1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >xbox360遊戲下載_完成的樂趣-通過Xbox向後相容性探索舊遊戲




Star Wars: KOTOR

One of the reasons I end up using my Xbox more than any of my other consoles is its support for Backwards Compatibility. Backwards Compat is so extraordinary that I did an entire episode of my podcast on the topic with one of the creators.

我最終使用Xbox比其他任何控制檯都要多的原因之一是它對向後相容性的支援。 Backwards Compat非常出色,以至於我與一位創作者一起完成了


The general idea is that an Xbox should be able to play Xbox games. Let's take that even further - Today's Xbox should be able to play today's Xbox games AND yesterday's...all the way back to the beginning. One more step further, shall well? Today's Xbox should be able to play all Xbox games from every console generation and they'll look better than you imagined them!

一般的想法是Xbox應該能夠玩Xbox遊戲。 讓我們更進一步-今天的Xbox應該可以玩今天的Xbox遊戲,而昨天...可以一直玩到一開始。 再邁一步,好嗎? 今天的Xbox應該能夠玩每一代遊戲機上的所有Xbox遊戲,並且它們的外觀將比您想象的要好!

The Xbox One X can take 720p games and upscale them to 4k, use higher quality textures, and some games like Final Fantasy XIII have even been fully remastered but you still use the original disc! I would challenge you to play the original Red Dead Redemption on an Xbox One X and not think it was a current generation game. I recently popped in a copy of Splinter Cell: Conviction and it automatically loaded a 5-year-old save game from the cloud and I was on my way. I played Star Wars: KOTOR - an original Xbox game - and it looks amazing.

Xbox One X可以拍攝720p遊戲並將其升級到4k,使用更高質量的紋理,並且某些遊戲(如《最終幻想XIII》)甚至已經完全重製,但您仍使用原始光碟! 我會挑戰您在Xbox One X上播放原始的《荒野大鏢客:救贖》,而不認為這是當前的遊戲。 我最近彈出了《分裂細胞:信念》(Splinter Cell:Conviction)的副本,它自動從雲中載入了一個已有5年曆史的儲存遊戲,我在路上。 我玩過《星球大戰:KOTOR》-一個原始的Xbox遊戲-它看起來很棒。

Red Dead Redemption

A little vacation combined with a lot of backwards compatibility has me actually FINISHING games again. I've picked up a ton of games this week and finally had that joy of finishing them. Each game I started up that had a save game found me picking up 60% to 80% into the game. Maybe I got stuck, perhaps I didn't have enough time. Who knows? But I finished. Most of these finishings were just 3 to 5 hours of pushing from my current (old, original) save games.

一個小長假了很多向後相容的結合有我居然再次終結比賽。 這個星期我拾起了很多比賽,最後開心地完成了比賽。 我啟動的每個具有儲存遊戲的遊戲都發現我在遊戲中獲得60%到80%的收入。 也許我被困住了,也許我沒有足夠的時間。 誰知道? 但是我完成了。 從我當前(舊的,原始的)儲存遊戲開始,大多數完成這些任務僅需要3到5個小時。

  • Crysis 2 - An Xbox 360 game that now works on an Xbox One X. I was halfway through and finished it up in a few days.

    孤島危機2-現在可以在Xbox One X上執行的Xbox 360遊戲。我已經完成了一半,並在幾天內完成了它。

  • Crysis 3 - Of course I had to go to the local retro game trader and pick up a copy for $5 and bang through it. Crysis is a great trilogy.

    孤島危機3-當然,我不得不去當地的復古遊戲商人那裡,花5美元買一個副本,然後翻開。 孤島危機是一部偉大的三部曲。

  • Dishonored - I found a copy in my garage while cleaning. Turns out I had a save game in the Xbox cloud since 2013. I started right from where I left off. It's so funny to see a December 2018 save game next to a 2013 save game.

    丟面子-清潔時我在車庫裡發現了一個副本。 事實證明,自2013年以來,我在Xbox雲中有了一個儲存遊戲。我從停下來的地方開始。 看到2018年12月的儲存遊戲緊接著2013年的儲存遊戲真是太有趣了。

  • Alan Wake - Kind of a Twin Peaks type story, or a Stephen King with a flashlight and a gun. Gorgeous game, and very innovative for the time.

    艾倫·威克( Alan Wake) -一種雙峰峰的故事,或者是帶手電筒和槍支的史蒂芬·金。 華麗的遊戲,並且在當時非常具有創新性。

  • Mirror's Edge - Deceptively simple graphics that look perfect on 4k. This isn't just upsampling, to be clear. It's magic.

    Mirror's Edge-看似簡單的圖形,在4k上看起來很完美。 要清楚的是,這不僅僅是取樣。 這是魔法。

  • Metro 2033 - Deep story and a lot of world building. Oddly I finished Metro: Last Light a few months back but never did the original.

    《地鐵2033年》-故事深刻,世界大廈眾多。 奇怪的是,幾個月前,我完成了《地鐵:最後的光芒》,但從未完成原作。

  • Sunset Overdrive - It's so much better than Jet Set Radio Future. This game has a ton of personality and they recorded ALL the lines twice with a male and female voice. I spoke to the voiceover artist for the female character on Twitter and I really think her performance is extraordinary. I had so much fun with this game that now the 11 year old is starting it up. An under-respected classic.

    日落過載-它比Jet Set Radio Future好得多。 這款遊戲具有大量個性,他們用男性和女性的聲音兩次錄製了所有臺詞。 我在Twitter上與女配音員交談過,我真的認為她的表現非常出色。 我對這款遊戲充滿了樂趣,以至於11歲的孩子開始玩它。 一個不受歡迎的經典。

  • Gears of War Ultimate - This is actually the complete Gears series. I was over halfway through all of these but never finished. Gears are those games where you play for a while and end up pausing and googling "how many chapters in gears of war." They are long games. I ended up finishing on the easiest difficulty. I want a story and I want some fun but I'm not interested in punishment.

    戰爭機器Ultimate-實際上是完整的Gears系列。 我已經完成了所有這些工作,但從未完成。 Gears是那些您玩了一段時間並最終暫停和搜尋“戰爭裝備中的章節”的遊戲。 他們是漫長的比賽。 我最終完成了最簡單的難度。 我想要一個故事,我想要一些樂趣,但是我對懲罰不感興趣。

  • Shadow Complex - Also surprisingly long, I apparently (per my save game) gave up with just an hour to go. I guess I didn't realize how close I was to the end?

    Shadow Complex-同樣令人驚訝的是,很長一段時間,我顯然(根據我的儲存遊戲)只花了一個小時就放棄了。 我想我沒有意識到自己到底有多接近?

I'm having a blast (while the spouse and kids sleep, in some cases) finishing up these games. I realize I'm not actually accomplishing anything but the psychic weight of the unfinished is being lifted in some cases. I don't play a lot of multiplayer games as I enjoy a story. I read a ton of books and watch a lot of movies, so I look for a tale when I'm playing video games. They are interactive books and movies for me with a complete story arc. I love it when the credits role. A great single player game with a built-up universe is as satisfying (or more so) as finishing a good book.

我正在爆炸(在某些情況下,配偶和孩子睡覺時)完成這些遊戲。 我意識到我實際上並沒有完成任何事情,但是在某些情況下,未完成者心理負擔正在提高。 我喜歡一個故事,所以不會玩很多多人遊戲。 我看了很多,看了很多電影,所以我在玩電子遊戲時會尋找一個故事。 對我而言,它們是具有完整故事情節的互動式書籍和電影。 我喜歡當功勞的角色。 一款出色的單人遊戲,擁有豐富的宇宙,就像完成一本好書一樣令人滿意(或更多)。

What are you playing this holiday season? What have you rediscovered due to Backwards Compatibility?

這個假期你在玩什麼? 由於向後相容性,您重新發現了什麼?

Sponsor: Preview the latest JetBrains Rider with its Assembly Explorer, Git Submodules, SQL language injections, integrated performance profiler and more advanced Unity support.

贊助商:預覽最新的JetBrains Rider,包括其Assembly Explorer,Git子模組,SQL語言注入,整合的效能分析器以及更高階的Unity支援。

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-fun-of-finishing-exploring-old-games-with-xbox-backwards-compatibility
