1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >開源中國 開源世界2019_開源人工胰腺病將在2019年成為糖尿病的新護理標準

開源中國 開源世界2019_開源人工胰腺病將在2019年成為糖尿病的新護理標準

開源中國 開源世界2019

開源中國 開源世界2019

Loop is an open source pancreas for iPhone

I've been a Type 1 diabetic for over 25 years. Diabetes sucks. They actually give you an award for staying alive for years on insulin. Diabetics don't usually die of old age, they die of heart disease or stroke, kidney failure, and while they're at it they may go blind, get nerve damage, amputation, and a bunch of other stuff. It used to be a death sentence but when insulin was introduced as a treatment in 1921, there was a chance for something new.

我已經成為25歲以上的1型糖尿病患者。 糖尿病很爛。 實際上,他們因在胰島素上存活數年而獲得獎勵。 糖尿病患者通常不會死於老年,而是死於心臟病或中風,腎臟衰竭,而在這種情況下,他們可能會失明,受到神經損傷,截肢和其他一些疾病。 它曾經是一個死刑判決,但是在1921年採用胰島素作為治療方法時,就有了一些新的機會。

The idea is if you keep your blood sugars close to normal - if you can simulate your non-working pancreas - you'll get hit by an ice cream truck! At least, that's how I hope I go. :)

這個想法是,如果您的血糖保持在正常水平-如果您可以模擬不工作的胰腺-您會被冰淇淋車撞到! 至少,這就是我希望我去的方式。 :)

  • Early on it was boiling big gauge steel needles and pork insulin to dose, and peeing on a stick to get a sense of sugar levels.

  • Then it was a dozen finger pricks a day and a half dozens manual shots with a syringe.

  • Then it was inserted continuous glucose meters and insulin pumps that - while not automatic - mean less invasive treatment and greater control.


Today, we are closing the loop. What's the loop? It's this:

今天,我們正在結束迴圈。 什麼迴圈? 是這樣的:

  1. Consider my glucose levels, what I'm about to eat, and what I'm about to to (and dozens of other environmental factors)

  2. Dose myself with insulin

  3. GOTO 1. Every few hours, or every few minutes, depending on the situation.


I do that. Manually. Every diabetic does, and the mental pressure - the intense background psychic weight of it all - is overwhelming. We want to lower the cognitive load of diabetes. This is a disease where you may not live as long if you're not good at math. Literally. That's unfair.

我做到了手動。 每一位糖尿病患者都這樣做,而且精神壓力-包括所有背景因素在內的強烈心理壓力-勢不可擋。 我們想降低糖尿病的認知負擔。 如果您不擅長數學,那麼您可能無法長壽。 從字面上看。 這不公平。

The community is "looping" by allowing an algorithm to make some of those decisions for me.


I've personally been looping with an open source artificial pancreas for over two years. It's night and day from where I started with finger sticks and a half dozen needle sticks a day. It's not perfect, it's not automatic, but Open Source Pancreas are "Tesla autopilot for diabetes." It doesn't always park the car right or stop at every stop light, but it works very hard to keep me in-between the lines and going straight ahead and now that I have it, I can't imagine living without it.

我個人使用開放源人造胰腺已有兩年多了。 從那天開始的黑夜開始,我每天都用手指棒和六根針棒。 它不是完美的,不是自動的,但是開源胰腺是“特斯拉糖尿病自動駕駛儀”。 它並不總是將汽車停在正確的位置或在每個停車燈處停下,但它很難使我保持在直線之間並一直向前行駛,而現在有了它,我無法想象沒有它。

I sleep through the night while my Loop makes tiny adjustments every five minutes to keep my sugars as flat as possible. I don't know about you but my pancreas sits on my nightstand.

我整夜不眠,而Loop則每隔五分鐘進行一些微調,以使糖分儘可能平整。 我不認識你,但我的胰腺坐在我的床頭櫃上。

它正在發生並且無法停止 (It's happening and it can't be stopped)

Great article, Scott. You've accurately captured the frustration I've felt since my 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with T1D nine months ago. She also wears a pump and CGM and bravely performs the ritual you demonstrate in your video every three days. The technology is so retro it's embarrassing.

Seven years ago I wrote about The Sad State of Diabetes Technology in 2012. Three years ago The Promising State of Diabetes Technology in 2016 and last year The Extremely Promising State of Diabetes Technology in 2018. There's a great comment from the first blog post in 2012 where Howard Loop shared his frustration with the state of things. Unlike most commenters on the Internet, amazingly Howard took action and started the Tidepool Organization! Everything in his comment from 7 years ago is happening.

七年前,我寫了2012年的《糖尿病技術的悲傷狀態》 。 三年前,《 2016年糖尿病技術的發展前景》和去年《 2018年糖尿病技術的發展前景》 。 2012年第一篇部落格文章中有一個很好的評論,霍華德·洛普(Howard Loop)分享了他對事物狀態的沮喪。 與Internet上大多數評論員不同,霍華德驚奇地採取了行動,成立了Tidepool Organization ! 他7年前的評論中的所有事情都在發生。

It's 2019 and things are really looking up. The open source DIY diabetes community is thriving. There are SEVERAL open pancreas systems to choose from and there's constant innovation happening with OpenAPS and Loop/LoopKit.

現在是2019年,情況真的在好轉。 開源DIY糖尿病社群正在蓬勃發展。 有數種開放式胰腺系統可供選擇, OpenAPSLoop / LoopKit不斷創新。

  • OpenAPS runs on devices like Raspberry Pi Zeros and is a self-contained pancreas with the communications and brain/algorithm all on the main device.

    OpenAPS在Raspberry Pi Zeros之類的裝置上執行,並且是一個獨立的胰腺,所有主要裝置上均具有通訊和大腦/演算法。
  • Loop runs on an iPhone and uses a "RileyLink" devices that bridges the RF (Radio Frequency) insulin pump communications with modern Bluetooth.

    Loop在iPhone上執行,並使用“ RileyLink”裝置將RF(射頻)胰島素泵通訊與現代藍芽橋接起來。

The first bad part is I am running a 15 year old out of warranty cracked insulin pump I bought on Craigslist. Most new pumps are locked down, and my old pump is the last version that supported remote control. However, the Loop open source project announced support for a second pump this week, the OmniPod Eros. This is the first time an "in warranty" pump has been supported and it also proves the larger point made by the diabetes community. We Are Not Waiting. We want open choice and open data and open choices that put us in control.

第一個壞處是我正在使用我在Craigslist上購買的15年保修保修破裂的胰島素泵。 大多數新泵都被鎖定,而我的舊泵是支援遠端控制的最新版本。 但是,Loop開源專案宣佈本週將支援第二個泵OmniPod Eros。 這是首次支援“保修期內”的泵,這也證明了糖尿病社群的更大觀點。 我們不等。 我們想要開放的選擇,開放的資料和開放的選擇,使我們能夠掌控一切。

Read about the history of Loop by original developer Nate Racklyeft. As he points out, a thing like Loop or OpenAPS is the result of a thousand little steps and innovation by countless community members who are so generous with their time.

閱讀有關原始開發人員Nate Racklyeft的Loop歷史。 正如他指出的那樣,Loop或OpenAPS之類的東西是無數的社群成員一千個小步驟和創新的結果,他們對時間如此慷慨。

The first system to run it was a Raspberry Pi; the code was a series of plugins, written with the help of Chris Hannemann, to the openaps toolkit developed by Ben West in collaboration with Dana Lewis and Scott Leibrand. I’m still in awe of the elegant premise in Ben’s design: a system of repeatable, recordable, and extendable transform commands, all backed by Git. The central plugin of the toolkit is decocare: Ben’s 5-year magnum opus, a reverse-engineered protocol of the Minimed Carelink USB radio to command insulin pumps.

執行它的第一個系統是Raspberry Pi。 程式碼是一系列外掛,用的幫助書面克里斯Hannemann的,到openaps工具包所開發奔西合作達納·劉易斯和斯科特Leibrand 。 我仍然對Ben設計中的優雅前提感到敬畏:可重複,可記錄和可擴充套件的轉換命令系統,均由Git支援。 該工具包的核心外掛是decocare :Ben的5年瓶裝作品,Minimed Carelink USB無線電的反向工程協議,用於命令胰島素泵。

There's an amazing write up by Pete Schwamb, one of the core members of the community who works on Loop full time now, on how Software Defined Radios have allowed the community to "sniff" the communication protocols of insulin pumps in the RF spectrum and reverse engineer the communications for the Medtronic and now Omnipod Eros Insulin Pumps. It's a fascinating read that really illustrates how you just need the right people and a good cause and you can do anything.

社群的核心成員之一,現在全職從事Loop的Pete Schwamb撰寫了一篇驚人的文章,內容涉及軟體定義的無線電如何使社群“嗅探”胰島素泵在RF頻譜中的通訊協議並反向為Medtronic和現在的Omnipod Eros胰島素泵設計通訊。 這是一本引人入勝的讀物,真正說明了您如何需要合適的人選和良好的事業,並且您可以做任何事情。

You can watch my video presentation "Solving Diabetes with an Open Source Artificial Pancreas" where I offer an overview of the problem, a number solutions offered over the year, and two open source pancreas options in the form of LoopKit and OpenAPS.


The community members and organizations like Tidepool and the Nightscout Foundation are working with the FDA to take projects and concepts like an open source pancreas system from a threat based on years of frustration to a bright future based on mutual collaboration!

潮汐池( Tidepool)Nightscout基金會等社群成員和組織正在與FDA合作,以實施諸如開源胰腺系統之類的專案和概念,從基於多年挫折的威脅到基於相互合作的美好未來!

In March, 2018, the FDA announced a de novo iCGM (integrated CGM) designation. A de novo designation is the FDA process for creating new device classifications, in this case moving qualifying CGMs from Class-III, the highest FDA risk classification, to Class-II with Special Controls. The first CGM to get this designation is the Dexcom G6.

2018年3月, FDA宣佈了從頭iCGM (整合CGM)的稱號。 從頭命名是FDA建立新裝置分類的過程,在這種情況下,將合格的CGM從FDA風險最高的III類轉移到具有特殊控制的II類。 第一個獲得此稱號的CGM是Dexcom G6。

Diabetic Xbox Avatar

Imagine a future where someone could buy a supported and in-warranty "iPump," download an officially supported app or package, and start looping! We could have world of open and interoperable devices and swappable algorithms.

想象未來,有人可以購買受支援且保修期內的“ iPump”,下載受官方支援的應用或程式包,然後開始迴圈播放! 我們可能擁有開放和可互操作的裝置以及可交換演算法的世界。

In October of 2018 the non-profit Tidepool organization announced its intent to deliver the Loop app as a supported and FDA-regulated mobile app in the Apple App Store! This is happening, people but we are just getting started.

在2018年10月,非營利性Tidepool組織宣佈了其打算在Apple App Store中提供Loop應用程式作為受支援且受FDA監管的移動應用程式的意圖! 發生這種情況的人,但是我們才剛剛開始。

To learn more, start reading.


Also, if you're diabetic, consider buying a Nightscout Xbox Avatar accessory so you can see yourself represented while you game!

另外,如果您患有糖尿病,可以考慮購買Nightscout Xbox Avatar配件,以便在遊戲時能看到自己的身影

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發起人:是否對軟體錯誤缺乏明確的瞭解? 通過Raygun.com進行錯誤監視,為您的客戶提供應有的期望和期望的體驗。 幾分鐘即可安裝,立即嘗試!

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/open-source-artificial-pancreases-will-become-the-new-standard-of-care-for-diabetes-in-2019

開源中國 開源世界2019