1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >冒名頂替上大學羅彩霞_你明白了! 您瞭解基本知識。 你是一個學習者。 加上冒名頂替者手冊...

冒名頂替上大學羅彩霞_你明白了! 您瞭解基本知識。 你是一個學習者。 加上冒名頂替者手冊...



Sometimes we all get overwhelmed. There's a million (no irony there) reasons to be overwhelmed today, to be sure. I got an email from a community member who was feeling like they hadn't kept up on the latest tech. Of course, anything you learn today will be obsolete tomorrow, right? I'm overwhelmed thinking of it!

有時候,我們所有人都不知所措。 可以肯定的是,今天有一百萬人(沒有諷刺意味)被壓倒。 我收到了一封來自社群成員的電子郵件,他們感到他們沒有跟上最新技術的發展。 當然,今天學到的東西明天都會過時的,對嗎? 我不知所措!

I wrote a little thread about this on Twitter and I wanted to expand on it here.


A brief thread for my developer friends who have 10-15-20 years in the game. Maybe you're a dev who's been keeping up and fresh on the latest since jump, or maybe you've been using the same reliable framework for your whole career.


— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)

對於在遊戲中擁有10-15-20年經驗的開發者朋友的簡短介紹。 也許您是一名開發人員,自從跳轉以來就一直保持最新知識,或者您在整個職業生涯中一直使用相同的可靠框架。 pic.twitter.com/H228QRmlTr

-Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) January 26, 2018 2018年1月26日

Maybe you're a dev who's been keeping up and fresh on the latest since jump, or maybe you've been using the same reliable framework for your whole career.


It can be totally overwhelming when you "wake up" and look around and notice that you don't know NOUN.js or ASPNET 10 or the like. You feel like it's over, and you've missed the boat. I want to encourage you. You're a developer! You have a good base to build on!

當您“醒來”並四處張望時,會發現您根本不瞭解NOUN.js或ASPNET 10等。 您感覺已經結束,並且錯過了船。 我想鼓勵你。 您是開發人員! 您有良好的基礎可以建立!

You may not know today's JavaScript/Java/C# but you DO know JavaScript/Java/C#. Yes, the Internet moved your cheese while you were sleeping, but you DID grow. When talking to employers, emphasize the base of knowledge you bring. Frameworks come and go. Fundamentals remain.

您可能不知道今天JavaScript / Java / C#,但您確實知道JavaScript / Java / C#。 是的,網際網路在您睡覺時移動了您的乳酪,但您卻在成長。 與僱主交談時,強調您帶來的知識基礎。 框架來來去去。 基本面仍然存在。

I really recommend Rob Conery's "The Imposter's Handbook" as a great way to reinforce those fundamentals and core concepts.Rob has been programming for years but without a CS degree. This book is about all the things he learned and all the gaps that got filled in while he was overwhelmed.

我真的推薦Rob Conery的《冒名頂替者手冊》 作為強化這些基礎知識和核心概念的好方法。Rob從事程式設計已有多年,但沒有CS學歷。 這本書講述了他學到的所有東西,以及他不知所措時填補的所有空白。

Yes this is a squishy blog post, but sometimes that's what's needed. You are smart, you are capable. Look at the replies to the twitter thread and you'll see you are not alone. Your job as a programmer is to be the figure-outer.

是的,這是一個骯髒的部落格文章,但是有時候這是需要的。 你很聰明,你有能力。 檢視對twitter執行緒的答覆,您會發現自己並不孤單。 您作為程式設計師的工作是當面的人物

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贊助者釋放更快的Python ! 藉助適用於Python的英特爾®發行版,在未來的未來英特爾®平臺上增強應用程式效能。 適用於Windows,Linux和macOS。 立即獲取適用於Python的英特爾®發行版!

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/you-got-this-you-know-the-fundamentals-you-are-a-learner-plus-the-imposters-handbook
