1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何下載和安裝Windows Essentials?

如何下載和安裝Windows Essentials?

Microsoft provides a lot of tools for Windows users to make their daily life better. Windows Essentials are designed to install these tools easily with just a simple few clicks. In this tutorial, we will learn how to download and install Windows Essentials for Windows Operating systems.

Microsoft為Windows使用者提供了許多工具,以改善他們的日常生活。 Windows Essentials設計為只需單擊幾下即可輕鬆安裝這些工具。 在本教程中,我們將學習如何下載和安裝Windows Essentials for Windows作業系統。

什麼是Windows Essentials? (What Are Windows Essentials?)

As stated previously Windows Essentials is a suite that will provide easy installation for a group of tools like below. Currently, Windows Essentials are only provided for the Windows 7 operating system. So We can not install Windows 10 but all the tools are provided separately for the Windows 10 operating system.

如前所述, Windows Essentials是一套套件,可以輕鬆安裝以下一組工具。 當前,僅Windows 7作業系統提供Wi​​ndows Essentials。 因此,我們無法安裝Windows 10,但所有工具都是針對Windows 10作業系統單獨提供的。

  • Photo Gallery

  • Movie Maker

  • Mail

  • Messenger

  • Writer

  • OneDrive


下載Windows Essentials(Download Windows Essentials)

Windows Essentials support ended on January 10, 2017, which means it can not be provided by the Microsoft officially. So wen can download it from Archive.org as an executable file. The size of the Microsoft Windows Live Essentials 2012 is about 131MB. Use the following link to navigate to the download page.

Windows Essentials支援於2017年1月10日終止,這意味著Microsoft不能正式提供它。 因此,wen可以將其作為可執行檔案從Archive.org下載。 Microsoft Windows Live Essentials 2012的大小約為131MB。 使用以下連結導航到下載頁面。



Download Windows Essentials
Download Windows Essentials
下載Windows Essentials

安裝Windows Essentials (Install Windows Essentials)

We click to the downloaded file named wlsetup-all.exe file which will ask for Administrative rights with the following User Account Control screen. We will provide right by clicking Yes.

我們單擊下載的檔案wlsetup-all.exe ,該檔案將在下面的“使用者帳戶控制”螢幕上詢問管理許可權。 我們將通過單擊Yes提供權利。


The following screen will ask us a question about if we want to install all the tools or install only some of them by selecting.


  • Install all of Windows Essentials will install all tools Messenger, Photo Gallery, Movie Maker, Mail, Writer, Family Safety, Microsoft One Drive, and Outlook Connector Pack.

    Install all of Windows Essentials將安裝所有工具Messenger,照片庫,Movie Maker,郵件,作家,家庭安全,Microsoft One Drive和Outlook Connector Pack。

  • Choose the Programs You Want To Install will provide a list where we will select the tools we want to install. We click this option.

    Choose the Programs You Want To Install將提供一個列表,我們將在其中選擇要安裝的工具。 我們單擊此選項。

Windows Essentials Select Installation Type Full or Selection
Windows Essentials Select Installation Type Full or Selection
Windows Essentials選擇完整安裝型別或選擇

In the following screen, we will select the tools we want to install with these checkboxes. In this example, we do not change the current selection which will install all of them.

在以下螢幕中,我們將使用這些複選框選擇要安裝的工具。 在此示例中,我們不更改將安裝所有選項的當前選擇。

Select Windows Essentials Programs To Install
Select Windows Essentials Programs To Install
選擇要安裝的Windows Essentials程式

During the installation, we will see the following dialog box. The tools will be downloaded and installed automatically without any user interaction.

在安裝過程中,我們將看到以下對話方塊。 這些工具將自動下載並安裝,無需任何使用者互動。

Installation of Windows Essentials
Installation of Windows Essentials
Windows Essentials的安裝

When the installation is completed successfully we will see a screen like below.


We will also see a Service Agreement like below where we can accept by click Accept.

我們還將看到如下所示的Service Agreement ,我們可以通過單擊Accept

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翻譯自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-download-and-install-windows-essentials/