1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >mac 更改預設中端_如何在Mac上更改預設的Web瀏覽器和電子郵件客戶端

mac 更改預設中端_如何在Mac上更改預設的Web瀏覽器和電子郵件客戶端

mac 更改預設中端

mac 更改預設中端

Changing the default application for most files in OS X is easy. OS X also allows you to choose your default web browser and email client, but these options are hidden in a place you might not expect.

在OS X中更改大多數檔案的預設應用程式很容易。 OS X還允許您選擇預設的Web瀏覽器和電子郵件客戶端,但是這些選項隱藏在您可能不希望看到的地方。

Somebrowsers and email clients mayoffer to automatically become your default when you first launch them, but if they don’t–or if you want to change it later–you’ll have to find OS X’s settings for these.

某些瀏覽器和電子郵件客戶端在首次啟動時可能會提供自動成為您的預設設定的功能,但是如果不這樣做,或者如果您以後想要更改,則必須找到OS X的設定。

如何更改預設的Web瀏覽器 (How to Change Your Default Web Browser)

To change your web browser, you’ll need to use the SystemPreferences window. To open it, click Apple menu > System Preferences.

要更改您的Web瀏覽器,您需要使用“系統偏好設定”視窗。 要開啟它,請單擊蘋果選單>系統偏好設定。

Click the “General” icon at the top left corner of the System Preferences window.


Click the “Default Web Browser” box here and select one of your installed web browsers.


If you don’t see a “Default Web Browser” option here, you’re likely using an older version of Mac OS X. On OS X Mavericks and earlier, the option to change your default web browser is located in Safari’s preferences. Launch the Safari browser and click Safari > Preferences. Click the “Default Web Browser” option under the General tab and select your preferred web browser.

如果在此處看不到“預設Web瀏覽器”選項,則可能是您使用了較舊版本的Mac OSX。在OS X Mavericks及更早版本上,更改預設Web瀏覽器的選項位於Safari的首選項中。 啟動Safari瀏覽器,然後單擊Safari>首選項。 單擊常規選項卡下的“預設Web瀏覽器”選項,然後選擇您喜歡的Web瀏覽器。

選擇您的預設電子郵件客戶端 (ChooseYour Default Email Client)

To change your default email client, you’ll need to open the Mail app included with your Mac and change your default email client from there.Yes, this is a bit weird–you need to use the defaultMail app to change your email client even if you don’t want to use the Mail app for anything else.

要更改預設電子郵件客戶端,您需要開啟Mac隨附的Mail應用程式,然後從此處更改預設電子郵件客戶端。 是的,這有點奇怪-即使您不想將Mail應用程式用於其他用途,也需要使用預設的Mail應用程式來更改電子郵件客戶端。

First, open the Mail app. Ifyou don’t have its icon on your dock, you can press Command+Space to open Spotlight search, type “Mail”, and press Enter. You can also open a Finder window and head to Applications > Mail.

首先,開啟郵件應用程式。 如果在擴充套件塢上沒有其圖示,則可以按Command + Space開啟Spotlight搜尋,鍵入“郵件”,然後按Enter。 您也可以開啟Finder視窗並轉到“應用程式”>“郵件”。

Click Mail > Preferences to open the Mail app’s preferences window.


Click the “Default Email Reader” option on the General tab andselect your preferred email application.


Applications only appear in these lists if they’re installed, so you’ll need to install a web browser or email client before it appears here.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/255932/how-to-change-your-default-web-browser-and-email-client-on-a-mac/

mac 更改預設中端