1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >什麼是計算,Windows,Linux,Google中的使用者?


User is an entity that has the right to use some resources, applications, equipment, process, or system. Operating systems and applications generally have users to authorize and authenticate their actions. Also, users are used to storing data personally in a private area like Home or Users.

User是有權使用某些資源,應用程式,裝置,過程或系統的實體。 作業系統和應用程式通常讓使用者授權並驗證其操作。 而且,使用者習慣於將資料個人儲存在諸如“家”或“使用者”之類的私有區域中。

Linux使用者 (Linux Users)

Linux is an operating system and it has users to use the system resources via the operating system. Linux has root user which has Administrator rights to change everything in Linux.

Linux是一個作業系統,它使使用者可以通過作業系統使用系統資源。 Linux具有root使用者,該使用者具有管理員許可權,可以更改Linux中的所有內容。

根使用者 (root User)

root user files are stored in the /root path where the only root can access these files and folders.


root User
root User

普通使用者(Normal User)

A normal Linux user may have whatever name he wants except root. In this case, we can see the user ismail home directory with the ls


普通Linux使用者可以使用root以外的其他任何名稱。 在這種情況下,我們可以使用ls命令檢視使用者ismail主目錄。

Normal User
Normal User

Windows使用者(Windows User)

Windows operating systems have also users for resources management. Administrator is the highest level user where other users may have the same level of rights as some action. With modern Windows operating systems like Windows 10, the Administrator-level users are created after installation and no Administrator user is created by default. Below we can see that İsmail Baydan is the Administrator user. We can use net user command with the user name to list user information from the command line like below.

Windows作業系統也具有用於資源管理的使用者。 Administrator是最高級別的使用者,其他使用者可能具有與某些操作相同的許可權。 對於Windows 10等現代Windows作業系統,安裝後將建立管理員級別的使用者,並且預設情況下不會建立任何管理員使用者。 在下面我們可以看到İsmail Baydan是管理員使用者。 我們可以使用net user命令和使用者名稱來從命令列中列出使用者資訊,如下所示。

Windows User
Windows User

Windows User directories are stored in the system partition where Windows is installed. This is generally the first partition of the system named C:\Users directory like below.

Windows使用者目錄儲存在安裝Windows的系統分割槽中。 通常,這是名為C:\Users目錄的系統的第一個分割槽,如下所示。

Windows Users
Windows Users

Google使用者(Google User)

Google users are used to login and store private information for all Google services like Search, Youtube, Gmail, Google Drive, Contacts, Android etc. As we can see below there is a lot of information about a Google User like

Google使用者用於登入和儲存所有Google服務(如Search, Youtube, Gmail, Google Drive, Contacts, Android等)的私人資訊。如下所示,有關Google使用者的許多資訊,例如

  • Privacy&Personalization

  • SecurityAccount Storage

  • Payment

  • People&Sharing

Google User
Google User
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翻譯自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-user-in-computing-windows-linux-google/