1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >乾式真空泵原理_如何安裝乾式牆錨在牆壁上懸掛重物




If you ever plan to mount something to the wall that’s even remotely heavy, you’ll need to use drywall anchors if a stud isn’t available. Here are the different types of drywall anchors, and how to use each one.

如果您打算將甚至更重的東西安裝到牆上,如果沒有螺柱,則需要使用幹牆錨。 以下是乾式牆錨的不同型別,以及如何使用每一種。

什麼是石膏板錨? (What Exactly Are Drywall Anchors?)

Ideally, you want to hang heavy things from your walls by using the studs as the anchor. However, this isn’t always possible, especially if there’s an exact location you want something hung and there’s not a stud behind it.

理想情況下,您想使用雙頭螺栓作為錨點將重物懸掛在牆上。 但是,這並不總是可能的,特別是如果有一個確切的位置,您想掛東西,並且後面沒有釘子。

Unfortunately, if you were to just drive a screw into drywall, the brittleness of the drywall material wouldn’t allow the threads of the screw to fully bite into the drywall, making the holding strength of the screw pretty weak overall.


This is where drywall anchors can save the day. A drywall anchor goes between the screw and the drywall, biting into the drywall much more effectively than a screw would. Then, you screw into the anchor, so everything stays in place.

這是石膏板錨可以節省一天的地方。 幹牆錨在螺釘和幹牆之間,比螺釘更有效地咬入幹牆。 然後,擰入錨釘,以便一切都保持在原位。

Depending on what you’re hanging or mounting, you may want to use a specific kind of drywall anchor, and there are several to choose from.


你需要什麼 (What You Need)

Before we get started, though, there are a few tools you’ll need, most of which you probably already have:


  • A hammer

  • A power drill and full drill bit set

  • Drywall anchors


Make absolutely sure you get a drill bit set and not just one or two drill bits. You need the different sizes since drywall anchors come in all different shapes and sizes.

絕對要確保您設定了一個鑽頭,而不僅僅是一個或兩個鑽頭。 由於幹牆錨具有各種不同的形狀和尺寸,因此您需要不同的尺寸。

With that all out of the way, let’s get started!


膨脹錨 (Expansion Anchors)

These types of anchors are the most common, and when you think of drywall anchors, you probably think of these. They’re small little plastic anchors that are fairly basic, and you’ll see them included in most shelf kits that you can buy at the store.

這些型別的錨是最常見的,當您想到幹牆錨時,您可能會想到這些。 它們是很小的塑料小錨,非常基本,您會在大多數商店的貨架套件中看到它們,您可以在商店購買。

They’re called expansion anchors because when you drive in the a screw, they expand and push against the drywall in order to bite into it. They’re not the best type to use, since they’re not able to hold a whole lot of weight (maybe 10 to 20 pounds at most), but they’re great for heavier picture frames and small shelves. Anchors will sometimes list the holding strength maximum on the packaging, but if not, it’s best to play it safe and go with a stronger anchor (like the ones discussed below) if you’re unsure.

它們之所以稱為膨脹錨,是因為當您擰入螺釘時,它們會膨脹並推向幹牆以便咬入其中。 它們不是最好的使用型別,因為它們不能承受很大的重量(最多10到20磅),但是它們對於較重的相框和小型架子非常有用。 錨有時會在包裝上列出最大的保持強度,但如果不是這樣,最好在不確定的情況下安全使用並選擇結實的錨(例如下面討論的錨)。

In any case, to use an expansion anchor, start by drilling a hole in the drywall that’s roughly the same diameter as the anchor.


After that, gently hammer the anchor into the wall. This is where you’ll find out of the hole you drilled is either too big or too small. You want the anchor to go in fairly smoothly with a bit of resistance, but you don’t want to be fighting with it to get it to go in.

之後,輕輕將錨釘錘擊入牆壁。 在這裡,您會發現鑽出的Kong太大或太小。 您希望錨點在阻力下相當平穩地進入,但是您不想與它戰鬥以使其進入。

Hammer the anchor in until it’s flush with the wall.


Next, take your screw and begin driving it into the anchor. Make sure to position your shelf (or whatever you’re mounting) up to where you want it and then drive in the screw. However, if you’re just hanging a mirror or a picture frame, you can drive the screw in by itself and hang the mirror afterward. Stop driving when the screw becomes snug.

接下來,擰下螺絲,然後開始將其擰入錨韌體中。 確保將擱板(或要安裝的任何物品)放置在所需位置,然後擰入螺釘。 但是,如果您只是懸掛鏡子或相框,則可以自己擰入螺絲,然後再懸掛鏡子。 當螺絲緊貼時,停止驅動。

This is what the anchor looks like on the other side. As you can see, the anchor expanded quite a bit in order to create a snug fit for the screw.

這是錨在另一側的外觀。 如您所見,為了使螺釘緊密貼合,錨韌體擴充套件了很多。

螺紋錨 (Threaded Anchors)

Sometimes called Zip-Its, threaded anchors are kind of like larger screws. They come with much larger threads than screws do, allowing them to really bite into the drywall and create a pretty nice hold.

有時也稱為Zip-Its,帶螺紋的錨有點像較大的螺釘。 它們帶有比螺絲大得多的螺紋,使它們能夠真正咬入幹牆並形成很好的保持力。

However, they only have a little bit more holding power than expansion anchors, so they should still only be used for light duty applications. However, I thinkthey’re a bit easier to install.

但是,它們的膨脹力僅比膨脹錨小一點,因此它們仍應僅用於輕型應用。 但是,我認為它們安裝起來更容易一些。

Start by drilling a hole about the size of the tip of the threaded anchor. Then, take your power drill and drive the threaded anchor into the drywall just like you would with a normal screw.

首先鑽一個與螺紋錨的尖端大小差不多的Kong。 然後,像使用普通螺釘一樣,用電鑽將帶螺紋的錨釘打入幹牆。

As with the expansion anchor, drive it in until it sits flush with the drywall.


Next, take your screw and drive it into the anchor, stopping when it feels snug. This is what it looks like on the other side. Sometimes the tip will break off entirely, sometimes not.

接下來,擰下螺絲並將其擰入錨固器,直到感覺到緊貼時停止。 這是另一面的樣子。 有時筆尖會完全折斷,有時不會折斷。

莫莉螺栓 (Molly Bolts)

Now we’re getting into the really strong drywall anchors, and these are ones that you can use on pretty much any material—not just drywall. So if you have a concrete wall that you want to mount something on, you can use these to get the job done.

現在,我們進入了真正堅固的乾式牆錨,這些錨可以在幾乎所有材料上使用,而不僅僅是乾式牆。 因此,如果您要在其上安裝混凝土牆,則可以使用它們來完成工作。

Molly bolts are easy to install, but you also need to make sure that you get the right size for the thickness of your wall. You’ll see why in a minute.

莫莉螺栓易於安裝,但您還需要確保獲得適合壁厚的正確尺寸。 一分鐘後,您就會明白為什麼。

To install one of these, drill a hole with the same diameter as the molly bolt. Then hammer it in until it sits flush with the wall. Some molly bolts have teeth on the head that dig into the drywall, so make sure that you hammer it in all the way so that these teeth can do their job.

要安裝其中之一,請鑽一個直徑與莫利螺栓相同的Kong。 然後將其錘入,直至與牆齊平。 有些molly螺栓的頭部上有齒,這些齒會鑽入幹牆,因此請確保將其完全錘打,以使這些齒能夠發揮作用。

Next, unscrew the screw that’s pre-installed onto the molly bolt until it’s completely out.


When you’re ready to mount or hang something, re-install the screw by driving it back in. You’ll feel a little resistance at first, but that’s just the molly bolt mechanism slowly tightening down. Stop when you’re met with even more resistance and snugness.

當您準備安裝或懸掛某些東西時,請通過將其重新擰入來重新安裝該螺釘。開始時您會感到有點阻力,但這只是molly螺栓裝置慢慢擰緊的原因。 當遇到更多的阻力和舒適感時,請停下來。

Here’s what the other side looks like. As you can see, this molly bolt is too big for my 1/2-inch drywall, as those four little wings should be pressed up against the wall in order to create that strong hold. So make sure you get the right size molly bolts when you’re at the store. If you’re unsure, just ask an employee for help.

這是另一面的樣子。 如您所見,對於我的1/2英寸乾式牆來說,該螺栓非常大,因為應該將這四個小翼向上壓靠在牆上,以形成牢固的支撐。 因此,在商店時,請確保獲得正確尺寸的molly螺栓。 如果不確定,請向員工尋求幫助。

撥動螺栓 (Toggle Bolts)

Toggle bolts are pretty much the strongest wall anchors you can buy, but they’re vastly different when it comes to installing them.


First, start by drilling a hole that’s big enough for the toggle to squeeze through when it’s folded down. In most cases, this hole will be large enough for the head of the screw to fall through, so these are really only good for mounting shelves or other items where they can act as a washer of sorts and stop the screw from going all the way through.

首先,首先鑽一個Kong,該Kong足夠大,以使肘節摺疊後能穿過肘節。 在大多數情況下,此Kong的大小足以使螺釘的頭部掉落,因此,這些Kong僅適合於安裝架子或其他可以用作墊圈的物品,並可以阻止螺釘完全穿過通過。

You’ll also want to make sure that you feed the toggle bolt onto the item you’re mounting first by unscrewing the toggle from the screw, feeding the screw through the shelf mounting hole, and then screwing the toggle back on. From there, fold down the toggle and feed it through the hole you drilled in the wall (as pictured above). Once inside the wall, the toggle will spring back open.

您還需要確保先從螺釘上擰下肘節,將螺絲穿過架子安裝Kong,然後再擰回肘節,然後將肘節螺栓饋送到要安裝的物品上。 從那裡向下摺疊肘節開關,並將其穿過您在牆上鑽的Kong(如上圖所示)。 進入牆壁後,肘節將彈回開啟。

From there, begin screwing down the bolt. You’ll need to pull gently on the bolt as you’re screwing it in to prevent the toggle from spinning around with the bolt. You may need a second pair of hands to help you with this.

從那裡開始擰緊螺栓。 擰入螺栓時,您需要輕輕地拉動螺栓,以防止肘節隨螺栓旋轉。 您可能需要另外兩隻手來幫助您。

Tighten it down until it’s snug and you’ll be ready to go. Pictured above is what the other side looks like, and you’ll notice that the toggle is pressed firmly against the drywall to hold the bolt in place.

將其擰緊,直到貼合為止,您就可以開始使用。 上圖是另一面的樣子,您會注意到,將撥動開關牢牢地壓在石膏板上以將螺栓固定到位。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/319669/how-to-install-drywall-anchors-to-hang-heavy-stuff-on-your-walls/
