1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >microsd卡無法讀取_如何從無法讀取的microSD卡中恢復資料?





We have all been there and had a storage device of some kind experience a failure, leaving our precious data at risk. But what do you do when the device in question is a microSD card? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post comes to the rescue for a reader in need.

我們到過那裡並且讓某種型別的儲存裝置發生故障,使我們的寶貴資料處於危險之中。 但是,當所涉及的裝置是microSD卡時,您該怎麼辦? 今天的“超級使用者問答”帖子可為有需要的讀者提供幫助。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“問答”環節由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一個分支,該社群是由社群驅動的Q&A網站分組。

Photo courtesy of Seeweb (Flickr).


問題 (The Question)

SuperUser reader RockPaperLizard wants to know if it is possible to recover data from a microSD card that cannot be read:


I am trying to help a friend who is very concerned that she has just lost all of the data on her 32 GB SanDisk microSD card. I told her I would post this and see if anyone could help.

我正在嘗試幫助一個非常擔心她剛剛丟失32 GB SanDisk microSD卡上的所有資料的朋友。 我告訴她我會發布此訊息,看看是否有人可以提供幫助。

Here are the details:


  1. The microSD card is less than two years old (probably about a year old). The store will take it back, but that does not really help. She wants her data.

    microSD卡的使用期限不到兩年(大約一年)。 商店會收回它,但這並沒有真正的幫助。 她想要她的資料。
  2. She used the card in her Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone for over a month. The phone was never exposed to water or temperature extremes.

    她在三星Galaxy S4智慧手機中使用了該卡超過一個月。 手機從未暴露於水或極端溫度下。
  3. Today, her phone suddenly said something along the lines of: “Your SD card is blank or an unsupported format.

    今天,她的電話突然說了幾句:“ SD卡為空白或不受支援的格式。

  4. Her phone was then unable to read the microSD card at all.


Here is what she has tried:


  1. Rebooting her phone had no effect.

  2. She took the microSD card out and put it inside a full-size SD card adapter, then inserted it into a Windows 7 SP1 computer. The computer did not recognize its presence at all.

    她將microSD卡取出並放入完整尺寸的SD卡介面卡中,然後將其插入Windows 7 SP1計算機中。 計算機根本無法識別它的存在。
  3. She then put the microSD card into a USB 2.0 external card reader and inserted the card reader into a USB port on a Windows 7 SP1 computer. The computer recognized the card reader and installed drivers for it. The card reader shows up as ‘Removable Disk’ in Windows Explorer, but clicking on ‘Removable Disk’ in Windows Explorer results in the error: “Insert disk: Please insert a disk into the Removable Disk.

    然後,她將microSD卡放入USB 2.0外部讀卡器中,然後將讀卡器插入Windows 7 SP1計算機的USB埠中。 計算機識別出讀卡器併為其安裝了驅動程式。 讀卡器在Windows資源管理器中顯示為“可移動磁碟”,但是在Windows資源管理器中單擊“可移動磁碟”會導致錯誤:“插入磁碟:請將磁碟插入可移動磁碟。

  4. After trying #3, she tried opening the ‘Removable Disk’ in FreeCommander. Doing so resulted in the error: “The device is not ready.

    嘗試#3之後,她嘗試在FreeCommander中開啟“可移動磁碟”。 這樣做會導致錯誤:“裝置尚未準備就緒。

She does not have access to a Linux computer, but does have access to her Android phone. What can she do to recover the data from her microSD card?

她無法使用Linux計算機,但可以使用她的Android手機。 她該怎麼做才能從microSD卡中恢復資料?

Is there any hope of recovering the data from this microSD card?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor Bob has the answer for us:


You could try pressing the card together (in case it became a little loose?) and maybe cleaning the contacts with a little bit of Isopropyl alcohol on a swab. But I really would not expect any results, and at best you might manage to read some of the data off of it before it dies again. I would not recommend opening it up under any circumstances. That will not help with recovery at all and it will likely cause further damage.

您可以嘗試將卡按在一起(以防它變得有些鬆動?),並可能用棉籤上的一點異丙醇清潔觸點。 但是我真的不希望有任何結果,充其量您可能會設法從中讀取一些資料,然後再次死亡。 我不建議在任何情況下都將其開啟。 這根本無法幫助恢復,並且可能導致進一步的損壞。

You could also try various alternative readers. If you manage to find one that can at least expose the card as a block device, then you can take an image of the data. While recovering useful data from an image of damaged media is a whole other exercise, it is still better than where you are now.

您也可以嘗試使用各種其他閱讀器。 如果您設法找到至少可以將該卡作為塊裝置公開的卡,則可以拍攝資料影象。 從損壞的媒體映像中恢復有用資料是另一回事,但這仍然比您現在要好。

Sometimes, there just is not anything that can be done. If the data is very important, you could consider professional data recovery services (do they even exist for SD cards?), but they would be very expensive. Otherwise, she might just have to accept the loss and try to recreate what she can.

有時,什麼也做不了。 如果資料非常重要,則可以考慮使用專業的資料恢復服務(SD卡中是否存在這些服務),但是它們的價格非常昂貴。 否則,她可能只需要接受損失並嘗試重新創造自己能做的。

When a storage device becomes physically unreadable, undetectable even, you cannot go through the normal home data recovery steps (take image, scan for what files you can, etc.). With a mechanical drive, at least common failure modes are partial, so you can at least read something. With the nature of NAND storage, I can think of three possibilities:

當儲存裝置在物理上變得不可讀,甚至無法檢測時,您將無法執行正常的家庭資料恢復步驟(拍攝影象,掃描可以找到的檔案等)。 對於機械驅動器,至少常見的故障模式是區域性的,因此您至少可以閱讀一些內容。 藉助NAND儲存的本質,我可以想到三種可能性:

  • You have lost the controller. The flash chip itself might still be readable, but reassembling the data from it will be a long and arduous task. This is not doable at home, and requires expensive, professional tools and expertise. If you had the equipment to solder tiny chips (image & source) and read NAND flash, I suppose you could attempt this yourself, but you are more likely to accidentally destroy it.

    您丟失了控制器。 快閃記憶體晶片本身可能仍然可讀,但是從中重組資料將是一項漫長而艱鉅的任務。 這在家裡不可行,需要昂貴的專業工具和專業知識。 如果您擁有焊接微小晶片(影象原始碼)並讀取NAND快閃記憶體的裝置,我想您可以自己嘗試一下,但是您很可能會不小心破壞它。

  • You have lost the flash chip itself. In this case, I do not think there is anything you or anyone else can do. It would be even harder to recover than a lost controller.

    您已經丟失了快閃記憶體晶片本身。 在這種情況下,我認為您或任何其他人都無法做任何事情。 與丟失的控制器相比,恢復甚至更加困難。
  • The card is physically damaged, but the controller and flash memory are intact. This is probably the best you can hope for. Again, with how small and fragile the card is, there is not much you can do at home, but the chance of professional recovery is far higher.

    卡已物理損壞,但控制器和快閃記憶體完好無損。 這可能是您所希望的最好的。 同樣,由於儲存卡的體積小而易碎,您在家中無能為力,但是專業恢復的機會要高得多。

The problem with all of these is that they require very expensive and still uncertain services to even attempt a recovery. Is the data worth that much?

所有這些的問題在於它們需要非常昂貴且仍然不確定的服務才能嘗試恢復。 資料值那麼多嗎?

Perhaps the best thing to do is to treat this as a lesson on backups. Always have at least one extra copy of any data you cannot afford to lose. The more important it is, the more copies you want, stored separately from each other.

也許最好的辦法是將其視為備份課程。 對於您無法承受的任何資料,請始終至少保留一份額外的副本。 它越重要,您想要的副本就越多,彼此分開儲存。

Special Note: This particular ‘recovery story’ had a happy ending, so make sure to browse on over to the discussion thread linked below to see how things turned out.


Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什麼補充說明嗎? 在評論中聽起來不錯。 是否想從其他精通Stack Exchange的使用者那裡獲得更多答案? 在此處檢視完整的討論執行緒

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/206119/how-do-you-recover-data-from-a-microsd-card-that-cannot-be-read/
