1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >nougat什麼時候釋出的_如何在Android Nougat中管理,自定義和阻止通知

nougat什麼時候釋出的_如何在Android Nougat中管理,自定義和阻止通知




Android 7.0 Nougat made some pretty big improvements to notifications, but there’s one feature that’s gone unsung. Now, youcan easily manipulate an app’s ability to generate notifications directly from the notification shade.

Android 7.0 Nougat對通知進行了相當大的改進,但其中一項功能已不為人知。 現在,您可以輕鬆地操縱應用程式直接從通知欄生成通知的功能。

One of Android’s best features has always been notifications. But as time has gone on and the OS has grown, developers have essentially learned to “abuse” the notification system (whether intentional or not), so Google started giving users more control of which apps could generate notifications in Lollipop. Unfortunately, that process was still several taps deep, and thus more work than many users were willing to put—especially

for multiple apps.

一個Android的最佳功能一直通知。 但是隨著時間的流逝和作業系統的發展,開發人員從本質上已經學會了“濫用”通知系統(無論是否有意使用),因此Google開始讓使用者更好地控制哪些應用可以在Lollipop中生成通知。 不幸的是,該過程仍然需要深入研究,因此工作量超出了許多使用者的意願,尤其是對於多個應用程式。

Ideally, you’d be able to silence or turn off notifications from the offending app’s settings, and you should try that first. However, if the app doesn’t offer the options you want, Nougat offers a second line of defense. In 7.0, Google added quick notification controls that are directly accessible from the shade, as well as more advanced controls in a few different places. Here’s how to get a grip on those notifications once and for all.

理想情況下,您可以靜音或關閉有問題的應用程式設定中的通知,您應該首先嚐試這樣做。 但是,如果應用程式沒有提供您想要的選項,則牛軋糖會提供第二道防線。 在7.0版中,Google添加了可從陰影直接訪問的快速通知控制元件,以及在幾個不同位置的更高階控制元件。 一勞永逸地掌握這些通知的方法如下。

牛軋糖的新內建陰影通知控制元件 (Nougat’s New In-Shade Notification Controls)

So let’s say an app is being particularly annoying. The next time it sends you a notification, find itin the shade, and give it a long-press.

因此,假設某個應用特別煩人。 下次它向您傳送通知時,請在陰影下找到它,然後長按它。


This will open a new menu that give you three options: Show notifications silently, Block all notifications, or Don’t silence or block (this is the default option). If you want to continue to get notifications from this particular app but don’t necessarily want to be alerted every time, the first option is perfect. If you never want to see another notification from the app, use the “block” option.

這將開啟一個新選單,為您提供三個選項:靜默顯示通知,阻止所有通知或不沉默或阻止(這是預設選項)。 如果您想繼續從該特定應用程式獲取通知,但又不想每次都收到警報,則第一種選擇是完美的。 如果您永遠不想從應用程式中看到其他通知,請使用“阻止”選項。


If that’s enough for you, then you’re actually done here. But there’s also a “More settings” button at the bottom, which takes you directly into that app’s more advanced notification settings. This is where you can block all notifications generated by the app, show them silently, control what shows up on the lock screen, or allow the app to override Do Not Disturb settings. It’s also worth mentioning that if you elect to show the notifications silently, you can’t tell it to override Do Not Disturbsettings (because, you know, it can’t override if it doesn’t make a sound).

如果這足以滿足您的要求,那麼實際上您已經在這裡完成了。 但是,底部還有一個“更多設定”按鈕,可直接進入該應用程式的更高階的通知設定。 在這裡,您可以阻止應用程式生成的所有通知,以靜默方式顯示它們,控制鎖定螢幕上顯示的內容,或允許應用程式覆蓋“請勿打擾”設定。 還值得一提的是,如果您選擇靜默顯示通知,則不能告訴它覆蓋“請勿打擾”設定(因為您知道,如果它不發出聲音,則不能覆蓋)。

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That’s it—simple, but super effective.


牛軋糖的實驗性通知設定使粒度更細 (Go Even More Granular with Nougat’sExperimental Notification Settings)

Want even more control? Man, you’re greedy. Thankfully, Google has even more granular controls for you to fiddle with–they’re justtucked away in the secret System UI Tuner.

需要更多控制權嗎? 老兄,你很貪心。 值得慶幸的是,Google提供了更精細的控制元件供您使用-它們只是藏在祕密的System UI Tuner中。

To enable this hidden menu, pull down the notification shade twice, then long-press on the cog icon. When you let go, it will spin around and a little wrench will appear next to it. There will now be a new entry called “System UI Tuner” at the bottom of the Settings menu.

要啟用此隱藏選單,請兩次下拉通知欄,然後長按齒輪圖示。 放開時,它會旋轉並且旁邊會出現一個小扳手。 現在,“設定”選單底部將出現一個名為“系統UI調諧器”的新條目。

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Go ahead and jump into the System UI Tuner, then tap the “Other” option.



The second option in this menu is “Power Notification Controls.” Go ahead and tape on that, then enable the feature by flipping the little toggle.

此選單中的第二個選項是“電源通知控制元件”。 繼續進行錄音,然後通過輕觸小開關啟用該功能。

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These controls are broken down by levels, with five being the most lenient, and zero blocking all notifications:


Level 5


  • Show at the top of the notification list

  • Always full screen interruption

  • Always Peek


Level 4


  • Prevent full screen interruption

  • Always peek


Level 3


  • Prevent full screen interruption

  • Never peek


Level 2


  • Prevent full screen interruption

  • Never peek

  • Never make sound or vibrate


Level 1


  • Prevent full screen interruption

  • Never peek

  • Never make sound or vibrate

  • Hide from lock screen and status bar

  • Show at the bottom of the notification list


Level 0


  • Block all notifications from this app


Like I said, it’s super granular.


Okay, so now that you’ve enabled the feature and know what each level does, how do you actually use it? Well, there is a new option in every app’s setting. So head into Settings > Apps and pick one. In the app’s main “App info” screen, tap the on the “Notifications” option.

好的,既然您已啟用該功能並知道每個級別的功能,那麼您將如何實際使用它? 好吧,每個應用程式的設定中都有一個新選項。 因此,進入設定>應用,然後選擇一個。 在應用程式的主“應用程式資訊”螢幕中,點選“通知”選項上的。


In this menu, you’ll see a slider—this is where those levels from earlier come into play. I currently have Twitter at Level 2, because I don’t want to be interrupted, but I still like to see that I have new notifications. As you cycle through the various levels, new options will show up at the bottom. For example, on Level 0, there are no other options. Why? Because that blocks all notifications. There’s no need for further options.

在此選單中,您將看到一個滑塊-這是較早的那些級別起作用的地方。 我目前在2級擁有Twitter,因為我不想被打擾,但我仍然希望看到我有新的通知。 當您迴圈瀏覽各個級別時,新選項將顯示在底部。 例如,在級別0上,沒有其他選擇。 為什麼? 因為那樣會阻止所有通知。 無需其他選擇。

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On Level 2, however, you can control lock screen notification. Move up to Level 3, however, and the option to Override Do Not Disturb becomes available.

但是,在級別2上,您可以控制鎖定螢幕通知。 但是,升至3級,可以使用“覆蓋請勿打擾”選項。

Here’s the best thing about Power Notification Controls: you don’t have to set it for every app you have installed. In fact, this is really great for apps that you either want to block completely, or for those that you’d like to give priority. All others will continue to operate with the default level. It’s also worth mentioning that once you enable Power Notification Controls, it will be the default option moving forward. So if you long-press a notification to change its settings, you’ll now the get slider instead of the simpler three choice menu.

關於Power Notification Controls,這是最好的事情:您不必為已安裝的每個應用程式都進行設定。 實際上,這對於想要完全阻止或想要優先處理的應用程式非常有用。 所有其他將繼續以預設級別執行。 還值得一提的是,一旦啟用電源通知控制元件,它將成為前進的預設選項。 因此,如果您長按通知以更改其設定,則現在將使用“獲取”滑塊,而不是簡單的三選選單。


Really, what this comes down to is choice. While many users will be completely fine with the stock notification options, some will want more much more granular control over certain apps. Thankfully, Nougat gives you a ton of options.

確實,這歸結為選擇。 儘管許多使用者可以完全使用股票通知選項,但有些使用者希望對某些應用程式進行更精細的控制。 幸運的是,牛軋糖為您提供了很多選擇。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/268943/how-to-use-android-nougats-new-notification-controls/
