如果您不知道典型的使用情況,則不知道需要多大程度地修改資料使用模式。

You can get a rough estimate of your data usage using Sprint, AT&T, or Verizon’s calculators, butthe best thing to do is actually check your usage over the past few months.


The easiest way to check past data usage is to log into the web portal of your cellular provider (or check your paper bills) and look at what your data usage is. If you’re routinely coming in way under your data cap, you may wish to contact your provider and see if you can switch to a less expensive data plan. If you’re coming close to the data cap or exceeding it, you will definitely want to keep reading.

檢查過去資料使用率的最簡單方法是登入到行動電話提供商的Web門戶(或檢查您的賬單),然後檢視資料使用率。 如果您經常受到資料上限的限制,則不妨與您的提供商聯絡,看看是否可以切換到價格更便宜的資料計劃。 如果您接近或超過資料上限,則肯定要繼續閱讀。


You can also check your current month’s usage right from Android. Navigate to Settings > Wireless & Networks > Data Usage. You’ll see a screen that looks something like the first screen here:

您還可以直接通過Android檢視當月的使用情況。 導航到設定>無線和網路>資料使用情況。 您會看到一個類似於第一個螢幕的螢幕:

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If you scroll down, you will see the cellular data usage by app, as seen in the second screenshot above. It’s important to note that these charts only show data sent through your cellular data connection and not your Wi-Fi connection. You might be a YouTube junkie, but if you do all your watching while connected to your home network, it won’t register here. If you want to see your Wi-Fi data usage as well, hit the menu button and select “Show Wi-Fi usage.”

如果向下滾動,您將看到按應用分類的蜂窩資料使用情況,如上面的第二個螢幕截圖所示。 重要的是要注意,這些圖表僅顯示通過蜂窩資料連線傳送的資料,而不顯示通過Wi-Fi連線傳送的資料。 您可能是YouTube迷,但是如果您在連線到家庭網路的同時進行所有觀看,則不會在此處註冊。 如果您還想檢視Wi-Fi資料使用情況,請點選選單按鈕,然後選擇“顯示Wi-Fi使用情況”。


It’s worth mentioningthat you will need to specify your billing cycle here for the most accurate look at your data usage. Since your data will reset on the first day of the new cycle, it doesn’t matter what you used the month before, so you don’t want that skewing the results.

值得一提的是,您需要在此處指定結算週期,才能最準確地瞭解資料使用情況。 由於您的資料將在新週期的第一天重置,因此前一個月使用什麼都無關緊要,因此您不希望結果出現偏差。

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In addition to monitoring, you can also set data warnings byadjusting the the slider bar to your liking—when you reach the amount specified by the cut off limit, you’ll get a warning to let you know where you’re at.


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You can also enable the “Set mobile data limit” option, then use the orange slider to specify where you’d like data to be cut off completely. Once you’ve hit that limit, mobile data will be disabled on your phone until you turn it back on.

您還可以啟用“設定移動資料限制”選項,然後使用橙色滑塊指定要完全切斷資料的位置。 達到該限制後,手機上的移動資料將被禁用,直到您將其重新開啟。

如何保持資料使用檢查 (How to KeepYour Data Use in Check)

There are two kinds of data sinks when it comes to mobile devices. First, there’s the obvious user-driven data consumption, or “foreground data”. When you watch a high-quality video or download a new album, you’re directly contributing to increasing your data usage for that month, assuming you’re on mobile data and not Wi-Fi.

對於移動裝置,有兩種資料接收器。 首先,存在明顯的使用者驅動的資料消耗,即“前景資料”。 觀看高質量視訊或下載新專輯時,假設您使用的是移動資料而不是Wi-Fi,則可以直接為增加該月的資料使用量做出貢獻。

Obviously, to use less foreground data, you need to consciously stop downloading, streaming, and browsing so much.


Less obvious to most people, though, is the fairly large amount of behind-the-scenes data churning through your connection—the “background data”. Polling for Facebook updates, high-frequency email inbox checks, automatic application updates, and other background activities can put a real dent in your data allotment if you aren’t careful. Let’s take a look at how we can curtail some of this.

但是,對於大多數人來說,不太明顯的是通過您的連線攪動的大量幕後資料,即“背景資料”。 如果不小心的話,對Facebook更新,高頻電子郵件收件箱檢查,自動應用程式更新和其他後臺活動進行輪詢可能會對您的資料分配產生實際影響。 讓我們看一下如何減少其中的一些。

第一:檢視哪些應用程式正在使用資料 (First: See Which Apps Are Using Data)

First, let’sinvestigate which apps are actually generating notable amounts of background data. Head back toSettings > Wireless & Networks > Data Usage to see your apps, in order of data usage. You can tap on individual applications to see a more detailed view. Here we can see the foreground and background usage:

首先,讓我們研究哪些應用程式實際上在生成大量背景資料。 返回設定>無線和網路>資料使用情況,以按資料使用順序檢視您的應用。 您可以點選各個應用程式以檢視更詳細的檢視。 在這裡我們可以看到前景和背景用法:

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This will help immensely in the steps below. If you know which apps are using the most data, you know which apps to focus on fixing.

這將在以下步驟中提供極大幫助。 如果您知道哪些應用程式使用的資料最多,則知道哪些應用程式需要重點修復。

使用Android牛軋糖的“資料保護程式”(Android 7.0及更高版本) (Use Android Nougat’s “Data Saver” (Android 7.0+))

Android 7.0 Nougatintroduced a much more granular way to take the reins on your mobile data with a new feature called Data Saver.

Android 7.0 Nougat引入了一種更細粒度的方法,即通過一項名為Data Saver的新功能來控制移動資料。

Basically, this allows you to limit background data used by apps, butwhitelist anything that want to have unrestricted access. This means background data is disabled for every app by default, then you can pick and choose where to grant unlimited access.

基本上,這使您可以限制應用程式使用的背景資料,但是將任何希望不受限制地訪問的內容列入白名單。 這意味著預設情況下每個應用程式都禁用後臺資料,然後您可以選擇在何處授予無限訪問許可權。

To get started, pull down the notification shade and tap the cog icon to jump into the Settings menu.



Under the “Wireless & Networks” section, tap the “Data usage” entry.



Just beneath the Cellular Usage section you’ll find the “Data Saver” option. This is where the fun starts.

在“蜂窩使用情況”部分的下方,您將找到“資料保護程式”選項。 這就是樂趣的開始。


The first thing you’ll need to do toggle this bad boy on using the little slider at the top. A new icon will show up in the status bar as well—to the left of the other data icons (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Cellular, etc.).

您需要做的第一件事就是使用頂部的小滑塊切換這個壞男孩。 新圖示也會顯示在狀態列中-其他資料圖示(藍芽,Wi-Fi,蜂窩等)的左側。


Keep in mind that once you turn this on, background data access will be restricted for all apps. To change that, tap the “Unrestricted data access” box.

請記住,一旦啟用此功能,所有應用程式的後臺資料訪問都將受到限制。 要更改此設定,請點選“不受限制的資料訪問”框。


This will bring up a list of all currently-installed applications on your phone. By toggling the respective app’s slider to “on,” you’re essentially allowing it to have unrestricted access to background. Thus, if you want things like Maps, Music, or Facebook to always be able to get the data they need, make sure to toggle those to “on.”

這將顯示手機上所有當前安裝的應用程式的列表。 通過將相應應用程式的滑塊切換為“開啟”,實際上就是在允許它不受限制地訪問背景。 因此,如果您希望諸如Maps,Music或Facebook之類的東西始終能夠獲取所需的資料,請確保將其切換為“ on”。


And that’s all there is to it. It’s worth keeping in mind that this only applies to mobile data—all apps will remain unrestricted while on Wi-Fi.

這就是全部。 值得注意的是,這僅適用於移動資料-使用Wi-Fi時,所有應用都將不受限制。

使用Google的Datally App(Android 5.0及更高版本) (Use Google’s Datally App (Android 5.0+))

If you don’t have Android Nougat, you have a few other options.

如果您沒有Android Nougat,則還有其他一些選擇。

Google recently released a new app called Datally designed to track data usage, block it on an app-by-app basis, and even help you find free public Wi-Fi.


Update: Google discontinued its Datally app in 2019.


When you first open the app, it’ll ask you for a bunch of permissions, ask you to allow usage access, and ask if you want to send Google your app data and SMS’s to improve Datally. You’ll need to grant the first two permissions, but you can skip the third if you want.

首次開啟該應用程式時,它會詢問您一系列許可權,要求您允許使用情況訪問,並詢問是否要將Google的應用程式資料和SMS傳送給Google以改善Datally。 您需要授予前兩個許可權,但是如果需要,可以跳過第三個許可權。

Datally’s home screen shows you how much mobile data you’ve used today, and which apps are using the most. You can tap “Find Wi-Fi” to find free Wi-Fi networks near you, which is pretty handy.

Datally的主螢幕顯示了您今天使用了多少移動資料以及使用最多的應用程式。 您可以點選“查詢Wi-Fi”以找到您附近的免費Wi-Fi網路,這非常方便。

Swipe the “Set Up Data Saver” switch to start using Datally. It will ask you to allow Google’s v*n—this is required for Datally to work, as it’s how Datally keeps track of your data usage and blocks it on the fly. (We’re not positive why Datally requires a v*n to do this when Android’s built-in settings do not, but we expect it’s because Datally is a separate app, not integrated into the operating system itself. This would also leave open the possibility of iOS support, if Google wanted to go that route.)

滑動“設定資料保護程式”開關以開始使用Datally。 它將要求您允許Google的v*n-這是Datally正常工作所必需的,因為Datally會跟蹤您的資料使用情況並實時阻止它。 (我們不太肯定為什麼當Android的內建設定不需要時,Datally要求v*n才能執行此操作,但是我們希望這是因為Datally是一個單獨的應用程式,沒有整合到作業系統本身。這也為iOS支援,如果Google願意這樣做的話。)

Once you allow that, you’ll see a persistent notification showing that Datally’s Data Saver is on, and it’s blocking background traffic for most of your apps.

一旦允許,您將看到一個永續性通知,顯示Datally的Data Saver已開啟,並且它阻止了大多數應用程式的後臺流量。

Here’s where Datally starts to get useful. When you open an app, a small bubble will show up on the side of your screen. Datally will allow data usage for that app while you use it, and show you how much you’re using in real time. When you exit the app, it will begin blocking data again. (Though you can tap on the bubble at any time to block data while you use it, too.)

這就是Datally開始變得有用的地方。 開啟應用程式時,螢幕側面會出現一個小氣泡。 Datally將允許您在使用該應用程式時使用該資料,並實時顯示使用量。 當您退出該應用程式時,它將再次開始阻止資料。 (儘管您也可以隨時點選氣泡來阻止資料,但同時使用它。)

Note that, due to the way Datally works, you won’t be able to use other apps with Accessibility Services or v*ns while using Datally in this way.

請注意,由於Datally的工作方式,當您以這種方式使用Datally時,將無法將其他應用程式與Accessibility Services或v*n一起使用。

You can also choose which apps to block and unblock from Datally’s “Manage Data” page.


Overall, Datally is a slightly more advanced version of Nougat’s Data Saver in the form of a separate app, which is good if you want to keep a constant eye on how much data certain apps are using. For most people, Nougat’s built-in settings are probably fine, but Datally is another good option (especially if your phone doesn’t have Nougat).

總體而言,Datally是Nougat的Data Saver的高階版本,其形式為單獨的應用程式,如果您希望始終關注某些應用程式正在使用的資料量,則這非常有用。 對於大多數人來說,牛軋糖的內建設定可能還不錯,但是Datally是另一個不錯的選擇(尤其是在您的手機沒有牛軋糖的情況下)。

限制背景資料,按應用 (Limit Background Data, App by App)

If you’d rather not use another app to perform these tasks, you can do a lot of manual settings tweaking yourself to reduce data.


To start,go back to your home screen and open one of the apps that’s using too much data. See if it has any settings designed to restrict data usage.Rather than use Android to restrict Facebook’s data use, for example, you can jump into the Facebook app and turn down the frequency of push notifications or turn them off altogether. Not only does turning off notifications and constant polling cut down on your data use but it’s great for extending your battery life.

首先,請返回主螢幕並開啟一個使用過多資料的應用程式。 檢視它是否具有旨在限制資料使用量的任何設定。 例如,您可以跳入Facebook應用並降低推送通知的頻率或完全將其關閉,而不必使用Android來限制Facebook的資料使用。 關閉通知和持續輪詢可以減少資料使用量,而且對於延長電池壽命非常有用。

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Not every app will have these kind of settings, however–or have as fine-tooth control as you wish. So, there’s another option.

但是,並非每個應用程式都會具有這些設定,或者具有您希望的細齒控制。 因此,還有另一種選擇。

Head back toSettings > Wireless & Networks > Data Usage and tap on an app. Check the box labeled“Restrict Background Data” (in Nougat, this is just a switch called “Background Data”, which you’ll want to turn off instead of on). This will limit its data usage from the operating system level. Note that this only applies to a mobile data connection–if you’re on Wi-Fi, Android will allow the app to use background data normally.

返回“設定”>“無線和網路”>“資料使用情況”,然後點選一個應用程式。 選中標有“限制背景資料”的框(在牛軋糖中,這只是一個名為“背景資料”的開關,您需要關閉而不是開啟)。 這將從作業系統級別限制其資料使用。 請注意,這僅適用於移動資料連線-如果您使用的是Wi-Fi,則Android將允許該應用正常使用背景資料。

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關閉所有背景資料 (Turn Off All Background Data)

If that isn’t enough, you can also turn off all background data with the flip of one switch—this reduces your data usage in most instances, but it can also be inconvenient as it doesn’t differentiate between data sippers and data hogs. From the Data Usage menu you can press the menu buttonand check “Restrict Background Data”. This will turn off background data for all applications.

如果這還不夠,您還可以通過輕按一下開關來關閉所有背景資料,這可以減少大多數情況下的資料使用量,但是由於它不能區分資料使用者和資料使用者,因此也很不方便。 在資料使用選單中,您可以按選單按鈕並選中“限制背景資料”。 這將關閉所有應用程式的後臺資料。


關閉後臺應用程式更新 (Turn Off Background App Updates)

Google realizes how precious your mobile data is, so app updates–which could arguably use up more of your data than anything else–will only happen automatically when you’re on Wi-Fi, at least by default. To make sure this is the case (and that you didn’t change it somewher down the line), head into the Play Store and open the menu. Jump into Settings, then make sure“Auto-update apps” is set to“Auto-update over Wi-Fi only.”

Google意識到您的移動資料非常寶貴,因此應用更新-可以說消耗的資料可能比其他任何東西都要多-只會在您使用Wi-Fi時自動發生,至少預設情況下會自動發生。 為確保確實如此(您未在行中進行任何更改),請進入Play商店並開啟選單。 跳到“設定”,然後確保將“自動更新應用程式”設定為“僅通過Wi-Fi自動更新”。

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A quick note before we continue: as we talk about restricting background data usage, we want to make it very clear that these restrictions only apply to your mobile data usage; even if you heavily restrict an application it will still function normally when you are on Wi-Fi.

在繼續之前有個簡短的說明:在談論限制後臺資料使用時,我們要非常清楚地表明這些限制僅適用於您的移動資料使用; 即使您嚴格限制了應用程式,當您使用Wi-Fi時,它仍然可以正常執行。

購買您喜歡的應用程式(刪除廣告) (PurchaseYour Favorite Apps (to Remove Ads))

Often, apps well offer a free version with ads, and a paid version that is ad-free. Developers need to eat so you can pay them with ad revenue or cold hard cash. Here’s the thing: ads aren’t just annoying, but they use up data too.These upgrades can cost anywhere from $0.99 to a few bucks, and are easily well worth the cash if you use the app often.

應用程式通常會提供帶有廣告的免費版本和沒有廣告的付費版本。 開發人員需要吃飯,以便您可以用廣告收入或冷現金支付給他們。 事情是這樣的:廣告不僅令人討厭,而且還會消耗資料。 這些升級的費用從0.99美元到幾美元不等,如果您經常使用該應用程式,這無疑是物有所值的。

使用Chrome的資料保護程式 (Use Chrome’s Data Saver)

If you surf the web a lot on your phone, Google Chrome’s “Data Saver” mode can make it less of a blow to your data cap. Basically, it routes all of your traffic through a proxy run by Google that compresses the data before sending it your phone. Basically, this not only results in lower data usage, but also makes pages load faster. It’s a win-win.

如果您經常在手機上上網,那麼Google Chrome的“資料保護程式”模式可以減少對資料上限的打擊。 基本上,它會通過Google執行的代理路由您的所有流量,該代理會在將資料傳送給您的手機之前先對其進行壓縮。 基本上,這不僅導致較低的資料使用量,而且使頁面載入速度更快。 這是雙贏。

You were likely asked to enable Data Saver the first time you loaded Chrome, but if you decided not to do it at the time, you can enable it after the fact by opening Chrome, jumping into Settings > Data Saver, and sliding the toggle to “On”.

您可能會在首次載入Chrome時被要求啟用Data Saver,但是如果您當時決定不啟用Data Saver,則可以在事後啟用它,方法是開啟Chrome,跳到“設定”>“ Data Saver”,然後將切換到“上”。

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快取Google Maps資料 (Cache Google Maps Data)

The best way to avoid sucking down huge chunks of data while you’re out and about (and dependent on cellular data) is to cache it ahead of time when you’re basking in the glory of a wide open Wi-Fi connection.


If you’re using Google Maps for daily navigation or trip planning, you’re sucking down a lot of data. Rather than use the live updating version, you can pre-cache your route (and save a ton of mobile data usage in the process). Next time you’re planning on doing some heavy Maps use, open up Maps when you’re on Wi-Fi, open the menu, and select “Offline areas.” From there, you can either tap “Home” to download maps near your house, or tap “Custom Area” to download maps for any other areasyou’re going to be travelling tosoon.

如果您使用Google Maps進行日常導航或旅行計劃,則會吸取大量資料。 無需使用實時更新版本,您可以預先快取您的路線(並在此過程中節省大量移動資料使用量)。 下次您打算使用大量地圖時,請在使用Wi-Fi時開啟地圖,開啟選單,然後選擇“離線區域”。 在此處,您可以點選“主頁”以下載房屋附近的地圖,或者點選“自定義區域”以下載即將要旅行的任何其他區域的地圖。

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在離線模式下使用流媒體應用 (Use Streaming Apps with Offline Modes)

Many streaming service apps are adding offline modes—modes that allow users to pre-cache data while on Wi-Fi to use when on their cellular data connections. Rdio, Rhapsody, Slacker Radio, and Spotify allhave offline modes to help users avoid hitting their data caps.

許多流服務應用程式都添加了離線模式,這些模式允許使用者在使用Wi-Fi時預先快取資料,以便在進行蜂窩資料連線時使用。 Rdio,Rhapsody,Slacker Radio和Spotify均具有離線模式,以幫助使用者避免達到其資料上限。

資料快取是您的朋友 (Data Caching Is Your Friend)

There are a lot of other areas you can cache data, too. Always be thinking about how you can offload your data usage to Wi-Fi before you’re out and about.

您還可以在許多其他區域中快取資料。 出門在外之前,請務必考慮如何將資料使用量轉移到Wi-Fi。

For example,we know this is so 2003, but there’s something to be said for downloading your music, podcasts, ebooks and other media to your device from the comfort of your home (and Wi-Fi connection).


In addition, don’t use task killers.At this point you shouldn’t be using a task killer in the first place, but if you are, stop now. Not only are they of dubious usefulness (and we strongly recommend against using them), but most task killers will also dump the cache files of applications they are busily killing off—which means when you go to use the app again you’ll need to download the data all over.

此外,請勿使用任務殺手。 在這一點上,您不應該首先使用任務殺手,但是如果您是,請立即停止。 它們不僅有用(我們強烈建議不要使用它們),而且大多數任務殺手還將轉儲正在忙於殺死它們的應用程式的快取檔案,這意味著當您再次使用該應用程式時,您需要全部下載資料。

You can apply a few of our suggestions or all of them depending on your needs and how much you need to curtail your data usage—either way, with a little careful management it’s possible to go from skirting your data-cap every month to saving money by switching to a smaller plan with very little effort.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/140261/how-to-minimize-your-android-data-usage-and-avoid-overage-charges/
