1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >synology nfs_Synology DS1520 +是家庭NAS和私有云的最佳選擇

synology nfs_Synology DS1520 +是家庭NAS和私有云的最佳選擇

synology nfs

synology nfs


It's great to have a home server - it's a little slice of the cloud, in your home. I like home servers because while I trust the cloud, I trust a computer I can touch about 1% more than someone else's computer.

擁有家庭伺服器真是太好了–它只是您家中的一小部分雲。 我喜歡家庭伺服器,因為在我信任雲的同時,我信任一臺計算機,與別人的計算機相比,我的接觸能力可以高出約1%。

NOTE: When I review gadgets and products, I often use Amazon Affiliate Links. I donate the small amount I make from you using these links, Dear Reader, to my kids' charter school. Thanks for using and clicking these links to support!

注意:檢視小工具和產品時,我經常使用Amazon Affiliate Links。 親愛的讀者,我使用這些連結從您那裡賺了少量錢,捐給了我的孩子的特許學校。 感謝您使用並點選以下連結以獲取支援!

Anyway, my Synology DS1511+ is about ten years old and it's working great but I am using it more and more and throwing more and more at it. It did have some challenges running a Minecraft Server recently, on top of all its other responsibilities.

無論如何,我的Synology DS1511 +已有十多年的歷史了,並且執行良好,但是我越來越多地使用它,並且對它的投擲越來越多。 除其他職責外,最近在執行Minecraft Server時確實遇到了一些挑戰。

I use Seagate 2TB disks and I run 4 of them in the 5 bay device, with a fifth drive as a hot spare. If a drive goes bad - which happens about every 2 to 3 years - the Synology will rebuild with the spare, then I pull the dead drive. I have two additional 2TB unopened Seagate Drives ready to go, so when this happens it's as close to a non-event as possible.

我使用Seagate 2TB磁碟,並在5托架裝置中執行其中4個磁碟,並使用第五個驅動器作為熱備用磁碟。 如果驅動器發生故障(大約每2到3年發生一次),Synology將使用備用驅動器進行重建,然後我將失效的驅動器拔出。 我還有另外兩個未開啟的2TB希捷硬碟可以使用,因此發生這種情況時,它儘可能接近非事件。

Synology is amazing

I have every digital photo and digital video and family document we've created since 1998. I've also got local backups of my Gmail from hanselman.com which goes back to before Gmail started when I was running my own POP3 mail server. It's all easily less than 5TB. Remember also that Google Takeout can get you Zips of all your data! Back. It. All. Up!

我擁有1998年以來建立的每張數碼照片,數碼視訊和家庭檔案。我還從hanselman.com獲得了Gmail的本地備份,備份可以追溯到執行我自己的POP3郵件伺服器時Gmail啟動之前的時間。 全部都小於5TB。 還請記住, Google Takeout可以讓您將所有資料打包! 背部。 它。 所有。 向上!

Twenty years of photographs

Fast forward to today and Synology came out with the Synology 5 Bay NAS DiskStation DS1520+. It's basically a ten year's newer clone of my 1511+ workhorse, updated and refreshed! It's WAY faster. It was immediately noticeable on startup. File access is faster, indexing is faster, my Docker images start faster.

時至今日,Synology推出了Synology 5 Bay NAS DiskStation DS1520 + 。 從本質上講,這是我的1511+主力馬的十年更新版本,已經過更新和重新整理! 它的速度更快。 在啟動時立即值得注意。 檔案訪問更快,索引建立更快,我的Docker映像啟動更快。

Now, a little more money would get you a 6 bay NAS and just $150 will get you a 2 bay, but I love the size and power of a 5 bay for our home and my office. Four disks are for my array and 1 is that hot swap drive. I think that for small businesses or home offices five bays is the perfect size and price - about $600-700 USD.

現在,多花些錢可以得到一個6托架的NAS,而僅需150美元就可以讓您獲得2托架的空間,但是我喜歡我們的家和辦公室的5托架的大小和功能。 我的陣列有四個磁碟,而那個熱插拔驅動器是1個磁碟。 我認為對於小型企業或家庭辦公室,五個托架是理想的大小和價格-大約600-700美元。

The Synology 1520+ has 4 GbE network ports (which is nice with Link Aggregation in a busy house), supports two eSATA externals (I use one to backup the backup to a single disk, as I believe in the Backup Rule of Three and you should, too!) and works with any SATA drives, 2.5" or 3.5". One of the big reasons that attracted me to this update is that there's slots for 2 x M.2 2280 NVMe SSDs for caching. I put a 512G M.2 drive in there to accelerate file system access.

Synology 1520+具有4 GbE網路埠(與忙碌的房屋中的Link Aggregation配合使用),支援兩個eSATA外部裝置(我相信一個可以將備份備份到單個磁碟,因為我相信“三個備份規則” ,您呢?應該也可以!),並且可以與任何2.5英寸或3.5英寸SATA驅動器一起使用。 吸引我進行此更新的主要原因之一是有2個M.2 2280 NVMe SSD快取插槽。 我在其中放置了512G M.2驅動器,以加速檔案系統訪問。

5 Drives in a Synology

If you want, you can have up to 15 drives using two DX517 drive expanders up to 240TB, but with just 4 slots and large drives like Seagate Ironwolf drives in the 10TB to 18TB range, storage is really a non-issue. I use Seagate 2TB drives because they're plentiful and like $50. We treat it like a massive infinite local disk in the house that everyone can talk to. We named it SERVER, so it's just \\SERVsynoER for everyone.

如果需要,您可以使用兩個高達240TB的DX517驅動器擴充套件器最多配置15個驅動器,但是隻有4個插槽以及大型驅動器(如Seagate Ironwolf驅動器)在10TB至18TB的範圍內,因此,儲存確實不是問題。 我使用Seagate 2TB驅動器,因為它們容量足夠大,而且要50美元。 我們將其視為房子中每個人都可以交談的巨大無限本地磁碟。 我們將其命名為SERVER,因此對所有人來說都是\\ SERVsynoER 。

The Synology OS software is deep and broad and runs entirely in your browser. You'll figure it out very quickly as it's all windows and wizards. I am a fan of the Cloud Sync feature that I use to backup my Google Drive, Dropbox, and One Drive. Again, this is a level of paranoia, but damned if I'm gonna get locked out of my own data.

Synology OS軟體功能廣泛,可在您的瀏覽器中完全執行。 您將很快發現所有的視窗和嚮導。 我是Cloud Sync功能的粉絲,該功能用於備份Google Drive,Dropbox和One Drive。 再次,這是一個偏執狂,但如果我將自己的資料鎖定在外,那該死的。

Synology Cloud Sync

The Synology HyperBackup goes in any direction using whatever cloud and whatever tools you are familiar with. You want Rsync? Cool. Want to backup to Azure or AWS? Cool.

Synology HyperBackup使用您熟悉的雲和工具可以朝任何方向發展。 您想要Rsync嗎? 涼。 是否要備份到Azure或AWS? 涼。

Backup to Azure from a Synology

I was concerned that migrating would be hard or involved basically starting over from scratch, but since I was moving between two models in the same family (I was moving from a 1511+ to a 1520+, even 10 years later) It was literally just move the drives in order and boot up. Took 10 minutes. For movement between device families or to new drives there's at least three good options.

我擔心遷移會很困難,或者基本上要從頭開始進行遷移,但是由於我是在同一個家族的兩個模型之間移動(即使十年後,我也從1511+遷移到1520+)。按順序移動驅動器並啟動。 花了10分鐘。 對於在裝置系列之間移動或到新驅動器的移動,至少有三個不錯的選擇

It was actually scarily simple, given there's ten years of history here. I moved the drives (maintaining order) and booted up the new 1520+ and was greeted with this screen:

考慮到這裡已有十年的歷史,這實際上非常簡單。 我移動了驅動器(維護順序)並啟動了新的1520+,並看到以下螢幕:

Migrate your Synology

I clicked Migrate twice and was all set.



If you are migrating and upgrading, I'd be sure to read the section on HDD Migration and look closely at the table, considering your Source and Destination NAS models.

如果您要遷移和升級,請務必考慮到Source和Destination NAS型號閱讀有關HDD遷移的部分並仔細檢視該表

So far this new Synology is WAY snappier, runs Docker faster, can run Virtual Machines now (although in 8 gigs, only small utility ones), and the SSD cache has made browsing family photos whip fast. All in all, it feels like a 10 year refresh BUT it's the same size.

到目前為止,這種新的Synology是WAY快照程式,可以更快地執行Docker,現在可以執行虛擬機器(儘管只有8個演出,只有小型實用程式),並且SSD快取使瀏覽家庭照片的速度更快。 總而言之,感覺就像是十年更新,但是大小一樣。

SSD Cache in a Synology

My home NAS is sitting quietly on a shelf in my office. The kids and spouse are having their PCs backed up in the background, family photos and DVD backups are all available easily (and there are Synology iPhone apps as well to view the files).

我的家庭NAS安靜地坐在辦公室的架子上。 孩子和配偶都在後臺備份了他們的PC,家庭照片和DVD備份都可以輕鬆獲得(還有Synology iPhone應用程式也可以檢視檔案)。

Synology devices specifically - and home NAS devices generally - are a great addition to techie homes. There's a bunch of 1st and 3rd party packages you can run on it to make it as much or little a part of your Home IT setup as you like. It can run DHCP and DNS, iTunes Servers, Mail, Chat Servers, or even their own web-based Office clients. Take a look at the Synology 1520+ if you're in the market for a home or business NAS. I'm looking forward to another 10 years with this NAS.

特別是Synology裝置(通常是家庭NAS裝置)是技術家庭的重要補充。 您可以執行一堆第一方和第三方軟體包,以根據需要將其作為家庭IT設定的一部分或大部分。 它可以執行DHCP和DNS,iTunes Server,郵件,聊天伺服器,甚至是他們自己的基於Web的Office客戶端。 如果您正在家用或商用NAS市場上,請看一下Synology 1520+ 。 我期待這款NAS再過十年。

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發起人:是否對軟體錯誤缺乏明確的瞭解? 通過Raygun.com進行錯誤監視,為您的客戶提供應有的期望和期望的體驗。 幾分鐘即可安裝,立即嘗試!

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/synology-ds1520-is-the-sweet-spot-for-a-home-nas-and-a-private-cloud

synology nfs