1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >計算機一區會議_參加第一次技術會議的建議和技巧




WoC Tech Chat used under CC

This last week Joseph Phillips tweeted that he was going to his first big tech conference and wanted some tips and suggestions. I have a TON of tips, but I know YOU have more, so I retweeted his request and prompted folks to reply. This was well timed as I had just gotten back from OSCON and BUILD, two great conferences.

上週,約瑟夫·菲利普斯(Joseph Phillips)發推文說,他將參加他的第一次大型技術會議,並希望獲得一些提示和建議。 我有很多建議,但我知道您還有更多建議,因此我轉推了他的要求,並提示其他人答覆。 我剛從OSCON和BUILD這兩個很棒的會議回來時,這時機很好。

What suggestions to you offer to someone who is attending their first big tech conference? @2joephillips https://t.co/2HtRs4N6cj

— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)


@ 2joephillips https://t.co/2HtRs4N6cj

— Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) May 15, 2017 2017年5月15日

The resulting thread was fantastic, so I've pulled some of the best recommendations out. As per usual, the Community has some great ideas and you should check them out!

結果執行緒很棒,因此我提出了一些最佳建議。 按照慣例,社群有一些很棒的想法,您應該檢查一下!

  • @saraford - Whenever you get a biz card write down why you met them or what convo was about. It might seem obvious at time but you wont remember at home

    @saraford-每當您獲得商務卡時,記下您遇見他們的原因或最重要的事情。 有時似乎很明顯,但您不會在家記得

  • @arcdigg - Meet people and speakers. Tech is part of your success, but growing your network matters too. Conf can give you both or not. Up to you!

    @arcdigg-與人和演講者會面。 技術是您成功的一部分,但是擴大您的網路也很重要。 Conf可以給你們兩個,也可以不給你們。 由你決定!

  • @marypcbuk - if approaching people is hard for you, just ask 'what do you work on?'


  • @ohhoe - don't be afraid to introduce yrself to people! let them know its yr first conference, often people will introduce you to other people too :)

    @ohhoe-不要害怕向人們介紹自己! 讓他們知道它的第一次會議,通常人們也會向您介紹其他人:)

  • @IrishSQL - connect with a few attendees/speakers online prior to event, and bring plenty of business cards. When u get one, write details on back

    @IrishSQL-在活動開始之前與一些與會者/發言人線上聯絡,並帶來大量名片。 當你得到一個時,在背面寫上細節

  • @arcdigg - Backpack and sneakers beat cute laptop bag and heels (ed: dress comfortably)


  • @scribblingon - You might feel left out & think everyone knows everyone else. Don't be afraid to approach people & talk even if seems random sometimes :) If you liked someone's talk, strike a convo & tell them that!!

    @scribblingon-您可能會感到被排斥,並認為每個人都認識其他人。 即使有時看起來很隨意,也不要害怕與人交談和交談:)如果您喜歡某人的講話,請參加一個會議並告訴他們!

  • @arcdigg - Plan session attendance in advance, have a backup in case the session is full.


  • @jesslynnrose - Reach out to some other folks who are using the hashtag before you get there, events can be cliquey, say hi and make friends before you go!


  • @thelarkinn - Never feel afraid to say hi to maintainers, and speakers!!!! Especially if you want to help!

    @thelarkinn-永遠不要害怕對維護者和發言人打招呼!!! 特別是如果您想提供幫助!

  • @everettharper - Pick 3 ppl you want to meet. Prep 1 Q for each. Go early, find person #1 in the 1st hr before crowds. 1/3 done = momentum for rest of day!

    @everettharper-選擇您想見的3個人。 每個準備1個Q。 早點走,在人群擁擠的第一個小時找到第一個人。 1/3完成=當天剩下的動力!

  • @jorriss - Meet people. Skip sessions. You'll get more from meeting and talking with people then sitting in the sessions. #hallwaytrack

    @jorriss-認識人們。 跳過會議。 通過與人會面和交談,然後參加會議,您將獲得更多。 走廊

  • @stabbycutyou - Leave room in your schedule, Meet people, Eavesdrop on hallway convos, Take notes, Present on them at your job


  • @patrickfoley - Don't forget to sleep. Evidence that long-term memories get "written" then

    @patrickfoley-不要忘記睡覺。 長期記憶被“寫”的證據

  • @david_t_macknet - Drinking will not help you remember it better or have a better time mingling. Most of us are just as introverted & the awkwardness fades.

    @david_t_macknet-喝酒不會幫助您更好地記住它或有更好的時間混合。 我們大多數人內向,尷尬逐漸消退。

  • @carlowahlstedt - Don't feel like you have to go to EVERY session.


  • @davidpine7 - Try your best to NOT be an introvert -- in our industry that can be challenging, but if you put yourself out there...you will not regret it!

    @ davidpine7-盡最大努力不要內向-在我們這個行業中可能會充滿挑戰,但是如果您放任自流...您將不會後悔!

  • @frontvu - Don't rely on the conference wifi


  • @shepherddad - Put snacks in your bag or pocket.


  • @sod1102 - Find out if there will be slides (and even better!) video available post conference, then don't worry about missing stuff and relax & enjoy

    @ sod1102-瞭解釋出會後是否會有幻燈片(甚至更好!)視訊,然後不用擔心缺少的東西,放鬆和享受

  • @rnelson0 - Take notes. Live tweet, carry a notebook, jot it all down at 1am before sleeping, whatever method helps you remember what you did.

    @ rnelson0-做筆記。 直播推文,攜帶筆記本,在睡覺前凌晨1點將其記下來,無論哪種方法都可以幫助您記住自己的所作所為。

  • @hoyto - Sit [at] meal tables with random people and introduce yourself.


  • @_s_hari - Ask speaker when *not* to use product/methodology that they're speaking on. If they cannot explain that, then it's just a marketing session

    @_s_hari- *不*時請說話者使用他們正在說的產品/方法。 如果他們無法解釋,那只是一場營銷會議

  • @EricFishor - Don't be afraid to discreetly leave or enter an on going session. It's up to you to seek out sessions that interest you.

    @EricFishor-不要害怕謹慎離開或參加進行中的會議。 您可以自行決定自己感興趣的會話。

  • @texmandie - If you get to meet and talk to your heroes, don't freak out - they're normal people who happen to do cool stuff


  • @wilbers_ke - Greatest connections happen in the hallways, coffee queue and places with animated humans. Minimize seated conference halls

    @wilbers_ke-最好的聯絡發生在走廊,咖啡佇列和動畫人物的地方。 儘量減少會議廳的座位

  • @CJohnsonO365 - CLEAR YOUR SCHEDULE. Don’t try to get “regular” work done during the conference— you’ll end up missing something important!

    @ CJohnsonO365-清除您的時間表。 不要在會議期間嘗試完成“常規”的工作,否則您將丟失一些重要的東西!

  • @g33konaut - Tweet with the conf hashtag to ask if people wanna meet and talk or hangout after the conference, also follow the hashtag tweets to find ppl. Don't sweat missing a talk, meeting people and talking to them is always better than than seeing a talk. Also the talks are often recorded

    @ g33konaut-在會議結束後使用conf標籤進行鳴叫,詢問人們是否想見面,交談或進行視訊聚會,還請按照標籤鳴叫查詢ppl。 不要錯過演講,結識新朋友並與他們交談總是比看演講要好。 談話也經常被記錄下來

  • @foxdeploy - Who cares about swag, it's all about connections. Meet the people who've helped you over the years and say thanks.

    @foxdeploy-誰在乎贓物,這全都是關於聯絡的。 認識多年來幫助您的人,並說聲謝謝。

  • @jfletch - Ask people which after parties they are attending. Great way to find out about smaller/more interesting events and get yourself invited!

    @jfletch-詢問人們參加聚會之後的人。 瞭解較小/更多有趣事件並邀請自己的好方法!

  • @marxculture - The Law of Two Feet - if you aren't enjoying a session then leave. Go to at least one thing outside your normal sphere.

    @marxculture-兩尺定律-如果您不喜歡參加會議,請離開。 在正常範圍之外做至少一件事。

  • @joshkodroff - Bring work business cards if you're not looking for a job, personal business cards if you are.


  • @benjimawoo - Go to sessions that cover tehnologies you wouldn't otherwise encounter day to day. Techs you don't use in your day job.

    @benjimawoo-參加涉及您日常不會遇到的技術的會議。 您在日常工作中不使用的技術。

Fantastic stuff. You'll get more out of a conference if you say hello, include the "hallway track" in your planning, stay off your phone and laptop, and check out sessions and tech you don't usually work on.

很棒的東西。 如果打個招呼,您會從會議中得到更多收益,在您的計劃中包括“走廊”,遠離手機和膝上型電腦,檢視通常不使用的會議和技術。

What are YOUR suggestions? Sound off in the comments.

您有什麼建議? 在評論中聽起來不錯。

Sponsor: Did you know VSTS can integrate closely with Octopus Deploy? Watch Damian Brady and Brian A. Randell as they show you how to automate deployments from VSTS to Octopus Deploy, and demo the new VSTS Octopus Deploy dashboard widget. Watch now!

贊助商:您知道VSTS可以與Octopus Deploy緊密整合嗎? 觀看Damian Brady和Brian A. Randell演示如何將VSTS的部署自動化到Octopus Deploy,並演示新的VSTS Octopus Deploy儀表板小部件。 立即觀看

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/suggestions-and-tips-for-attending-your-first-tech-conference
