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Surface Book 2開發人員印象和USB-C的魔力

Surface Book 2 15"

I recently got a updated laptop for work, a 15" Surface Book 2. It's quickly become my go-to machine, and I'm often finding myself using it more than my main desktop machine.

我最近買了一部更新的工作用膝上型電腦,一部15英寸的Surface Book2 。它很快成為我的首選機器,而且我發現自己使用它的次數要多於桌上型電腦。

I considered myself reasonably familiar with the Surface product line as I bought a Surface Pro 3 a few years back for myself (not a work machine), but I am genuinely impressed with this Surface Book 2 - and that surprised me.

幾年前我為自己(不是工作機器)購買了Surface Pro 3時,我認為自己對Surface產品系列相當熟悉,但是這本Surface Book 2確實給我留下了深刻的印象,這讓我感到驚訝。

Here's a random list of a tips, tricks, things I didn't realize, and general feelings about the 15" Surface Book 2.

這是隨機列出的技巧,竅門,我沒有意識到的事情以及有關15英寸Surface Book 2的一般感覺。

NICE尺寸為15英寸 (15" is a NICE size)

After years of "Ultrabooks" I missed an actual high-powered desktop replacement laptop. It's just 4.2 lbs and it doesn't feel unwieldy at all.

經過多年的“超極本”,我錯過了一款真正的高效能桌上型電腦替代膝上型電腦。 它只有4.2磅,一點也不覺得笨拙。

有兩個Surface Connect埠 (There are TWO Surface Connect ports)

Legit had no idea. You can charge and dock the tablet part alone.

合法不知道。 您可以單獨為平板電腦部件充電和對接。

有一個標準尺寸的SD卡讀卡器和一個3.5毫米耳機插Kong (There's a full sized SD card reader and a 3.5mm headphone jack)

Which sadly is more than I can say for my iPhone 8+.

可悲的是,這比我為iPhone 8+所能說的還多。

再次擁有15英寸的螢幕讓我想知道您的11英寸MacBook Air員工如何集中精力。 (Having a 15" screen again makes me wonder how you 11" MacBook Air people can even concentrate.)

3240 x 2160, (260 PPI) is a weird resolution to be sure, but it's a hell of a lot of pixels. It's a 15" retina display.

可以肯定,3240 x 2160(260 PPI)是一個怪異的解析度,但是它卻要塞很多畫素。 這是15英寸的視網膜顯示屏。

Windows中的高解析度問題90%處理過恕我直言 (The high resolution issues in Windows are 90% handled IMHO)

I wrote about how running any DPI greater than 96dpi on Windows has historically sucked back in 2014, but literally every little Windows Update and Office update improves it. Only the oldest apps I run have any real issues. Even WinForms has been updated to support HighDPI so I have zero HighDPI issues in my daily life in 2018.

我曾寫過一篇關於如何在Windows上執行大於96dpi的DPI的歷史記錄,該記錄在2014年就已被吸收,但實際上每個Windows Update和Office更新都會對其進行改進。 只有我執行的最舊的應用程式才有任何實際問題。 甚至WinForms也已更新為支援HighDPI,因此我在2018年的日常生活中遇到了零個HighDPI問題。

更多的RAM總是很好,但是16 gigs是今天的最佳選擇。 (More RAM is always nice, but 16 gigs is today's sweet spot.)

I have had zero RAM issues, and I'm running Kubernetes and lots of Docker containers along size VS, VS Code, Outlook, Office, Edge, Chrome, etc. Not one memory issue.

我的RAM問題為零,我正在執行Kubernetes和許多VS,VS Code,Outlook,Office,Edge,Chrome等大小的Docker容器。不是一個記憶體問題。

3.84 GHz or more

電池壽命和管理方式更好 (Battery Life and Management is WAY better)

Power Mode Slider

Battery Life on my Surface Pro 3 was "fine." You know? Fine. It wasn't amazing. Maybe 4-6 hours depending. However, the new Battery Slider on Windows 10 Creators Edition really makes simple and measurable difference. You can see the CPU GHz and brightness ratchet up and down. I set it to Best battery life and it'll go 8+ hours easy. CPU will hang out around 0.85 GHz and I can type all day at 40% brightness. Then I want to compile, I pull it up to bursts of 3.95 Ghz and take care of business.

Surface Pro 3的電池壽命很長。 你懂? 精細。 這並不奇怪。 可能需要4-6個小時。 但是,Windows 10 Creators Edition上的新Battery Slider確實帶來了簡單而可衡量的差異。 您可以看到CPU GHz和亮度上升和下降。 我將其設定為“最佳電池壽命”,它將輕鬆執行8個多小時。 CPU將在0.85 GHz附近閒逛,我可以整天以40%的亮度打字。 然後我要編譯,將其提升到3.95 Ghz的峰值並處理業務。

高清攝像機FTW (HD Camera FTW)

Having a 1080p front facing camera makes Skype/Zoom/etc calls excellent. I even used the default Camera app today during an on-stage presentation and someone later commented on how clear the camera was.

擁有1080p前置攝像頭可使Skype / Zoom /等通話效果出色。 今天,我甚至在舞臺上的演示中使用了預設的“相機”應用程式,後來有人評論了相機的清晰度。

USB-C-我不敢相信,但這確實是有用的 (USB-C - I didn't believe it, but it's really a useful thing)

Honestly, I wasn't feeling the hype around USB-C "one connector to rule them all," but today I was going to pull out some HDMI and Ethernet dongles here at the Webstock Conferences in New Zealand and they mentioned that all day they'd been using a Dell USB-C dock. I plugged in one cable - I didn't even use my Surface Power Brick - and got HDMI, a USB hub, Ethernet *and* power going back into the SurfaceBook. I think a solution like this will/should become standard for conferences. It was absolutely brilliant.

老實說,我並沒有感覺到USB-C的“一個聯結器可以統治所有人”的炒作,但是今天我要在紐西蘭的Webstock大會上拔出一些HDMI和乙太網加密狗,他們整天都提到一直在使用Dell USB-C擴充套件塢。 我插入了一根電纜-我什至沒有用過Surface Power Brick-並把HDMI,USB集線器,乙太網*和*電源重新插入了SurfaceBook。 我認為這樣的解決方案將/將成為會議的標準。 絕對很棒。

I have read some about concerns about charging the Surface Book 2 (and other laptops with USB-C) and there's a reddit thread with some detail. The follow says the Apple USB-C charger he bought charges the SurfaceBook at 72% of the speed of the primary charger. My takeaway is, ok, the included charger will always charge fastest, but this work not only work in a pinch, but it's a perfectly reasonable desk-bound or presenter solution. Just as my iPhone will charge - slowly - with aftermarket USB chargers. If you're interested in the gritty details, you can read about a conversation that the Surface has with an Apple Charger over USB as they negotiate how much power to give and take. Nutshell, USB-C chargers that can do 60W will work but 90+W are ideal - and the Dell Dock handles this well which makes it a great flexible solution for conferences.

我已經讀過一些有關為Surface Book 2(以及其他帶有USB-C的膝上型電腦)充電的擔憂,並且有一個reddit執行緒提供了一些細節。 追隨者說,他購買的Apple USB-C充電器以主充電器速度的72%為SurfaceBook充電。 我的要點是,好的,隨附的充電器將始終以最快的速度充電,但是這項工作不僅可以在緊要關頭工作,而且是一種非常合理的桌上型電腦或演示者解決方案。 就像我的iPhone使用售後USB充電器緩慢充電一樣。 如果您對具體細節感興趣,可以閱讀有關Surface與USB上的Apple Charger進行對話的資訊,因為他們會協商要提供多少電量。 果殼式USB-C充電器可以工作60W,但90W以上是理想的-Dell Dock可以很好地處理這一問題,這使其成為會議的一種非常靈活的解決方案。

Also worth pointing out that there wasn't any perceptible "driver install" step. I got all the Dell Dock's benefits just by plugging it in at the conference. Note that I use a Surface Dock (the original/only one?) at home. In fact, the same Surface Dock I got for my personal Surface Pro 3 is in use by my new Surface Book 2. Presumably it doesn't output the full 95W that the Surface Book 2 can use, but in daily 10+ hour use it's been a non issue. There's articles about how you can theoretically drain a Surface Book 2's batteries if you're using more power than it's getting from a power supply, but I haven't had that level of sustained power usage. Haven't needed to give it a thought.

還值得指出的是,沒有任何可察覺的“驅動程式安裝”步驟。 只需將其插入會議中,我就可以獲得Dell Dock的所有好處。 請注意,我在家使用Surface Dock(原來的/只有一個?)。 實際上,我的新Surface Book 2使用的是與我的個人Surface Pro 3相同的Surface Dock。大概不會輸出Surface Book 2可以使用的全部95W,但是每天使用10多個小時,不是一個問題。 有幾篇文章介紹了理論上,如果您使用的Surface Power消耗的電量超過了從電源獲得的電量,那麼從理論上講該如何為Surface Book 2的電池供電,但是我還沒有達到這樣的水平。 不需要思考。

i7的NVidia 1060具有6 GB的RAM,因此您可以安裝GeForce並在Discrete GPU上執行應用程式 (The i7 has a NVidia 1060 with 6 gigs of RAM, so you can install GeForce and run apps on the Discrete GPU)

You can go in and control which apps run on which GPU (for power savings, or graphical power) or you can right click an app and Run on NVidia.


You can control which GPU on a program by program basis

or right click any app:


Right Click | Run with Graphics Processor

它具有內建的Xbox無線介面卡 (It has an Xbox Wireless Adapter built in)

I got this for work, so it's not a gaming machine...BUT it's got that NVidia 1060 GPU and I just discovered there's an Xbox Wireless Adapter built-in. I thought this was just Bluetooth, but it's some magical low-latency thing. You can buy the $25 USB Xbox Wireless Adapter for your PC and use all your Xbox controllers with it - BUT it's built-in, so handled. What this means for me as a road warrior is that I can throw an Xbox Controller into my bag and play Xbox Play Anywhere games in my hotel.

我上班了,所以它不是遊戲機……但是它有NVidia 1060 GPU,我才發現有內建的Xbox無線介面卡。 我以為這只是藍芽,但這是一些神奇的低延遲事物。 您可以為PC購買25美元的USB Xbox無線介面卡,然後將其與所有Xbox控制器一起使用-但它是內建的,因此可以處理。 作為公路戰士,這對我來說意味著可以將Xbox控制器放入包中,然後在酒店玩Xbox Play Anywhere遊戲。

結論 (Conclusion)

All in all, I've had no issues with the Surface Book 2, given I stay on the released software (no Windows 10 Insiders Fast on this machine). It runs 2 external monitors (3 if you count its 15" display) and both compiles fast and plays games well.

總而言之,考慮到我仍然使用釋出的軟體(這臺計算機上沒有Windows 10 Insiders Fast),Surface Book 2沒有任何問題。 它執行2臺外接顯示器(如果算上15英寸的顯示器,則為3臺),並且都可以快速編譯並且可以很好地玩遊戲。

Sponsor: Get the latest JetBrains Rider for debugging third-party .NET code, Smart Step Into, more debugger improvements, C# Interactive, new project wizard, and formatting code in columns.

贊助商:獲取最新的JetBrains Rider,用於除錯第三方.NET程式碼,Smart Step Into,更多偵錯程式改進,C#Interactive,新專案嚮導以及列中的格式程式碼。

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/surface-book-2-developer-impressions-and-the-magic-of-usbc