1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >facebook關注的人在_在Facebook緊急情況下如何提供或尋求幫助




Facebook’s Safety Checkis most well known for letting people know you’re safe during an emergency. However, if you’re in the affected area of a disaster and you needhelp or want to offer to help others, you can find people using it, too. Here’s how to find help or volunteer.


在緊急情況下讓人們知道您的安全而聞名。 但是,如果您身處災難的災區,並且需要幫助或想提供幫助其他人,那麼也可以找到使用它的人。 這是尋求幫助或志願者的方法。

Head to the Safety Check sectionon Facebook hereand click on theevent in your area where you need or want to offer help.


Here, you’ll see a map of red and green dots. The red dots indicate someone whoneeds help, while the green dots indicate someone whois offering help.

在這裡,您將看到紅色和綠色點的地圖。 紅點表示需要幫助的人,綠點表示提供幫助的人。

To seek help from someone else, click the Find Help drop down and you’ll see a list of categories like shelter, water, and food. Click one of theseto filter the map results to show only the posts that are relevant to your need.

要尋求其他人的幫助,請單擊“查詢幫助”下拉選單,您會看到諸如住房,水和食物等類別的列表。 單擊其中之一以過濾地圖結果,以僅顯示與您的需求相關的帖子。

On the map, clicka dot near you to see what a person is offering. Then, you can click to see the post where the person is offering help, or send a message to the person directly.

在地圖上,單擊您附近的一個點以檢視某人正在提供什麼。 然後,您可以單擊以檢視該人員正在提供幫助的帖子,或直接向該人員傳送訊息。

If you want to offer help,there are two ways to do it. First, you can click red dots to look forpeople who have already made posts asking for something you can offer. Click the Give Help button tofilter themapusing the same categories as above. You can find people who need food, shelter, transportation, fuel, pet supplies, and othernecessities.

如果您想提供幫助,可以通過兩種方法進行。 首先,您可以單擊紅點以查詢已釋出帖子的人,要求提供您可以提供的東西。 單擊“給予幫助”按鈕以使用與上述相同的類別過濾地圖。 您可以找到需要食物,住所,交通,燃料,寵物用品和其他必需品的人。

When you click on a red dot, you can see who needs help, what they need, andthe general area where they are. You can comment on their post or send a message to connect with them and offer some assistance.

當您單擊一個紅點時,您可以看到誰需要幫助,他們需要什麼以及他們所在的大致領域。 您可以評論他們的帖子或傳送訊息與他們聯絡並提供幫助。

Whether you’re giving help or asking for it, once you’ve chosen a category, you can create your own post.It’s usually a better idea to find an existing post, but if there’s no one offering or asking for the kind of help you need, you can make one.To do so, click Create Post.

無論是提供幫助還是尋求幫助,選擇類別後,您都可以建立自己的帖子。 通常,找到一個現有的帖子是一個更好的主意,但是如果沒有人提供或要求您提供所需的幫助,則可以提出。 這樣做,單擊建立帖子。

A window will appear where you can enter your address (though only your rough location will be shared until you contact someone) and what kind of helpyou need or what you can offer. You canchange the privacy settings on the postif you only want to ask your friends, friends of friends, or the public in general.

將出現一個視窗,您可以在其中輸入您的地址(儘管只有您的大致位置會被共享,直到您與某人聯絡為止),以及需要哪種幫助或可以提供什麼幫助。 如果您只想詢問您的朋友,朋友的朋友或一般公眾,則可以更改資訊的隱私設定。

Whether you’re giving or receiving, Facebook gives you plenty of ways to help out so check the Safety Centerduring or after a disaster to see how you can contribute, or get the help you need.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325097/how-to-offer-or-ask-for-help-during-an-emergency-with-facebook/
