1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >黑馬旅遊網技術棧_成為技術旅遊者




Passport Pages by daimoneklund used under CC Tara and we were marveling that in in 1997 15% of Americans had Passports. However, even now less than half do. Consider where the US is physically located. It's isolated in a hemisphere with just Canada and Mexico as neighbors. In parts of Europe a 30 minute drive will find three or four languages, while I can't get to Chipotle in 30 minutes where I live.
交談時,我們感到驚訝的是,在1997年,有15%的美國人擁有護照。 但是,即使現在還不到一半。 考慮一下美國的地理位置。 它被隔離在一個半球,僅加拿大和墨西哥為鄰國。 在歐洲部分地區,開車30分鐘即可找到三種或四種語言,而我住的地方30分鐘內無法到達Chipotle。

A friend who got a passport and went overseas at age 40 came back and told me "it was mind-blowing. There's billions of people who will never live here...and don't want to...and that's OK. It was so useful for me to see other people's worlds and learn that."


I could tease my friend for their awakening. I could say a lot of things. But for a moment consider the context of someone geographically isolated learning - being reminded - that someone can and will live their whole life and never need or want to see your world.

我可以逗我的朋友喚醒他們。 我可以說很多話。 但是有一刻,請考慮某人在地理上孤立的學習的背景-被提醒-某人可以並且將一生都生活,並且永遠不需要或不想看到您的世界。

Travel of any kind opens eyes.


Now apply this to technology. I'm a Microsoft technologist today but I've done Java and Mainframes at Nike, Pascal and Linux at Intel, and C and C++ in embedded systems as a consultant. It's fortunate that my technology upbringing has been wide-reaching and steeped in diverse and hybrid systems, but that doesn't negate someone else's bubble. But if I'm going to speak on tech then I need to have a wide perspective. I need to visit other (tech) cultures and see how they live.

現在將此應用於技術。 我今天是微軟的技術專家,但我曾在Nike擔任過Java和Mainframes,在Intel擔任過Pascal和Linux,並在嵌入式系統中擔任過C和C ++的顧問。 幸運的是,我的技術培訓涉及面廣,並深入到了多樣化和混合的系統中,但這並沒有消除別人的泡沫。 但是,如果我要講技術,那麼我需要有廣闊的視野。 我需要參觀其他(科技)文化,看看它們如何生活。

You may work for Microsoft, Google, or Lil' Debbie Snack Cakes but just like you should consider getting a passport, you should absolutely visit other (tech) cultures. Travel will make you more well-rounded. Embrace the ever-changing wonders of the world and of technology. Go to their meet-ups, visit their virtual conferences, follow people outside your space, try to build their open source software, learn a foreign (programming) language. They may not want or need to visit yours, but you'll be a better and more well-rounded person when you return home if you're chose to be technology tourist.

您可能會為Microsoft,Google或Lil'Debbie Snack Cakes工作,但就像您應該考慮獲得護照一樣,您絕對應該訪問其他(技術)文化。 旅行將使您更加全面。 擁抱世界和技術不斷變化的奇蹟。 參加他們的聚會,參觀他們的虛擬會議,關注您空間之外的人們,嘗試構建他們的開源軟體,學習外語(程式語言)。 他們可能不想或不需要拜訪您的人,但是如果您選擇去科技旅遊,那麼當您回到家時,您將成為一個更好,更全面的人。

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關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/be-a-technology-tourist
